In Socialist Cuba, VIP Lounges Are Coming—Cash Buys Comfort, Ideals Don’t

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Airports in Cuba will open pay-in VIP lounges to attract hard currency from travelers, especially since the change two months ago where American tourists can spend U.S. dollars with Cuban government vendors.

A recent report on state television details the creation of new VIP lounges at airports intended to offer an exclusive service to travelers. The purpose of these lounges is to make the passengers’ stay more pleasant while they wait to board their flight, as long as they have cash to pay for the “courtesy.”

This follows the already-open lounge at Varadero International Airport near Matanzas, 62 miles east of Havana. Depending on the source of purchase, travelers have been paying $25 – $50 for entry into that lounge.

Veradero Airport VIP Lounge

Communist Party rule of Cuba is built into the country’s constitution, with authoritarian government rule and political opposition banned. Cuba, of course, is already a highly unequal society. And air travel is truly for the politically-connected. A Cuban passport costs nearly half a year’s average wages for a state worker. Roundtrip plane fare runs on average more than a year’s wages.

When reading Animal Farm as a child, the takeaway most people have is something along the lines of ‘if only Snowball had won’. But this is no accident. Remember that Cubana de Aviación – and even North Korea’s Air Koryo – sell business class.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Socialism doesn’t guarantee equality, at least as it’s been practiced so far. Thus, there’s no reason to be surprised that the lounges aren’t available to all ticket holders. To think, imply or state otherwise would be to misapprehend the nature of socialism.
    In building communism, the proletariat are to be led by a vanguard. It’s foolish to believe that the vanguard would have to live as the rest of the proletariat.

  2. Just a matter of degree and how it is defined. If you live in a country where tax money is used for public police, fire, parks, libraries and basic schooling then you are in a state with some socialism. How much, like healthcare and high education is the question.

  3. Who dares to fly Cuba, NoKo or Mongolian airlines? Is the life insurance paid up?

    American carriers fly to Cuba, Chinese airlines fly to Mongolia. Who in their right mind would go to NoKo?

    Fly to Seoul on KAL & you can look at the hermit kingdome from the DMZ. Seoul is awesome.

  4. I assumed you would “catch” this, but AS Board Room members have been kicked out from the UA Club in PHX – or as I continue to refer to them as the Red Carpet Clubs.

    I’m assuming with AS’s acquisition of HA and the expanded ability for AS members to use the clubs when traveling on HA, at least in PHX this has already or UA is thinking that this will put too much of a strain on their PHX club.

    Just like that – in an instant – poof – the reciprocity agreement has been abruptly ended.
    Chester is kicked out – left with melted snow on a hot PHX day!

    AS is supposedly looking at/for alternatives in PHX.


  5. Why would AS need to be “looking at/for alternatives in PHX”?

    —> “Alaska Lounge+ members have access to Admirals Club locations when arriving or departing that day on Alaska Airlines or American Airlines.”

    PHX has three AA Admirals Clubs that you can access.

  6. Thats not REAL comunionizm. No country has ever had the REAL stuff. When done right it is a TRUE utopian country. You first have to get rid of all the evil capitalist. Pol Pot came the closest

  7. @Jason – why in the hell would I shuffle and leave security when AS and HA ops are in Terminal 3 – just to re-enter security at Terminal 4 for the AAdmirals Clubs, then have to shuffle back to Terminal 3, and re-clear security?


    Considering the abrupt loss of using the UA club room at PHX, I will assume this is why Chester is looking at/for alternatives in Terminal 3 so members don’t have to go to Terminal 4. Not sure where the alternative could/would be located. Possibly, removing one or two concession spots across from the United Club for a small-ish AS Board Room.


  8. I’ve been to Havana twice. Havana’s airport already has a lounge. It’s had one since at least 2019.

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