A week ago 25 rowdy Scottish passengers had to be removed from a Jet2 flight. Some had apparently broiught their own alcohol onboard which is a real no-no.
Flying a European low cost carrier can be an… experience. Fellow passengers aren’t median business travelers like you’ll find on national flag carriers in the morning at the beginning of the week and early evening at the end of the week.
So perhaps it’s no surprise that Wednesday’s easyJet Belfast – Barcelona flight 6671 led to two women being taken away on arrival after they “allegedly swore at crew and joked about having a bomb on board, with one reportedly yelling ‘we are all here for a f***ing party’.”

They apparently started drinking before the flight. They were playing music… not on an iPod, either, as they were asked to put their speakers away. Incident one.
The passengers became abusive when flight attendants wouldn’t serve them more alcohol. Incident two.
Then one went to the lavatory declaring “I’m a suicide bomber, sure I am”. Incident three.
Finally an argument ensued with a flight attendant over whether in fact the passengers were behaving inappropriately. Incident four.
And as everyone knows, four strikes you’re out. Friends, though, feel that being drunk as a reasonable excuse for the Irish passenger.
They knew rightly she had a drink in her. She didn’t abuse anybody and didn’t annoy anybody around her. There was no need for it. I have 24 witnesses she was not abusive. This is ridiculous…The whole thing was just them being loud and obnoxious, giving the staff the fingers and basically being extremely rude. The staff wouldn’t allow them any more alcohol and that annoyed them.

The argument seems to be:
- The passenger is Irish, flying a low cost carrier
- So under the circumstances how is drunk and disorderly behavior unreasonable?
Here’s poor quality video of the passengers’ removal:
Meanwhile swimming legend Grant Hackett denies tweaking a passenger’s nipple during a flight after binge drinking at the airport.
if that isn’t the blurriest cameraphone video, I don’t know what is.
Maybe in addition to metal detectors, they should have passengers go though a breathalyzer test before boarding a plane..