Donald Trump Jr. Reviews Emirates First Class

“This is sick.” Donald Trump, Jr. describes flying Emirates first class. He took to TikTok to describe his experience flying to Dubai, dropping in on a project in Oman, and flying home. He appears to be starting his journey back to the U.S.

Don Junior is likely flying to Miami, since this appears to be an Emirates Boeing 777-300ER. (New York JFK and Washington Dulles flights are operated with Airbus A380s which have four rows of first class.)

This plane features their older first class suites, no shower suites, and no business class bar.

While it’s not in the league of the better Emirates products – their new first class on a limited number of 777 aircraft, followed by their A380 suites – let alone other great first class offerings from Singapore Airlines, Air France, and even Etihad, it’s still a quality first class for long haul. More than the seats, Emirates does a fantastic job with its first class food and beverage investments and amenities.

While there’s plenty to be impressed with in Emirates first class, it seems strange to me that he doesn’t mention the minibar? I’ve always found that feature useless myself. You’re in first class, why are you pouring your own drinks? On the flip side, he calls out that the seats lie down flat – and that there’s even mattress pads. Surely he’s flown business class before?

Here’s the review. Donald Trump, Jr. is a fan, “this is the way to do it… I’m a reasonably spoiled individual and this is still pretty spectacular.”


Not bad…

♬ original sound – donaldjtrumpjr

In the new Emirates first class, here’s a bottle of Château d’Yquem, where the flight attendant left the bottle. What could be more decadent? Trump has many more luxurious experiences to look forward to in the future!

(HT: Paul H)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I’m sure all the low-IQ MAGAts will immediately switch to flying with Emirates whenever they jet around the world now that nepocrybaby has endorsed them. Half the people at daddy’s little rallies can’t afford to take a Greyhound anywhere, but at least the coke spokesmodel has finally admitted he’s “resonably spoiled”. That’s one explanation for the stench he exudes. It figures he’d be impressed by simple stuff tarted up with gold paint after a lifetime living in a tacky version of a rococco brothel.

  2. Must not be as ‘wealthy’ or well-off as they make most low IQ Americans to think.

  3. That’s what you get. The not so great pumpkin’s son is a clown. You could have easily found another way to review this air service class.

  4. Who cares what this garbage human thinks? Other than Emirates, who no doubt paid him for this endorsement.

  5. I flew Emirates First Class 2 weeks ago on the A380 from the US and they had a Sauternes dessert wine, but not Yquem. Not sure if they have a different wine on different flights.


  6. Or possibly Emirates was sucking up to DJT Jr, that’s why they gave him the d’YQuem.

  7. What’s with his accent? Quite clearly he didn’t seem to get it from his Orange Lord Father nor from his mother. It’s also not the prevalent accent for where his parents dumped him for school. Did he pick it up at summer KKKamp?

  8. No more money for jets Trump Jr?

    Show that to all your middle America fans…… while they chew on tobacco.

  9. Wow Jeff, who hurt you? You seem like a genuinely unhappy person. Please find help.

  10. I never cease to be amazed at the number of people that are utterly deranged by politics. Can anyone else actually think for themselves anymore? I’m more interested in how Emirates compares to Qatar or Ethiad. Is it even possible to have an intelligent, on-topic conversation anymore?

  11. I’m actually guessing that he doesn’t travel internationally very much.

    That is a pretty nice bottle of wine.

  12. As I read the comments from bitter Lefties (who are absolutely apoplectic over a guy smiling and offering a positive airline review), it reminded me of the NY Times poll a few years back which confirmed something we already knew: the farther Left you are on the political spectrum, the more miserable you are as a human being. Which, of course, is linked to the empty, vapid, shallow virtue-signaling nonsense you cling to. And that, in turn, produces (often) maniacal rage and diminished mental health. It’s so very predictable.

  13. For all the Trump haters accept he will be President again. After the debate last night old Joe is dead corpse walking

  14. The hatred for Trump and his spawn has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with civility and basic human decency.

  15. Right LAX. Civility and basic human dignity are a call for hatred.

    But you’re too stupid to see the irony.

  16. Ye Lord Don the Con Tr*mp is a living example of how rotten a person can be and still get elected. And while children should not be burdened by the crimes and other harms done by the father (or other parent), the apples don’t all fall far from the apple tree. In this case the apple is publicly devoted to his rotten father’s rotten ways, and so he’s fair game no less so when he is cozying up to hereditary/quasi-hereditary autocrats and their favorites in the Middle East.

  17. Some of you have apparently never been wealthy.

    I think this speaks better volumes over the Trump family *now flying commercial* instead of taking private jets everywhere. The family probably used to fly exclusively private and this is a new experience for him.

    I’m pretty certain if Taylor Swift posted the same video, it would also appear on here too.

    Its just not everyday that someone of high-public status/recognitition is seen out with all the “common people”.

  18. I’m sorry, Mr. Leff, I don’t quite understand. Isn’t this a site dedicated to air travel, and not a political site?

    I normally enjoy it for that very reason.

  19. ‘ I’m more interested in how Emirates compares to Qatar or Ethiad. Is it even possible to have an intelligent, on-topic conversation anymore?’

    This article isn’t comparing Etihad, Emirates, Qatar etc. It’s about a particular influencer’s endorsement of an airline. Perfectly reasonably to comment on that particular influencer’s biases/character (or lack thereof) and to wonder whether said influencer is getting a payoff.

    [ Although I would agree there are no grounds for attacking his father’s supporters on a travel blog]

  20. These comments perfectly demonstrate and support the studies proving conservatives are happier than liberals. The modern left has nothing to offer but hatred and misery. Simultaneously hilarious and sad.

  21. @cairns You’re calling me “stupid” is a perfect example of the lack of civility I’m alluding to.

    The Trump’s are a family of grifters, have been for decades. The distate for Donald goes back decades, long before his political career. His mentor was Roy Cohn, for God’s sake.

  22. Donnie Bragadouche doing a review? Can’t understand why anyone would care what that wanker has to say.

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