RFK, Jr. appears to have been filmed putting putting Methylene blue in his drink in American Airlines first class. The drink was probably water.
What is RFK Jr. putting in his drink…?? pic.twitter.com/R9ZXmwmfVC
— American AF (@iAnonPatriot) February 5, 2025
Methylene blue was originally developed as a dye. It has several medical applications. You can buy it on Amazon.
It’s used in treating methemoglobinemia, acting as an electron donor to reduce methemoglobin in the blood back to hemoglobin. It’s used as a stain for medical diagnostic procedures, coloring tissues or fluids to make them more visible during lymph node mapping or leak detection.
At lower doses, some studies suggest medical benefits – for treating neurodegenerative disorders, psychiatric conditions, and as an “anti-aging” protocol – but those are largely ‘pre-clinical’ to put it generously. In higher doses, methylene blue can be neurotoxic and may interfere with mitochondrial function.
It's called Methylene Blue, USPA 2% grade, and he is taking too much in the dropper dosage, especially for that amount of water. You need at least 12 ounces of water.
RFK Jr, go easy man.
You only need to dose once every two to three months.
But unless you have something else…
— Gray Savage (@WhiteHatCereal) February 5, 2025
The most common side effect is that you’ll pee blue. It can also turn skin blue, and cause headaches and dizziness. When combined with serotonergic medications, such as SSRI, it can cause excess serotonin which can be life-threatening.
Methylene Blue!
Never leave home without it.
I take 20 drops with flavored water to help cut the bitterness.
Feel great. Massive benefits.
Only downside, you’ll pee blue. pic.twitter.com/GXMVPVo2Av— PVPete (@GJ_Pete) February 5, 2025
When I was a freshman in college I got sick at a debate tournament in Salt Lake City. In order to put myself together for the quarterfinals, much coach gave me something to take in a dropper that made me pee blue. I never knew what he was (and he’s since passed away), but that side effect made me think that it was the textile dye that first became widely available in the late 19th century. For purely placebo reasons I felt well enough to win.
I only know methylene blue as a dye used to detect sentinel nodes for breast cancer patients as mentioned. Pretty useful in that context.
That’s an interesting college story, Gary! Some out of the box coaching techniques, but it worked whatever it was!
We really are becoming a kakistocracy.
@L737 — Sorry, bud, I’m still in favor of having actual scientists and qualified medical doctors leading public health.
What next, Gary, are we gonna promote ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine again? Listen, parasites and malaria suck, but those didn’t cure covid.
Feels like we’re gonna just redo all the anti-expert quack-cures yet again. A lot of money to be made off the rubes. Shall we pull an Alex Jones and start selling knockoff boner bills? Yikes.
Just because it happened on an Airplane doesn’t mean it is grist from A View From The Wing.
If naked political comments are now the norm, I will be unsubscribing.
One more: Is the ‘water still turning the frogs gay’? Another Infowars atrocity. RFK Jr. says he’s going after fluoride, which has saved generations from tooth decay. Friends, we are shooting ourselves in the foot with these false prophets who just seek profits.
I absolutely LOVE that this new administration is driving the libs even MORE insane than they already are.
Everyday is like Christmas!
@CHRIS — Where were you on the Elon post? I guess you missed out. Head on over to debate, or just pretend like you’re ‘immune’ from the policies that will very much harm you too. (No, no, Chris is special, he’s an oligarch, immortal, and totally insulated.)
@Some Dude — Hombre, politics is people, power, money, culture, and very much intertwined with travel and business, so if can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, or just ignore it. Enough with the petitions to ban/mute folks. What happened to ‘free speech’?
@1990 Oh yeah we’re (and hopefully everyone else) are in 100% agreement here
Hope my initial lack of statement opinion was not seen as an endorsement to what he was doing — my mind perked up as I did not expect to see methylene blue (something I work with in the furthest conext from an aviation/travel setting) pop up here on VFTW!
I’m hoping this is not a political trend hearkening back to the Dark Ages, a time of charlatans, soothsayers and itinerant peddlers promoting snake oil elixirs.
