Via Milepoint, Best Western Gold Crown Rewards (which transfer to frequent flyer miles as well) will give you free points for liking them on Facebook and then spinning a wheel to determine your take.
You’ll receive between 100 and 100,000 points, and then another 100 points if you send the deal to a friend on Facebook.
Thanks, 500 free points for me!
I got 100 points…oh well, better than nothing 🙂
100 points for me..
100 points here
100 points for me … I thought I might be the lucky winner
Got 500 points!
500 for me, sweet!
100 here. Was hoping to win enough to transfer to USAir for a Grand Slam Hit, but like Benny said, it’s better than nothing.
I hate these deals requiring you to give up your facebook wall for points. My wall is private…send me email, fine. But stop requiring me to like you for deals.
100 points, but it was free and easy, so I’ll take it 🙂