Caught Off-Guard: Your Plane Seatmate Overprepares for the Worst. How Do You React? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “You get on a plane and find your seat next to this person. What do you do?”
    A prayer of gratitude that he won’t talk to me or invade my space.

  2. Sit next to passenger masked and gloved and eye shades.

    Be grateful that person will leave me alone and respect his/her privacy and hope that person doesn’t suffer some psychotic episode. And enjoy my flight.

  3. If I’m sitting next a paranoid sheeple like that I cough loudly a couple of times just to raises their Anxiety for the rest of the flight.

  4. That article about the concession workers is just awful. Not the topic, the reporting. It mentions that there are different reasons for the concession workers wanting to try to unionize but only goes into one of the reasons. So… the other reasons don’t matter? And the stupid quote is the icing on the cake. Are we truly to believe that the majority of the people are primarily concerned with having multiple months off in a row? That seems wildly improbable.

  5. Interesting dichotomy on the top story between people with empathy who are pleased not to have to interact with the person and those devoid of empathy who show their sociopathy towards others.

  6. Double catered? Don’t make me laugh.

    On Sunday night (8/25), AA 471 PHL-PBI was stuck at the gate for 2-3/4 hours with pax loaded and ready to go because the catering truck “broke down”. No attempt by AA Operations or Gate Gourmet to find another catering truck to service the plane. And we were told by crew that it was illegal for the flight to go without catering, because there needed to be food and water for the pax on the flight under federal law.

    And what did we get, when the wonderful catering truck arrived and put what they needed on the front and back galleys of the plane? One pack of Biscoff cookies and a glass of soda or water. Shortage of ice for the drinks..

    Another epic FAIL by AA Operations.

  7. @george N Romey – people that are still “petrified” of COVID are deluded drama queens and deserve whatever ridicule they get. If you REALLY have some health issue where you can’t catch a disease by associating with the public (COVID is only one) then Stay home

  8. “You get on a plane and find your seat next to this person. What do you do?” Be thankful he isn’t huge and hope he understands the ‘middle seat gets two armrests” rule.

  9. In that first picture, the guy has his coat hanging on the seat, which isn’t fair to those behind him.

  10. I’ll never understand the mentality of people that feel they need to antagonize fearful, weak, fragile or seemingly overly cautious. That might be sigma, but it’s not alpha.

  11. Or this person is in the middle of chemotherapy treatments and is trying to get home. Can’t we just calm down and leave people alone. As long as my fellow traveler is not bothering me or invading my space, let them be.

  12. That guy is the ideal seatmate. Won’t gab my ear off about some dumb crap, isn’t morbidly obese and stealing my space, and doesn’t have a “””””service animal””””” aka $20 amazon vest for their horribly behaved mutt. If I could sit next to that guy on all my flights, I’d be happy as a clam.

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