After reading this article, I’ll be voting against his confirmation…
@kimmiea — Oh, we are indeed speed-running to an era of decline (marketed as a ‘golden’ age, of course, though ‘gilded’ is more accurate).
It’s as if the dumbest among us gave nearly all the power and money to the evilest among us. And these dummies think they’re ‘winning’ because the educated are upset and horrified.
At least in the mockumentary Idiocracy, they actually *listen* to the smartest guy (who had good intentions, so no, not Elon in this metaphor)(and President Camacho could put on a good show).
I used to use methylene blue on some shoulder surgeries to detect small or partial rotator cuff tears. However, the patients pee green, not blue! Why? Because blue+ yellow= GREEN.
Ha! Now I understand why he uses the roast turkey face paint. And I thought it was to complement donald’s traffic cone glow. Must be difficult having blue skin, you might get deported. Also never take health advice from opioid addict.
Gary, let’s keep Wing a politics-free zone. These days, we Americans are so politically divided that even dog walkers probably have “strong” political opinions about the dogs they’re walking. Can we just have one place that’s pure humor/lol—no politics? Please, do your best to leave politics in the airport parking lot… or at the very least, stop at the TSA checkpoint where they can confiscate it along with oversized toothpaste.
And here I was hoping for colloidal silver (and its well-known side effects).
@joseph zhou — You do realize that ‘politics’ affects everything. ‘Can’t handle the heat…’
@Buck — ‘Nice’ name. Just ‘now’ you think? Where have you been… Good riddance.
Driving the libs crazy? Don’t make me laugh. The guy is batspit crazy. And in Drumpf bizarro world, it’s wonderful to put drug addicts, neo not zis, worm brains, and pedophiles in postions of power because of the Orange genius’ ability to play 4D chess. Yeahhh okkkkk. Living in the Age of Dump is hell for anyone with any common sense and decency.
@1990 – You know that under the Biden administration, the head of the HHS was Xavier Becerra, a career politician. He had zero health experience.
RFK Jr. is a creep, wildly stupid, and the product of a nation that has no soul. If it did, it wouldn’t have the leadership it has in place now.
@Wes — WHAT! Really? A politician… serving in government?? That’s nuts. No. Freaking. Way. Wait till you learn that the current president.. yup, that fellow… was president before this. I know, I was shocked, too. Like, how we let that happen (again)!
If you’re peeing blue, you are taking waaay too much!
Methalyne blue is used in fish tanks to kill fungal infections in fish. This administration is filled with whackadoodles
I think that to be part of that administration the person has to be really crazy or have a worm in their brain.
Starting with the nazi first lady from South Africa…
I can’t help wondering how many people, who are disparaging this medicinal product, were fooled by the efficacy of the jab and Paxlovid during the covid scam.
@Mike P — You, sir, are the Jim Cramer of VFTW. If you wanna do well, just do the opposite of whatever Mike P says.
@1990 – You were the one who commented, ” Sorry, bud, I’m still in favor of having actual scientists and qualified medical doctors leading public health.” Just pointing out that Biden did the same thing.
Well, it appears I found the first one.
MB is a DNA intercalator, so it is toxic for simple organisms. In some countries MB is used to treat stomatitis, though in other countries including the US they prefer some purple dye (I forgot what it is called). I used MB against fish egg mold and cotton mouth disease when I kept a fish tank.
However, being a DNA intercalator, MB also has the potential to be carcinogenic. This has not actually been proven but keep this in mind if you decide to follow RFK’s example and consume it.
And, of note, MB really sticks to china and only bleach can help against these blue spots.
@Mike P — We call this a ‘layup’ *swish*
Rfk is mainlining neurotixin? Color mme surprised!
It’s sometimes used as a placebo. Yup. The potential head of HHS is dosing himself with a placebo.
I initially thought he was dropping liberal tears into his “drink” ….
“for treating neurodegenerative disorders, psychiatric conditions”
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner! RFK Jr certainly fits the bill. At least he left the foil hat at home.
So it kills fungal infections? Hmmmm, please give some to Musk, since he IS a fungal infection.
i like apples and bananas
@Mike P
Some of us, you know, understand stats and medical trials. And know that it takes a while for those to get definitive answers. And that viruses mutate.
