Furious Frontier Passenger ‘Karen’ Meltdown: Throws Computer At Check-In Staff After Missing Flight

A Frontier Airlines passenger, enraged after missing her Chicago O’Hare flight, threw a computer at airline staff. The woman, quickly labeled a ‘Karen’ online, became violent jumping over the luggage scale at the check-in counter to confront employees.

She began throwing punches at one employee before another staff member intervened, positioning himself between her and the rest of the employees.

One Frontier employee appeared to pick up a blue bin—typically used for items scanned through security—with the intent to throw it at the woman but was restrained by two coworkers.

As the intervening employee turned away, the woman grabbed a computer from behind the counter and hurled it at him. She then slammed the monitor onto the desk before stepping back in front of the check-in counter.

According to a witness, police “took their time getting there” so the passenger fled but staff had their ID and of course there’s surveillance footage so no escaping consequences for this one.

It’s not hard to understand a passenger’s frustration with air travel. It’s not hard to image a less than sympathetic reception by airline staff in the face of these travails. Yet it’s hard to fathom this as the response or the belief that it will end well.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. My props to this “Karen” for standing up for herself. The world lacks self confidence, full of beta men and women. Cut-rate corporations like Frontier have exploited the betas, making a profit off mistreating passengers.

    If we were all more like “Karen,” corporations wouldn’t dare to operate on business models that fundamentally disrespect our dignity as consumers.

    I would be interested in funding the woman’s legal defense.

  2. Passenger of the year!
    Business as usual at frumptier
    She will likely be at the next Capitol riot

  3. @SFO/EWR – if you aren’t being sarcastic then you are one sick puppy. Regardless of how you think the woman was “disrespected” (and no evidence she was until she went ballistic) she brought it on herself by missing the flight. Either got to the airport late or, if connecting, missed flight. Understand Frontier may not have another flight that day but no reason for her to go crazy.

    That isn’t alpha or beta – it is psycho!!

  4. Don’t mess with a Mother’s care and concern about her children. Not condoning her behavior but some airlines after they get your money their responsibility tends to end.

    @DWondermeant…..that riot started because Speaker Pelosi and Mayor of D.C. DID NOT bring in National Guard as requested by DJ Trump.
    One bad actor and the crowd gets unruly. This could have all been prevented.
    Was this all planned? Just say’in.

    Same for Mr. Floyd in Minnesota. Defund the Police and see what you get.
    This too could have been prevented. I know, I know that legislators wanted a little get back at the Police…..and look what happened? Man dead and small businesses destroyed, etc. Then the elites bail out the criminals so as to soothe the population and AGAIN criminals are not locked up. Minnesota and Oregon “earned” this.

  5. Yes, to be clear, the behavior is psycho. I would never encourage it in my children. I would terminate any of my employees found to be acting this way.

    But on the topic of apt quotations? “Here’s to the crazy ones…”

  6. In just two leftist posts above, one cheers on her psychopathic behavior against evil corporations, and offers to pay legal defense, the other claims she’s a Trump supporter. Cognitive dissonance is the defining characteristic of the american left. Sure, bend whatever information you get to fit your preconceived narrative, then your brain won’t hurt.

    Oh, and to Mr. SF soi boi, only the left is full of beta men…and alpha wanna-be women (like your psychopathic friend). We on the right are doing just fine thanks. It helps when you first don’t deny the reality of biology.

  7. ///police “took their time getting there” ////

    They were on another dispatch, dragging passengers off United Express flights…

  8. just another greasy American farang, getting greasier and greasier. They are in the pole position worldwide.

  9. @Ellen Harris

    The third-party (ie NOT Corporate News Outlets) video shot that day by independent journalists and stringers show that it was pretty tranquil…. right up until Capitol Police fired tear gas into the crowd.
    That’s not discussed much in the narratives, but it was pretty aggressive. And unnecessary. And it wasn’t taken well by a crowd that was 40% veterans and their families.

