Do Cash Back Sites Increase Your Spending? FAA Investigating Airports Over Chick-fil-A

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Interesting about the FAA investigation into the behavior of the San Antonio airport. Never had much sympathy for institutions that defy the Constitution or the Bill of Rights in the name of Political Correctness. My boycott of the airport continues. While I am not a customer of Chick-fil-a, Freedom of Religion needs to be defended. And the San Antionio city council needs a swift kick to the curb! James Madison Rose, nephew of President Madison, Father of the Constitution, is probably rolling over in his grave at the Alamo.

  2. Wow no wonder why so many American Airlines agents are cranky and bit#hy
    They are in pain!
    Then there is having to work for the arrogant self serving management
    that doesn’t empower them to take care of the customer
    So glad I left as a customer

  3. I tried w Hyatt and even had my TA work her corporate channels. No dice. But working my way up and will be Globalist this summer. Worth the effort!

  4. AlohaDaveKennedy, homophobes and bigots worldwide agree with u. But we will not allow u and Trump to destroy our families. The good people of San Antonio are better off when u bigots stay away.

  5. Cash back and miles from credit cards are an evil tactic by banks. The small business has to pay for it and has no choice. Small businesses will only refuse all credit cards if the banks someday offer 25% cash back or something like that. It’s easy to be generous with other people’s money.

    Think hard before you collude with banks to rip off small businesses.

  6. @Allen

    You and your ilk are the ones hell bent on infringing on fundamental freedoms of speech, association and religion. Generally we let you guys alone and let you do your own thing. All we want is reciprocity and to be left alone as well without being persecuted for worshipping Jesus and following Christian principles. It’s one thing for private property owners not to rent or sell to people for whatever reason; that’s something that falls under freedom of association and private indivuduals should never be forced to do anything whether bake a cake for a gay wedding or rent their store space to people against gay weddings. But for a government to deny access to a legitimate business competing in the marketplace from renting an establishment on public property is an infringement and an abuse of power.

  7. People are weird with money, but if you’re a “gamer,” cashback sites are just free money if you do any online shopping. I pretty much just go to cashbackmonitor before making an online purchase to see if there’s any cashback. I then pick the highest cashback from a reliable site. This takes like 15 seconds. Most sites will eventually send your cashback to your paypal account. It would seem silly not to do this. It’s almost never enough money to influence a purchasing decision, but it’s free and easy money.

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