Delta First Class Passenger “Had A Poop Accident” Cabin Demands Flight Attendant Clean It Up

On Thursday, a Delta Air Lines first class passenger “had a poop accident” that “caused an incredibly foul odor throughout the cabin.” The passenger did not clean it up, and others up front wanted the flight attendant to do it.

Another first class customer sitting in first class approached the crewmember “and told her that it was not her job.”

Was on a poop flight – great FA
byu/manateefourmation indelta

Like when hotel housekeeping finds blood in a room, they shouldn’t just handle it themselves. Fecal matter can contain hazards, so where the source details are unknown they should be handled with proper containment procedures on the ground. Whether or not the odor requires diverting is up to the captain. Here they did not think so. Coffee grounds are one way to mask the smell in the meantime.

Maybe the Delta pilot is just used to incidents like this at this point?

The American Airlines position, by the way, is that when this happens on your flight you aren’t due compensation for the experience.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. For an elite, premium first-class travel experience that you can share with other discerning guests, please consider Delta Airlines.

  2. Cleaning up fecal matter is not the job of the FA. Sure the smell is awful for everyone but it would be worse I’d the FA got something that couldn’t be cured. This is best handled by hazmat folk.

  3. I was a passenger that had eaten dinner the night before that gave me food poisoning. I though everything was out of my system and was returning home from south Florida. I was in the aisle seat 8C. As we were climbing, I got this urge and had a brief mental debate – do I sit here or bolt for the lavatory. I ran up hill to the lavatory. Bottom line, there was no hazmat situation. Had I remained seated, the hazmat folks would have been needed. About 15 minutes into the flight, the flight attendant knocked on the door to check on me.

  4. So was the flight diverted so the proper personnel could handle the feces & odor?

  5. domestic airlines in the United States are the worst. International flight attendants clean the bathroom after every single passenger goes to the bathroom at least in business class not sure what happens in coach, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same. It’s such a shame that I have to do anything I can not to fly USA, domestic Airlines, because the foreign airlines were so much better

  6. Seems like it should be the passenger who made the mess who cleans it up. How is this even in question? Are people really this shameless? You shit all over the place and expect others to clean it up? This world sucks so hard right now.

  7. Maybe airlines will have to go to handing out adult diapers to passengers getting on. Also at check in you are made aware of items that cannot be brought. Maybe that would be a good time to tell passengers to not go to restaurants that will give them food poisoning and to tell them the benefits of over the counter Imodium and generic versions of it (loperamide). I have used loperamide proactively for a problem the day before. This is not medical advice. Do your own research before deciding to use loperamide and consult your doctor if you need to.

  8. When flying on Delta Air Lines, if every passenger packed 3.3 ounces of Phoof Odor Eliminator in their carryon when a premium first-class passenger has a poop accident, you could use the coffee grounds to brew a delicious premium beverage.

    As advertised on the Pooph website:

    “Pooph™ takes “stink” out of the equation — completely and permanently dismantling odors on a molecular level. Unlike enzymatic formulas that work slowly and leave odors behind, Pooph™ works instantly to eliminate odors at the source — so there is no stink OR fragrance… when you use Pooph™, it’s as if the odor was never there! And as amazingly powerful as it is, Pooph™ is safe for people, pets and the planet!

    Phoof Instantly dismantles odors on a molecular level — so they never return!
    Eliminates odors that cause pets to urinate in the same spot over and over
    Fragrance-free (non-sensitizing), No VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or HAPs (Hazardous Air Pollutants)
    Safe for people, pets, plants, and the planet
    Clear, Odorless, Non-staining
    Works instantly”

  9. Wow – I guess I should have been wearing a hazmat suit when changing my kids diapers all those years and even when on aircraft; disinfectant spray, bleach ??? I guess if it was explosive in nature and sprayed about the cabin, fellow air travelers and all it may warrant deep cleaning. I am surprised this does not happen more often.

  10. I know companies that employ people who are trained and paid extra to do this stuff on the ground. This is a bio hazard.

