Earning Elite Status Backwards: The Quest for Hyatt’s Undiscoverist and Unexplorist [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The airline employee wearing a Camel-a work vest is advertising his lack of discernment .

    Camel-a will be the dem nominee , although no one has voted for her . In Hawaii the dem way is to appoint their friends before elections .

    Camel-a is considering the lady bodyguard director to be her running mate , so Camel-a will appear competent by comparison .

  2. but even more important is how many humps does a Camel-a require in order to come to fruition?

  3. Remember Trumpworld has been implying for years now that Kamala — not Joe Biden — is running America and a vote for an elderly Biden is a vote for Harris.

    People who voted for the elderly statesman Biden in the primaries were basically voting for Harris to be President at some point if the Democrats were to win the coming November election for President of the US.

  4. Kamala Harris was apparently so good that Tr*mp himself donated thousands of dollars to Harris in California over two donations. And his daughter Ivanka also donated more than lunch money to a Harris campaign.

    You know how incompetent and corrupt Tr*mp is when even Tr*mp’s hand-picked Vice President says he won’t vote for Tr*mp. Nothing says failure more than just that.

  5. @GUWonder – Trump was trying to avoid charges in California over Trump University. She was the state’s attorney general. You don’t really believe Trump’s donations – he’s reportedly both very cheap and very self-serving – were a simple expression of support about how “good” she is?

  6. Running with that, then Tr*mp is just confirming that he’s corrupt and wanted to try to corrupt others to allow him to continue to con people without being challenged for his illegal fleecing of Americans — and particularly the fleecing of his most committed fans.

    Tr*mp’s not only cheap, he’s a con-artist. What else can be said about a guy whose business systematically would screw over small business owners by ordering a product or service, accepting and using the product for years on end but never paid the bill in full or at all and dared the suppliers/contractors to sue him. But he also seems to have been strategically stupid politically since those donations from him and his favorite daughter didn’t stop Harris from taking him on even all these years later.

    As a politician once indicated to me, the art of being a good politician is to take favors and money without feeling obliged for them. Seems like Harris is a better politician than I would have expected from her even a couple of years back. Maybe people do rise to the occasion and exceed expectations. I mean who would have ever expected a Ukrainian comedian to turn out to be the perfect leader for a country being assaulted by Tr*mp’s buddy Putin.

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