Inside Delta’s Harrowing Toronto Evacuation: Video From Inside The Upside-Down, Wing-Torn Plane

Here’s video from inside the evacuation of the Delta flight that wound up upside down with its wings torn away in Toronto.

A flight attendant helps push passengers through the plane’s emergency exit, while people outside assist passengers getting off the aircraft. The flight attendant instructs passengers not to take anything with them, since that would impede the quick exit from the aircraft: “drop it!”

Language in the video is not safe for work or work from home, because everyone had just survived an incredible ordeal. Up to 15 passengers are now reported as having been injured, with three in critical condition.

The Bombardier CRJ-900 (registration N932XJ) was operated by Endeavor Air, which is a wholly-owned regional subsidiary of Delta.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I can not praise this crew enough!
    Regional pay is pathetic!
    Immediately increase to mainline pay!
    Glad everyone made it out alive!

  2. What an interesting exercise in human psyche the people who are more interested in uploading a video later than actually making it out of the plane alive and uninjured. No wonder George Carlin actively rooted for the extinction of the human species.

  3. @RunningJock let’s actually wait for the investigation to see why the plane ended up wheels up.

  4. @Running Jock — Well said, sir. No notes. Pay people more.

    @Michael — Oh, come now, if didn’t lose your phone in the roll, you’d be right there with the others. Also, since you invoked the G.O.A.T., George said: ‘If the black box flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn’t the whole airplane made out of that stuff?’ Obviously, a joke. He may have ‘lost faith’ in humanity towards the end, but I’m not sure he ever really had ‘faith’ to begin with. Wish he were still around to mock us all today.

  5. A lot of us who fly MSP to YYZ take this flight because Air Canada is so unreliable, so first thing I was wondering if I knew anyone on it. Thankfully, not. It was great to hear that all the people survived to make it off the plane.

    Amazing how people in need of getting away from danger — be it a plane that could catch on fire and explode or from an active shooter — still manage to take videos on their phone for others to see. Priorities nowadays.

  6. 1990 has made VFTW great again, just not in the way the M-T-V Admin would want.

    1990’s comments bring me joy — almost on the order of hearing that all on board this DL flight survived the plane crash. Great day for up on No Kings Day.

  7. Tell me why the Captain attempted a landing with 40 kt crosswinds and did not divert to alternate? Criminally poor judgement.

  8. Air New Zealand, Qantas, Cathay Pacific; Qatar Airways; and Emirates are the five safest full-service airlines in 2025. It would be nice if a passsenger had a choice were one of those to have a Fifth Freedom flight between Minneapolis-St. Paul and Toronto.
    Also I wonder if Endeavor Air (subsidiary of Delta) could copy some aspects of these safe airlines to improve its own safety. ranking. Delta currently is down at rank twenty-three.
    I recall the ubiquitous life insurance brochures in tacky metal stands in the Minnepolis-St.Paul airport of the 70’s. Supposedly those disappeared, due to perceptions of improved air safety. Oddly, I now plan future flights with regard to air fare paired with life insurance payout, and not air fare paired with points earned.

  9. @1990, actually no, I wouldn’t. I have small kids who need me. I’m not allowed to do stupid stuff. We’re not all the same.

  10. @GUWonder — Bah! And here I was thinking that we were already ‘great.’ It’s the ‘again’ part that I still don’t get. Like, umm, when exactly?

    Anyway, glad you were not on-board! Many of us travel so frequently that it really could have been any of us.

  11. @Michael — Well then, you sir, sound like a good father, and that you’re raising your kids right.

    In all seriousness, I’m reminded of that accident with JAL at HND in January 2024, where like within 90 seconds they got everyone off an a350, no casualties. I distinctly remember the Japanese airlines include in their safety videos explicitly not to take photos or videos during an evacuation. Maybe US carriers should remind passengers of this too.

  12. From Collaborator News Network:

    Pete Koukov, a passenger on the plane that crashed at Toronto Pearson International Airport, said that he “didn’t know anything was the matter” until they hit the ground — which he described as a pretty hard landing.