  11. Mary Knight, shut up Karen. Go have another Manhattan and keep your mouth shut.
    It should be sprayed with whatever disinfectant they have on board (if any at all) and covered if possible.
    Cleaning crews with proper PPE should be handling that.
    You have no idea if that person has Norovirus, The Flu, Salmonella, or even Hepatitis. Which would all be present in abundance in feces.
    Flight attendants aren’t equipped for hazmat situations and they aren’t paid enough for that to be on their job description.

  12. I love the column! But today I’m getting my comeuppance for reading while eating supper.

  13. Just sprinkle a heavy layer of Arm and Hammer Cat Litter Deoderizer on the poop spots and roll out an aisle-wide mat to cover the whole length of the affected area. If it is on the guy’s seat, sprinkle it too, drape it and either move him to a different seat or let him sit on top of the draped seat. The smell is contained and nobody walking the aisle comes in contact with the poop.

  14. Oh, how I long for the good old days. Can we sink any lower? I hate the word “poop” lets just call it what it is. A shit storm.

  15. Mary Knight – ShutTHU. I’ve flown on Air Canada, Egypt Air, Turkish Airlines and KLM… None of them are any better than any American crew. It’s not that serious. Everyone is the same. The crews could have been any American crews.

    I am definitely not cleaning your mess in the bathroom, nasty. Just stop being nasty. After I use the lavatories, there is never anything left for anyone else to clean up afterwards.

  16. I was recently on a Delta flight next to an elderly man who was incontinent of urine. I recognized the smell the minute I sat down. In hind sight I should have asked to be reseated. It was a short flight, and I thought I could make it. When he stood up to get off the plane, it was pouring out of him. He left puddles on the seat and drenched the floor. I had difficulty getting around it from my window seat. He was flying alone and should not have been. Delta should have a way of tagging passengers like him. I did point out the mess to the flight attendant and told her she could not reseat another passenger with out a thorough cleaning. I’m not sure she took me seriously.

  17. … it’s interesting when Americans assume that everything is so much better on foreign carriers. They’re not much different.

    AirCanada – I flew on a 787 from Seoul to Toronto. The seats were pretty thin. Not super comfortable. The seatback screens were miniscule compared to the screens on American Airlines 787s. The food wasn’t as good as on AA. On that super long flight, they only collected trash 3 times.

    Egypt Air – I’ve flown Athens to Cairo… Cairo to Sharm el-Sheikh… Sharm el-Sheikh to Isthanbul. Two 737s, one E190. Only one plane had seatback screens. The other 3 did not. Flight Attendants were professional… But not over the top cheerful and bubbly.

    Turkish Airlines – Widebody [forgot which] from Isthanbul to New York. They have giant seatback screens. Even in the economy cabin. The crew looked very young. Again… Professional. Not anything over the top. They scolded me for trying to sneak my backback at my feet at a bulkhead seat instead of an overhead compartment. Food was OK.

    KLM – 737 from Amsterdam to London. No seatback screens. Small and flimsy tray tables compared to American Airlines domestic fleet. I found KLM ground crew [gate agents and ticket agents] to be a bit rude. They weren’t very friendly or helpful… But not anything for me to “Karen” over. I ended up snapping at one of them for her random smart ass comments.

    Those are my experiences on foreign carriers. About equal to any American carrier.

  18. I can’t be the only one here to immediately think that Diaper Donnie trump was on the plane and experienced an equipment failure.

  19. How mortifying for the passenger. If that happened to me, I would absolutely clean it up! How weird that they didn’t.

  20. So interesting that some people think that international airlines are so superior to US airlines. I will say, some of them are, but not most.
    As far as this situation, let’s talk about it. Do you really want the person who is serving you food and beverage, Hang your jacket? Moving around and touching things in the cabin. to be scraping fecal matter off the floor?
    Next, I am so perplexed about how an adult doesn’t make it into the bathroom? If they have a physical situation or an illness, as an adult, they should come prepared. If they aren’t able to plan this out for themselves, then they should not be traveling alone.

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