First Class? This American Airlines Flight Cleared Glasses Like a Cafeteria [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Anyone complaining that flight attendants picked up first class glasses in a tray needs to get a life and is a total Karen. No pre departure drinks, another matter as it’s part of the service.

    Broken seats happen and would you rather your flight be delayed or cancelled waiting for a mechanic to fix it? I flew about a month ago and my tray table was broken (seal over it). Simply put the tray in my lap and ate my meal. Wasn’t difficult at all.

    Dirty planes? Thank impossible turn times (on RJs it’s often 30 minutes). You can ask for cleaners to come back but that’s going to delay your flight. What the public gets for $49 fares.

  2. @George N Romey

    I’m with you, but since Ms. Whitmore is a self-proclaimed ‘etiquette expert,’ I presume she knows better than the rest of us. At this point, I am just grateful no one complained about the FA’s dreads. Where’s @AndyS when you need him to go needlessly culture war about anything (is this ‘DEI’?)–Yes, that’s an invite.

  3. No one seems to notice that the seat had a sticker that stated “Please do not use”. AA should not have sold that seat, or at the very least, made some accommodation to the customer.

  4. So the day after an entire aircraft full of Americans, two working pilots two working flight attendants all perished you thought this was the post you should make on your blog. Does life not reflect in your brain at all? Where is your compassion for these people? are you that hateful towards the American Airlines Flight Attendant that you thought this was an appropriate post? Just maybe just maybe she didn’t have any trays. Shameful what you’ve done here.

  5. @Steve C’mon, this is VFTW, not the Associated Press–Let Gary share a little ‘gossip’ with us now and then. After all, he posted this under a [Roundup], so it’s meant to be fun.

    @Maggie Yawger Ma’am, there are two separate posts (currently) on that tragic accident, much more serious than this post. Even I, a so-called ‘troll,’ have been thoughtful and respectful over there.

  6. @Maggie Yawger – You’re right. We should all sit in a dark room and cry. That should help.

    Speaking of flight safety, can we talk about that hair? American Airlines FA policy dictates that hair that extends more than eight inches below the collar must be worn back and up. Alongside the trashy, lazy approach of using a dishwasher rack to collect glassware in the first class cabin, this is an FA who clearly doesn’t care about the rules. She knows that they aren’t going to be enforced.

    It’s time for new leadership at American Airlines.

  7. @Mike Hunt

    I was waiting for someone to comment on the dreads (see above). Are you friends with @AndyS by chance? Anyway, you should try the ‘dark room’ once in a while, it’s actually quite nice. Just a 20-minute nap-nap… maybe a good cry… you’ll feel like a new person!

  8. @1990, guess you wouldn’t have a problem with those dreads going in your beef short rib plate or gin and tonic? Or perhaps whipping you in the face? Then again, maybe you’re used to things smacking you in the face, although they’re probably more of the phallic variety.

  9. @Steve As a human, I appreciate flying on a clean plane with hospitable service and a seat that works.

  10. @Lord Timothy Dunn, Esq

    My liege, you are mixing American Airlines meals with Delta meals, and no, thank you, I would not like hair in my food, please. Delta’s short-rib is my go-to pre-order, for sure, and G&Ts, always.

    As for the ‘whipping’ of a ‘phallus’ or the ‘phalli’–I’ll leave that to you. No kink-shaming here.

  11. @1990 – good banter, thanks for the laugh. Tip of the cap to you. No pun intended. Be safe out there.

  12. @Lord Timothy Dunn, Esq.

    Bah! I see what you did there. If only frequent commenter @Tim Dunn knew about you–I’ve been wondering if that guy is indeed the Texas oilman by the same name, or just coincidence.

  13. How is hair down below the ass NOT a safety issue… know when they’re “dragging people out of burning airplanes” or whatever else they claim to do?
    In one of my younger years jobs, they wouldn’t let you near ANYTHING that could remotely snag your hair unless you could tuck it under your hat….both men and women.
    I can’t comment about the policy for the other 84 genders because we didn’t have them back then.

  14. @CHRIS

    You must not have gotten the memo; we’re back to just 2, officially. Also, it’s now the ‘Gulf of America,’ not Mexico. The ‘price of eggs’ is still up, but it’s not like anyone actually voted on that basis. We’re living in a ‘gilded,’ no, sorry, a ‘golden’ age. Be ‘great’ again, silly!

  15. I didn’t recognize the person clearing the cups as a flight attendant. That looks like a too-tight tee shirt and Dockers. I avoid AA but is that what they wear now?

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