A Frontier Airlines passenger flying Denver to Houston on Tuesday wound up restrained after a violent outburst in which they punched a window so hard it appeared to break. He assaulted the rest of the cabin as well, while passengers intervened to restrain him.
The incident began about 20 minutes into Flight 4856, as he tried to engage the woman seated in the row in front of him. She wasn’t interested, and punched the seat and the plane’s window beside him. As he banged on the window he yelled in several language.
Cracks could be seen – along with his blood – on the window. Several men onboard subdued him using makeshift restraints fashioned from shoestrings, belts, and headphones.
After the plane arrived in Houston at 11:10 p.m., police officers met the aircraft and questioned the passenger. Frontier Airlines opted not to press charges because maybe that’s just how Frontier passengers usually act?
Press. Freakin’. Charges.
Or it will never stop.
How could she not be interested? Everything points to him being Prince Charming.
That’s disturbing and upsetting. If your flight was delayed or cancelled due to this jabroni that would be incredibly frustrating. Hopefully the damage he caused is just to the plastic ‘reveal’ or ‘dust cover’ and not to the actual window or airframe. Ideally, that panel can be replaced quickly by a qualified maintenance crew, and the aircraft returned to service. The airline should definitely ban this guy for life, warn other airlines, seek to recover costs directly from him or whatever deep pockets may be available, and if appropriate press charges. How quickly some forget that flying is a privilege. We must shun such misbehavior.
Not pressing charges is why these actors and their (NB the proper use of “their” 😉 actions proliferate. It’s true for airlines, but it’s actually true for any institution in our Western society.
Frontier gets the bottom of the barrel and no surprise the airline didn’t want to press charges. Those little animals painted on the tail of the plane would act better onboard.
WTF is wrong with Frontier Airlines? How can you NOT press charges??? Did the pilot or ground supervisor or whoever made that decision *also* try to hit on the woman and was rejected as well? Was this a decision out of empathy (or sympathy) for the rejected suitor? (“Oh, wow, man — I’ve been there, too. I once punched the window out of a Greyhound bus…here’s a get out of jail free card and a $50 discount on a future Frontier flight…”)
What languages?
@Adam — That really doesn’t matter. Let’s say it was ‘gibberish.’ Or do you just want to tells us your preferred ‘slurs’ for a particular group? I’ll respect your free speech, and I may not agree with it.
I flew Frontier from San Jose, Costa Rica to Denver a few years back.
A man with a very aggressive attitude starting during pre boarding was then a pita (painintheass) boarding the plane.
The head flight attendant said, “I’m taking this shit” and immediately flagged his seat number. turned out he had federal warrants out for his arrest.
When we landed the pilot said they were having difficulty extending the ramp so everyone must remain seated with seat belts fastened.
Then the door swung open and 4 agents the size of Linebackers barreled down the aisle and dragged his sorry ass off the plane.
Everyone cheered.
Moral is, if you’re a banger, keep your mouth shut and be polite.
@Erik — Holy moly. Sounds like that guy (in your story) deserved it. (I’m not sure Dr. Dao did, if you recall that incident on United years back–but Dao did get a nice settlement, after all).
Dr.Dao definitely did. News media ((so called)) made him a hero but he was not!! Sold a lot of newspapers.
No duct tape on hand (used to hold plane together)?
Not pressing charges is different from suing for damages. Frontier can still do that.
@Gary – Remind us again why you think the no-fly list for people like this is a bad thing.
Good call by the lady.
Does no one edit this stuff before hitting publish? Good grief.
As a retired U.S. Marshal, the airlines should; and can; legally carry restraints. They could be as benign as heavy zip ties. As these unacceptable incidents keep escalating, the crew should have the ability to protect the rest from these miscreants.
Another article stated the man was screaming in Spanish. You are correct that it doesn’t matter what language the person was speaking, but no reason to “White Knight” a language/country. If the accused persons language/country commits criminal acts no more than most other languages or countries, there shouldn’t be a problem with stereotyping.
@1991 — Nice name. My position remains that stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are often very harmful–so let’s not do that. Personally, I’ve lived in Florida; ‘Florida man’ has a negative connotation; but it does not mean that all or even many folks from that state are ‘crazy’ or ‘criminal’–in fact, plenty of good, decent people in that state and elsewhere. So, it should be a ‘case by case’ determination. So, when there is increasing animus and threats of violence against vulnerable groups (far more ‘vulnerable’ than simply people from a particular state), the ‘it’s just a joke, bro’ common retort won’t work for me anymore. Intolerance is an increasingly serious problem in many parts of the world. So, please, take care of those in need while you still can.