Delta First Class Passenger Grinds Snacks Into The Floor, Steals AirPods From Seatmate

A Delta Air Lines first class passenger snapped a photo of the floor at their seat during a flight from Detroit to Phoenix, describing the man sitting next to them as “a hot mess.”

  • He had spilled all of his snacks.
  • Instead of cleaning them up, he “ground them into the carpet with his tennis shoes.”
  • He also left 3 newspapers shoved into the seat back pocket in front of him.

Worst first class passenger
byu/Thecondor101 indelta

It gets much worse, and I wonder whether it’s surprising that a passenger who disrespects the airline’s property in this way would also disrespect another passenger’s property?

Halfway into the flight, the passenger discovered that his AirPods were gone. They had been sitting on the armrest between the two passengers.

At that moment, snack spilling passenger was in the lavatory. Perhaps he’d knocked them off getting up to go to the bathroom? The alarm you can trigger to find your AirPods wasn’t producing a sound. Then he hit it again when the passenger returned. The man’s coat alarmed.

He looked shocked and I said “I think that’s coming from your coat”. He said he thought they were his and did show me his AirPods from his other pocket. His were like 3 generations ago…

Theft during travel happens all the time. A former Miss USA stole noise cancelling headphones. I’ve even reported on a ring of thieves stealing from passenger bags in the overhead bin. And an Emirates flight attendant even stole from passengers who weren’t holding onto their wallets.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Don’t trust anyone on a plane. Keep everything locked up and with you at all times. If you have to go to the rest room don’t leave anything out of value take it with you the the rest room.

  2. A passenger in first-class doesn’t necessarily have any better manners or training than one in economy. Being able to afford a first-class ticket means nothing about a person’s character.

  3. Finally, a good reason to ban a bad person from Delta and every other airline. Do airlines share bad actor lists?

  4. It is possible this guy was just having a bad day and had no ill intentions. We can’t always know what other people are going though. It’s also possible this guy deserves all the other comments.

  5. First class cabin really unimportant to this story….there was certainly nothing first class about that behavior!

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