The Holiday Inn Resort Phuket has THB0.01 rates available for a standard room. That’s basically ‘free’. Rate appears to be available beginning May 1 through the end of October, 2006.
Property seems very well regarded for a Holiday Inn.
You can find the rate at the Holiday Inn website.
As always, your mileage may vary on whether the hotel honors this. So don’t book any non-refundable airfare until we learn for sure. Related thread is here.
Update 2:26pm Eastern: The rate is still available. It is also bookable at Travelocity. Some rates are prepaid, others are not, in either case there’s not a huge change of this being honored in my view but it might be.
One approach would be to make prepaid reservations at both sites.
Additionally, the online booking guarantee on the Holiday Inn website promises that the hotel will pay for your first night’s lodging at another comparable property if it cannot honor your booking. One suggestion on Flyertalk was to make several consecutive one-night reservations.