  10. Dwondermeant says:
    August 5, 2024 at 10:35 am
    “Passenger of the year!
    Business as usual at frumptier
    She will likely be at the next Capitol riot “

    I think you mean she will be participating in the next summer / Fall of love Peaceful demonstrations! When KH loses and the left goes berserk


  11. We need crazy like this to provide my entertainment during the lunch hour. Just don’t bother me with this crap. This should be the exception, not the rule.

  12. What a bunch of nonsensical responses making this lady’s airport violent meltdown about politics and bringing January 6th into it. Or maybe not, maybe that crowd was full of latent violence seekers looking for permission.

  13. Frontier, Spirit… You get what you pay for. Both airlines should merge and call it Ghetto Express, that appeals to the good folks that fly them.

  14. This article and then these comments… hopefully none of you wonder why America is the laughing stock of the world…

  15. Another reason why people willing to spend more would never consider Frontier.

  16. Frontier is the worst airline in the skies. Not defending this woman but the employees at that terrible airline won’t even look you in the eyes when they tell you that your flight has been canceled for the second time in 3 days with no flights available for the foreseeable future. No help in anyway finding you another flight. I had top elite benefits, free seats, free baggage, no change fees plus more and when that year ended, I missed Frontier 0%. Awful company.

  17. There are a lot of people who, on the surface, appear to be holding it all together when observed under normal circumstances. But underneath they are highly stressed out by various life factors and can completely unwind with rage in a critical situation. Then their personal circumstances get even worse because of the consequences of their own actions. This passenger will be an example of that severe error.

    Instead of just pronouncing online judgments about how others have made tragically bad judgments, when you are traveling try initiating kindness and consideration to those around you in airports and on airplanes, including the crew. If you see someone stressed, just say, “I can see that you’re having a rough time with travel today and I hope everything works out for you.” The effect can be miraculous. You’ll never know what problems you prevent and you might actually make a friend—or at least pleasant acquaintance—doing this. We have and it’s actually fun and rewarding to improve someone else’s day.

    P.S. I’m no PolyAnna. But I have far more fun when traveling by interacting with, and enjoying, other people rather than trying to correct their character problem that has been decades in the making. .

  18. This isnt rocket science. You show up to the gate on time , flash your boarding pass and get on. My guess….she was late. Not to side with Frontier, but most travelers know that they come in last next to spirit on preferred airlines.Next time pay $20 more for DL, AA or UA. and be on time.

  19. This looks like the check-in ticket counter. She was late. End of story. What most passengers do not realize is if you have not checked in at the ticket counter (orot online – does Frontier even have that option?) by a set time (AA domestic is 45 minutes) you will not make the flight. There are many airports where I don’t even think that is enough time to go from the ticket counter through security and get to the gate before they cut off boarding.

    And please leave the political BS somewhere else!


  20. Poor @EllenHarris… she’s so busy gargling trump juice she can’t think for herself, just spewing out his lies like a good little trumpknobgobbler. Pathetic.

  21. This is what used to happen at greyhound bus terminals when they were the cheapest form of travel.
    Now that airline tickets are cheapest form of travel the airport is now the transport hub of all the the cheap trash America has to offer.

  22. Rage like that is often associated with alcohol and cannabis withdrawal. Meanwhile, air travel is quickly becoming out of reach for the working class. Airlines like F9 and NK provide competitive fares that allow people to travel, yet they never show their customers a single courtesy. They are also starting to charge higher fares in some markets. That woman likely paid a high price for her ticket and bags if only to miss her flight and be left with nothing. I’m sure the staff was awful about it too. In my ticket agent days, we would rebook passengers for free or put them on same-day standby, but that was American Airlines, and that was over 20 years ago.

  23. Its terrifying to think what her toddler is exposed to on a daily basis adter seeing this poor innocent baby is caught in the middle.

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