‘I’m The President!’ Frontier Passenger Demands Plane Turn Back for Lost Phone, Claims She Owns The World

A Frontier Airlines passenger flying from San Diego to Las Vegas left her cell phone in the gate area. She and everyone else boarded, and the flight pushed back. The woman wanted the captain to return to the gate to assist in getting her phone.

And the airline really needs to comply because she’s been a loyal Frontier customer for eight years – and she’s the sovereign ruler of the government, owning seven continents. Anyone who mocks her will be shipped out on a boat – or “expired.”

Need I add that she thinks the only reason that this empress is being disrespected is because of race and what she’s wearing?

If I was white and in a suit you would stop the F—ing plane. Laugh now, I am the President of this whole g-dd-mn country. Watch see the f—ing TV news. It’s a d-mn bonafied word.

Yes, I need to get off this plane and I’m gonna tell you straight up don’t you every come against nobody because of their skin color again.

You had enough time. I see Frontier do illegal stuff several times. I’ve been riding you for the last 8 years. Don’t tell me you, had enough to stop, tell the pilot to not go. You just released him from the bank. I saw it out the window. I know it was in my heart.

A flight attendant calmly explains that they couldn’t return to the gate for her phone and she claps back, “that’s a lie from the pit of hell.” She demands the flight attendant’s name, and she provides it. Then the woman continues,

I am an affirmed sovereign ruler here in the government. Seven continents I own.

The passenger filming laughs, and the woman chides her:

Keep laughing, watch your ass be right on a boat. We shipping people out just for a nice group of expedition. What comes goes around it’s time now. Keep laughing watch what happens – you’ll be expired just the like battery on your watch.

Of course there’s video of all of this:

@jenskilicious #Sandiego to #lasvegas lady goes crazy for forgetting her phone at the gate area. She blames #frontierair First part is cut off, but she got crazier and claimed to the the president of the country and then that she was an affirmed soverign ruler in the government and owns 7 continents ‍☠️#frontierairlines ♬ original sound – Jen Ski

Amusing as this is, it actually seems pretty much like any other Frontier Airlines flight? The good news is that they’re all headed to Las Vegas, and Vegas knows how to treat a sovereign ruler correctly.

I just find it admirable that such wealthy royalty chooses to travel with the commoners on Frontier, rather than on her own official state jet. Although that isn’t especially uncommon, since Prince William flies Ryanair. His Anmer Hall home is about an hour closer to Stansted airport than to London Heathrow.

(HT: Bulkhead Seat)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. It is incredibly true and common that a white man in a suit will get his way where a woman of color would not.

  2. Ok a couple of things here:

    1. A white man wearing a suit would not be flying on Frontier.
    2. And if there really was one, Frontier would not have gone back to the gate for him either.
    3. People like this need to be in jail and kept away from the rest of us.

  3. I’m kind of surprised that the pilot didn’t go back to the gate and offload her. I wonder why the pilot thought she was stable enough to fly. Maybe the problem was that the flight attendant didn’t want to ensure safety on the flight and thus didn’t inform the pilot. Maybe that was due to the privilege of being a sovereign.

  4. @SF cuck
    You’re verifiably insane. The opposite is obviously true to anyone that doesn’t have their head up their ass. Everyone is afraid of getting sued or shamed on SM by anyone high up on the victimhood/oppression meter. But thanks for brining race and gender into an obvious mental illness issue. I get it, you’re a leftist, it’s like a knee jerk reaction.

  5. Sure, but years and years and years ago things were very different. I was traveling with a group of five to a small Ohio town from NYC, and we were all wearing suits. Our outgoing flight arrived late and our connection, a smallish ATR-like turboprop, left without us just before we got to the gate. I said to the agent, “Well, we weren’t here ten minutes before departure (as was then required) because your incoming was late. You need to tell the pilot to turn around, come back, and pick us up!”

    And he did.

  6. What if she faked a heart attack until the plane reached the gate then had a miraculous recovery after getting her phone? Kids, don’t try this at home.

  7. Lol she was probably acting crazy so that they would go back to the gate to kick her off and she can get her phone. I’d rather miss a flight than lose my phone as well. Kudos to the FA for not falling for that trick.

  8. Btw, I’ve experience nothing but pleasantness on Frontier flights. “… seems pretty much like any other Frontier Airlines flight?” is an unfair characterization, especially coming from someone who’s never flown in one.

  9. I expected partisan Trump/Harris interjections, but why not Putin, Xi, or the Ayatollah? Now, if she had uttered any of the TSA forbidden words or phrases, she would have indeed been sent back to the gate (hopefully) along with her personal armed escort. Might even have gotten herself commemorative bracelets and all expenses paid cot and hots.

  10. I’m not touching the white guy in a suit thing. That’s already been addressed (and I agree with the gentleman who patiently pointed out that white guys in suits don’t fly Frontier.)

    This lady was clearly in the right. Frontier had left her phone in the terminal. Frontier had taken off without her phone. This was a blatant attmpt by Frontier to silence her Constitutional right to talk loudly on her phone aboard a plane full of deranged lunatics who failed to recognize her majesty.

    Frontier was clearly in the wrong. The Contract of Carriage says they can’t leave until everybody on board has been briefed on the use of seat belts ✔, the no-smoking regulations ✔, they also apply in the “lavatory” ✔.and “must obey all lighted placards AND crewmember instructions (there’s a twenty year debate on that one because the FARS say… about smoking.)

    If Frontier wanted to fix this (and they should have) they should have
    1. Told her they are very concerned about customer service.
    2. An 8-year veteran of flying their airline should know shit service is what they paid for and that’s what they get.
    3. BUT in an effort to create goodwill, Frontier will turn this aircraft right around and go back to the terminal so she can get her phone.
    4. Get her to agree.
    5. Get her back to the terminal.
    6. Close the door, hitting her in the butt on her way out.
    7. Continue the flight.

    That’s not IDB, that’s voluntary deboarding.


  11. The woman was either 1. Having a mental)emotional breakdown, or 2. Hoping to intimidate the flight attendants and pilots into doing what she wanted. The color of her skin had NOTHING to do with her treatment. Anyone of any color or ethnicity cannot get their way through shouting and lying. She forgot her phone. Her problem. Planes can’t just “turn around”. The air traffic controllers and the FAA are not responsible for list phones but they ARE responsible for passengers safety.

  12. It would be funny, but too obvious to say “I didn’t know Kamala flew commercial”.

    The sad part is that we don’t treat mental illness like we should. I’m not saying everyone with mental illness should be locked up but some might need more intervention than we provide today. What if she was hurting someone or shooting at someone, will she do that next? Will she harm herself or take up valuable emergency resources at the cost of someone else’s life?


  13. How is it not obvious to everyone here! She was just drunk! That’s why she forgot her phone plugged into a charger near the gate. Sheesh. Mental illness my a**. Just another drunk frontier pax on the way to Vegas. Move on.

  14. David R. Miller – another MAGAmoron.

    DaninMCI – stay there and don’t breed.

    Moe – if a rat can be kept in a cage, why not you?

  15. When you’re flying on a flight the biggest safety issue is abnormal human behavior and physical illness.

  16. Sfo/ewr and a black guy in a suit wouldn’t have her problem either.
    It is not about color it is never by color it is about class.

  17. @ROG,,, give me a break pal black people like her or some of the most racist people on the planet

  18. If this were any other carrier, they would’ve gone back and had her removed from the flight because she’s obviously mentally unstable.

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