How Online Shopping Is Costing Travelers Their Global Entry (And TSA PreCheck) [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • I wrote about how ordering a Starbucks mug online could cost you your Global Entry here’s another story of online shopping getting Global Entry yanked, which of course means loss of TSA PreCheck which comes with it:

    Remember they are looking not just for people they can trust not to be terrorists, and look to criminal records for that, but also people who don’t violate customs rules… including violating U.S. companies’ IP.

  • Aman owner buys $135 million Aman New York condo

  • Wow. I’m working with seven figure balances in Chase and Amex, but… wow:

    What should I do with these?
    byu/chiodos_arctic inChaseSapphire

  • Woman demands first class upgrade because she’s pregnant When she says “I’m asking to sit in an open seat because I’m incredibly uncomfortable, I’m high risk, I probably shouldn’t even be flying in the first place” that should be the cue to remove her from the aircraft – a passenger who says they may not be medically able to fly? No airline wants to divert.

    However the videos of the reported incident don’t strike me as real. This wasn’t taken with a cell phone:


    "Someone like you can't afford to sit up here" Karen gets served karma PART 1 #fyp

    ♬ original sound – Kenyon Wellington


    "Someone like you can't afford to sit up here" Karen gets served karma PART 2 #fyp

    ♬ original sound – Kenyon Wellington

  • Meme stock/crypto influencer discovers airline credit card initial bonuses.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

More articles by Gary Leff »


  1. Come on Gary, sharing tik tok videos? Cut to the next scene and suddenly it’s a porn shoot in the aft galley between the blonde, the Mia Khalifia wannabe, and Kenyon.

    The thought leader in travel everybody!

  2. Not only do they do a criminal background check on you, the US government knows what kind of internet habits you have, and which websites you have ever gone to. If it’s “wrong” or something “immoral”. that you have ever visited, don’t bother applying. You won’t be approved, as happened to me. But good luck finding out why. They won’t tell you this. A friendly immigration officer mentioned it to me.

  3. I don’t know what you were searching online but I work in an industry that is considered “risky” to the US government and most of my colleagues have Global Entry and Precheck.

  4. There are some Global Entry members who have some very weird habits that reflect in their online activity but haven’t resulted in them being booted from the program (or prevented from being approved). For example, there have been some Californians who made awful use of Tumblr indicative of “immorality” and yet CBP gave them a pass and approved them for membership anyway.

  5. Precheck is just supposed to be about knowing someone isn’t a terrorist to improve safety and reduce the load on TSA. It’s not meant to be an all purpose morality check, like China’s social credit scheme. What next, the yanking GE for criticizing CBP online?

  6. Gary,
    Please stop supporting the CCP and the PLA by embedding and promoting TikTok in your articles,

  7. I’ve been quite the critic of the DHS/CBP/TSA over the years, and yet my last GE renewal went direct from application to final approval was lickety-split fast.

  8. Why so surprised at the 8mn Chase rewards balance. Plenty of business owners can charge millions per year in equipment, inventory, ads, etc.

  9. Yeah, for those making fake airline videos, let me help. The closed windows shades are always a signal it’s fake. Plus, why isn’t this guy boarding from 1L? Where is the FA that stands at the cockpit door during boarding? Why is the curtain that needs to be pulled back to takeoff closed?

  10. I had the same experience as GUWonder. I seriously doubt the “Deep State” normally cares since people could just log in from a public access point anyway. Now if you were seriously investigating terrorist activities or how to traffic people from your home that might trigger something but given what is pretty gross and online it’s pretty hard to see that many people being thrown out of the program. My guess, anyway.

  11. When the DHS can’t even get its act together to clear and block an obvious 3 o’clock sight line less than 150 yards away from the former President in western Pennsylvania, you can pretty safely assume DHS can’t get its act together to intelligently process all the weird online habits of Americans in a country where a Republican 20-year-old son of a Republican gun-owning dad and a Democratic mother goes on to shoot the former Republican President a few years after losing a $15 bet to a Democrat and having to donate to ActBlue as a result of the lost bet around the time he was in a BlackRock ad/video When they barely wrap their hands around all those Republican NRA-loving, gun aficionados on Discord, it’s pretty safe to verbally criticize the CBP and the TSA clown show online and still end up as a “trusted traveler” at airports.

  12. I’m the quoted tweeter and can confirm. I guess that’s why Global Entry is one of several “Trusted Traveler” programs, and if you have violated their trust in any way whatsoever, you don’t qualify.

    Oh well, at least the immigration lines aren’t typically very long in the US compared to other countries, where I’ve waited hours (I’m looking at you, Bogotá).

  13. “Internet habits” and what websites you go to are two different things. If your habit is to post disturbing comments (to be clear I’m not referring to any comments here) then they should rightfully consider whether you are a risk. I don’t know what they would consider immoral. I’d consider lying immoral. I’d consider watching porn a lifestyle choice. Unless children are involved.

    The problem is that it’s not easy for them to get a person’s entire history, nor would they have legal grounds for collecting it in the first place. Some ISPs wouldn’t cooperate, and some purge any records of such activity after a day on the grounds that it’s no longer relevant, but really to avoid having to deal with warrants and subpoenas.

  14. I’m surprised the crypto babe didn’t use some of her vast accumulation of wealth to buy tickets if she’s all that good at investing. Finding award space in good cabins on convenient dates is a pain.

  15. I really don’t get it with what one’s internet habits must be or what with what stuff one purchases in airports ? To me first of all,what one chooses to purooze online or watch or even comment on is THEIR business,no one elses. If some twerp at the airport decides to make up some Non-existant problem with what your internet history’s been like and they blow a hairy over a stupid trivial thing like that,then they are the one with the problem period ! To me, NO government, No TSA or any one for that matter has ANY right in telling a person or persons what they should or shouldn’t be checking out online-End of story ! Now,as for the other thing and that is with what travellers purchase in airports- It’s pretty much the same story here- Airport staff or the TSA should not be meddling in stuff that is NONE of there business in the first place because this will sure cause a lot of Un-necessary problems that they chose to envoke to their spoilt entitlement

  16. The ads on this site make it very difficult to read any of your content. Screen on mobile keeps jumping to different sections due to ads. You might want to look into that.

  17. @jetsetterfl I so agree!! That and the page jumping around due to different sized images and, for some reason, several items are off the right side of the screen. I have tried two browsers and it is no different.

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