Dogs Are Dining Better Than You At The American Airlines Admirals Club—And Nobody’s Stopping It

Growing up I used to hear people joke about feet up on the furniture, “were you raised in a barn?” But when it’s the animals with feet up on the furniture, it must just be an airport? Despite a supposed crack down on emotional support animals, commercial airplanes – and airport lounges – still may resemble Noah’s Ark with two of each animal.

Here’s a dog standing up on the furniture at the American Airlines Admirals Club in Los Angeles. Since customer provisions there lag what United and Delta offer at their clubs, this dog is presumably eating and drinking there just as well as the passengers.

Of course feeding your dog on the furniture in the lounge.
byu/SirIainSnail inamericanairlines

While ’emotional support animals’ aren’t supposed to be allowed on board anymore – passengers can either bring service animals or pay the pet in cabin fee and keep their animal inside its carrier – passengers simply have to attest on paperwork that their pet is a service animal. I’ve seen the return of Noah’s Ark to many of my flights over the past several months. That leads to frequent… stinky messes. Here was the passenger in the seat in front of me this past week:

Of course we’ve also seen a passenger let their dog eat off the restaurant table in the new Delta One business class lounge at New York JFK, and fly with them in business class.

@oliverbelles My review of the new @Delta One lounge @jfk✈️ But seriously…what do you guys call this dessert?! #fypage #maltipoo #dogsoftiktok #dogvoiceover @delta @Les Belles NYC ♬ original sound – oliverbelles

Here’s a passenger with his feet up on the couch of a United Club, right beside a sign saying not to put your feet up on the furniture. So I’m not sure people behave better than pets.

Credit: Ari

I was actually on a Delta flight that the pilot turned around due to an unauthorized dog on board, they offloaded the passenger – and then let her and the dog back on. This led to a couple hours’ delay due to a shift change for refueling. The woman spent the flight petting the dog in her lap (hint: it wasn’t really a service animal).

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Good, they should !!! They are better behaved then the low class trash they carry.

  2. The entire service animal is out of control and illustrated the number of adult children we have in this country. The animal should be in a crate and down in the cargo hold save for people that need an animal due to true medical conditions. Not because some quack that will certify that Karen needs Fido to fly with.

  3. A person should wear a dog suit and a travel companion would claim they are a service animal.

  4. Ninety: I don’t mind dogs when they’re where they belong: out of my sight and smell.

    About an hour and a half like ago, I saw something I never saw before: a dog in an airline club. Terminal E Admirals Club at DFW. Poor dog was attached to some woman by a leash, followed five paces back by the husband, head lowered, oblivious to anything, looking like he just had a rectal probe by an unfriendly alien. Really, he should have been on the leash.

    I head to clubs to avoid riff-raff and trailer trash and their fake service dogs. Don’t let them in.

  5. Why is it most always a Female that does the ESA thing? @1990 when was the last time you had dog hairs in your food and on your furniture?
    These people give the REAL SERVICE animals a bad name. It costs $$$$$$ to train a REAL service animal not $9.99 to buy a vest from Amazon .

  6. ESA: Only in the USA is this a thing. Sort of like all the “Lazarus” travellers on SWA.

  7. @O’Hare Is My Second Home — Yikes. Personally, I’m not bringing any pets on a flight—I’d just drive if the dog or cat must come.

    @TOMRI — Could they not pick a breed that doesn’t shed (only half-kidding). Oh, no doubt, some folks definitely abuse this and everything. No problem to call out the outrageous offenders. But let’s blame the people, not the dog.

  8. Massive eye roll on this post strictly designed to get the dog haters riled up and clicking.

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