    “We hit the ground, and we were sideways, and then we were upside down hanging like bats,” Koukov told CNN’s Brianna Keilar.
    Koukov said he was able to unbuckle and push himself to the ground, and then walk out of the plane, but some others needed help getting down from their seats.

    “Just feeling lucky and happy I got to give the person I didn’t know sitting next to me a big hug, that we were OK, and see my friends who are here to pick me up from the airport and give them a big hug,” he said.

  13. The guy taking the video could have easily caused someone else’s death has a some,thing gone more wrong. Stupid. And selfish.

  14. Pinnacle Airlines purchased Colgan Air and Mesaba Airlines and was rebranded as Endeavor. Ironically, Colgan Air’s famous crash in 2009 was an aircraft that fell from the sky and landed in a house in Buffalo, NY. The aircraft was from Mesaba.

    When the National Transportation Safety Board produced its report, it showed pilot error caused the plane to stall and nosedive. It was also revealed the pilot had not been forthcoming about failing prior flight tests.

    The findings spurred the families of the deceased into action. They banded together and lobbied the government to pass a federal airline safety bill, leading to a mandated 1,500 hours of flight training for co-pilots, the creation of a pilot performance database and a requirement that pilots have 10 hours of rest before flying.

  15. Passenger Ashley Zook posted video of her strapped in her seat and hanging upside down as reported by CBC News. That is incredibly stupid, worse than taking luggage. Get out of the plane ASAP. Stop videoing.

  16. @derek – I mean, if she hadn’t gotten out, it would have simply been a Darwin Award moment, no?

  17. This crash in Canada is obviously Biden’s fault. The crew involved must have seen or read a DEI pamphlet.

  18. It takes a special kind of idiot to spend time videoing inside or outside a crashed aircraft fuselage with the chance of being blown up. Duh.

  19. To NG… and “Bang Ding Ow” was in the right seat. Maybe “Wee Tu Lo” was the F/O…dunno

  20. @1990

    I take absolute JOY in reading 1990’s comments — for one simple reason:

    He personifies the derangement syndrome of intolerant, hate-fueled left wingers who have learned NOTHING from the election results and will guarantee a GOP super majority for decades to come.

    Keep digging the hole deeper, 1990.

    Every sentence you write helps elect more common sense conservatives of all stripes — black, hispanic, white, asian, and former lefties!!!

  21. @Cesare — Hail! Glad at least someone find ‘joy’ in my comments.

    Ah, yes, claims of ‘TDS,’ the greatest hits! Or, for you, it’s ‘ODS,’ because #44 was black. You know, ‘ODS’ which sounds like ‘odious,’ which you are.

    I noticed Daddy recently used that phrase ‘common sense’ so now all your folks feel the need to ‘parrot’ it, as if saying your opinion is ‘common sense’ makes it correct—naw. Also, at this rate, shouldn’t we want ‘better’ sense, not just plain old ‘common’ sense. Bah.

    When this regime is done beating us all into submission all so the oligarchs can get richer, if folks still vote against their self-interest then that’s on them. They did seem to care about ‘the price of eggs’ and ‘no tax on tips’ but nothing has been done about that. Trust a con man, get conned. It’s not like anyone warned them. Boof!

  22. @Samus Aran — Nice false equivalence, but I haven’t heard much about covid for a while. Besides, isn’t it you guys who are still fixated on anti-vax stuff anyway. I donno man, odd flex for you. Try again.

  23. @NG @Fred Myers — Obviously in ‘bad taste’ so soon after Asiana 214, where people had died, but also pretty hilarious when local news actually reported those joke identities.

  24. @Andrew — I’m curious how that pilot who recorded the crash ‘knew’ to take video. Like, didn’t he have enough going on while awaiting takeoff. Still, thanks to his filming, it may provide additional insights to the investigators. Reminds me of that business owner in South Korea who filmed the Jeju crash.

  25. Add me the list of those calling those recording video before well away from the plane as stupid and immoral (in that they potentially risked the lives of others).

    BTW just my speculation, but it looked line the right rear landing gear collapsed as it hit the runway starting the roll.

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