Did Nancy Pelosi Really Down 7 Drinks in First Class Friday? Fellow Passenger’s Account Confirms

Congresswoman and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reportedly consumed seven adult beverages on a flight to San Francisco on Friday, despite already appearing to have started her end of week libations wind down prior to boarding.

Another first class passenger decided to count how many drinks she had while on the flight. He reported that though she already appeared “intoxicated when she boarded the plane” that she “consume[d] a total of 7 drinks” during the cross-country trip.

First of all, mad respect. It’s not drinking 8 bottles of Dom Perignon on Singapore Airlines from Los Angeles to Bangkok but for a very wealthy woman she certainly looks to get her money’s worth. While she’ll splurge on expensive home appliances, she and her husband who have a nine-figure net worth are known to fly coach when traveling commercial.

Second, if the drink count it accurate, the Congresswoman either received special treatment – I know many frequent flyers who complain about being cut off after three or four drinks on a cross-country flight – or cabin crew simply weren’t paying attention. Either one is plausible.

The 84-year old, who was first elected to Congress in 1987, is seeking re-election next month. She remains one of the most effective power brokers in Washington, and is widely credited with having a key role in pressuring President Biden to forego re-election, handing the Democratic Party nomination to Vice President Harris.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. @Gary, I’m not seeing a single photo of a drink in Nancy Pelosi’s hand. Not only that, she’s 84 and wearing stiletto heels – even when I was 20 I couldn’t walk more than 10 feet in high heels after imbibing more than a few drinks. And I was a super heavy drinker. You ask me, she’s looking pretty good for an 84 year-old!

    All I have to say is, consider the source. Look at this dude’s Twitter page (expletives and all) and profile and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

  2. I’d drink a lot too if I was one of those (both Dems and GOP) who consitently spend more than we take in.

  3. I guess the question is, “So what?” First, it is unlikely–even when I was drinking too much in college that amount would have been very difficult to achieve without near-alcoholism. And while there is a lot of pressure on her, given what is going on now my guess is she also wants to stay sharp. Second, if true it doesn’t seem to be a common habit or it would have come out a long time ago. In Washington secrets leak like a sieve and both parties are on the prowl to disparage their high profile opponents.

  4. He claims she had 7 drinks, but didn’t snap any photos? He had 7 opportunities and didn’t take a single photo? How do the pictures “confirm” as the headline claims, that this actually happened?

    Oh wait, it doesn’t. Clickbait.

  5. So, VFT(R)W has decided to take pot shots at Rep. Pelosi because a fascist Xitter account said she drank 7 adult beverages? Seems like dude didn’t even confirm whether she had a couple drinks and then water. The right has been making up fake claims about her drinking for years, yet she’s 84, definitely not overweight and in exceptional health.

    Also – she’s 84 and not driving. She can drink whatever she wants. You said it quite well, actually, she is still an incredibly effective politician with a razor sharp mind and in great health.

  6. Given that Nancy Pelosi is famously a teetotaler and doesn’t drink and that there have been several right wing hoaxes over the years alleging that she has been drunk, it seems pretty clear that this almost certainly didn’t happen.

    But I guess that’s what happens when a thought-follower decides to write a post off of something some rando on twitter said.

  7. That’s 2 actual drinks when you consider AA pours wine in those mini-glasses

  8. @Gary it’s literally the third bullet point “The speaker’s office says she does not drink alcohol.”

    This whole article is beneath you frankly.

  9. If true, I have newfound respect for the old bird. I’m decades younger and am starting to have trouble finishing a single beer without physical repercussion lol.

  10. I was a few rows behind Mrs Pelosi SFO-IAD a few months ago, she did not consume any alcohol, just read newspapers the entire flight. I probably would not have noticed her were it not for the stack of print newspapers.

  11. @Gary Leff: you wrote “@jsvtex – your link does not say she does not drink alcohol.”, but the linked story has this quote from Pelosi’s daughter Christine: “”Republicans and their conservative allies have been pumping this despicable fake meme for years! Now they are caught,” she said. “#FactCheck: Madam Speaker doesn’t even drink alcohol!””.

  12. Larry@ LarryDJonesJr needs to mind his own business & _ _ _ _ all the way off with his extremist political motivated misrepresentations, lies & slander.
    And shame on you Mr. Leff for providing a forum & legs to this rubbish.

  13. It’s a good thing for the other passengers, as her magical witch powers that keep the plane aloft are powered by alcohol.

  14. So, Larry… after those alleged seven drinks, did Nancy start slurring her words anywhere near as badly as a sober Donald Trump?

  15. Also, remember when you made a big deal about a Trump cabinet member flying domestic first? Pepperidge Farms remembers. No outrage among the leftists regarding Pelosi though I see, I wonder why.

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