Guessing you were one of those who thought a mixture of bleach and horse dewormer was a great cure for COVID.
Relax everybody. It could have been much, much worse! Kamala might have won.
Wait for it…
Guy was an intravenous heroin addict for 15 years… Has brain worms… Drinks blue dye… we can find a better person to run a hotdog stand.
@Jon F…Your comment simply validates you fell for the scam.
@Ali Song @AggregatVier and to the others that voted for this—Don’t worry, the leopards won’t eat YOUR faces.
@Wes — ‘But, but..Biden…,’ what? His administration (and nearly every other modern Democratic and Republican administration, except #45 and #47) trusted experts, scientists, and doctors for our nation’s public health. See my statement about ‘leopards’ above. You’ll be fine. You’re special.
@Mike P — You’re extra special.
@Yuri K, I think you are talking about gentian violet. I have found it to also be a great antiseptic for cuts and scrapes due to the fact that it doesn’t wash off easily. It does have the ability to get everywhere and stain if you are not careful.
He revealed the color of the Kool-Aid the cult is consuming.
@Mike P
I’ve never had COVID, so Paxlovid is irrelevant to me. But I’m old enough to have had smallpox shots, and have had rabies and yellow fever shots too.
Anyone who thinks vaccination is a scam is part of the Make Polio and Rabies Great crowd. Stick to horse dewormer, it might get rid off that worm in the empty space in your skull
If RFK Jr. fails — as would happen in a normal America — to get confirmed, will it be Health Barbie’s turn next? And who will be HHS Barbie?
@1990 you are an ill-advised, ill-informed bully that clearly does not keep up with scientific literature and the actual data on ivermectin. You are a useful idiot trying to dominate/propagandize the blog comments. You probably are a paid shill via one of the USAID paper subsidiaries. Stay in your lane, you are obviously not a scientist nor physician. As to the actual article, methylene blue has positive data in animal studies, but nothing as far as my scientific knowledge/readings has shown in actual clinical human trials.
@ Gina. And a narcissist also comes to mind. I’m in Some Dude’s and your camp.
Personally, I’d prefer a martini. Gin based. Very dry.
@Gina — Thank you for your comment. You seem like nice lady, I presume. Please, by all means, ‘call out’ whomever you consider to be a bully. Such bullies should be able to ‘take it.’ I can, regardless. And Gary is good host, remarkably supportive of free expression of ideas here.
On any medical advice, please, everyone, consult with actual medical professionals–do not take my word or anyone else’s word here on what you do to your bodies.
It’s not my opinion. Ivermectin is an existing medication used to treat parasitic infections, but unproven against COVID-19. I trust that clinical research–maybe they will do new studies and make a different determination in the future.
Likewise, during the pandemic, the promotion of that medication for COVID-19 led to increased calls to poison-control centers and shortages of that drug for its intended purpose. You may still disagree, but it’s not propaganda or lies–it’s simply what happened.
I respect that you admit methylene blue is not proven for anything in humans. I do not represent anyone but myself. I don’t make any money here, no W-2, no 1099, not even a mere ‘gratuity,’ but I do find a little joy here and there, thanks to folks like you, mam.
@One Trippe — Good to see you, again. I enjoy ‘your’ attention, specifically. If you wish to debate, please engage on ‘substance’–if not, ignore it, and live your life. The whole ‘demand Gary mute/ban’ people you disagree with’ schtick is tired and weak. Instead, consider contributing something meaningful. After all, this was Gary’s post about RFK, Jr., likely our next public health ‘leader’ in the US. Any thoughts on him and/or his travel style (the blue drops)? See. It’s not hard.
Come on listen to the big pharma scientists and AMA doctors, they really know their stuff… Not really, look around you, the American people are obese diabetic slobs with high blood pressure, they have one foot on a banana peel and the other in a grave. We need RFK Jr. to lead the way into making people healthy again. He can’t do any worse than the so called experts have over the last 30 years.
Nice try, Jon. But next time you may want to avoid the straw man arguments and actually address my comment. Again, please don’t be mad at me because you fell for a scam.