Inside the Military’s 5-Star Secret: How Elite VIPs Soar in Luxury While Flying On Cargo Planes [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Somehow I never knew about this: Military cargo jets use a modular VIP configuration – standardized, palletized pods that can be quickly loaded into a cargo hold. The so‑called “silver bullet” version is outfitted with comfortable seating and integrated secure communications gear. A pallet loaded with airline-style seats can be installed for a more conventional, comfortable ride.

    This approach maximizes flexibility. It lets the same aircraft serve in a purely cargo role and a high-end, secure VIP transport when needed.

  • Lufthansa makes the strangest decisions with its aircraft interiors and frankly the strangest and seemingly least savvy decisions with.. everything? I’m honestly not sure how their CEO still has his job.

    Lufthansa plans to retrofit its Boeing 747-8s with new business class seats, but to begin they’re going to fly around with some passengers getting new seats and others getting old seats because they haven’t figured out how to make the seats fit on the upper deck.

    By end of the year new business class will go into the lower deck, while keeping the old seats upstairs (including first class). Around 2027 they think they can get regulatory approval to introduce new seats upstairs.

  • The Mesa card, which lets you earn points for mortgage payments is out of beta and applications are now available without wait list. They say they’ll be introducing points transfers to airlines by end of the quarter.

    Since Bilt says they’re introducing points for mortgages this year (and Bilt points are probably the single most valuable currency) I’m waiting to see what that looks like, and haven’t applied for Mesa. But I’m giving up points in the meantime – so maybe a mistake!

  • Context, please?

  • Alaska Airlines is leaving Dallas Love Field. These were gates they had obtained through the Virgin America acquisition – gates that American gave up as part of signoff on its deal to be acquired by US Airways.

  • I guess that makes the window a Dutch oven.

    PSA: window seats can double as stroopwafel ovens
    byu/pharm888 inunitedairlines

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Tom Clancy wrote about the executive pods on cargo planes in his Jack Ryan books during the 90’s. Interesting that they’re still in use.

  2. I would really like to know what will happen to gates 11 and 13 at Love Field now that AS is leaving, as they had been leasing them to DL for daily ATL flights.

    Anybody know?

    On a related note, it’d sure be nice to get a DAL-LAX nonstop with an F cabin again…

  3. The executive pods sounds like a decent idea. However, Elon Musk will probably pull out the contract and we’ll soon find that each pod costs as much as the entire aircraft.

  4. Yes the military cargo planes get reconfigured repeatedly for passenger use.
    Hegseth landed on one in Stuttgart.

    Speaking of stut, the FT moderator stut has stepped down as a moderator for the UK-Ireland forum and Markie will take it.

  5. The VIP pods in C-17s are awful narrow windowless boxes, especially in turbulence on long flights. I dislike flying in them.

  6. @Dave W. — I know this may be a surprise (to you), but I don’t think Lufthansa has ever wondered about ‘Dave W.,’ then again, who knows, I’m just ‘1990.’ Like, I could be wrong about this. You know what, maybe there is indeed some guy over in Frankfurt, up all night, every night, toiling over how to get your business, in particular. His name happens to be ‘Hans,’ and he’s doing everything he can, sir. His livelihood depends on getting ‘Dave W.,’ occasional commenter at WFTW, who flies business class, to fly with LH. Hans has a family, Dave W. Hans cares deeply about your business.

  7. Relative to Lufthansa, as always, transparency is key (and can be profitable as well). They would be wise to split their Business Class into something like “Business Class +” and “Business Class Classic”, and then clearly delineate the difference (pros and cons) at ticketing. It’s quite possible that “Business Class Classic” could be a great choice, provided a combination of slightly lower pricing and seating on the upper deck (with identical food and beverage).

  8. @TexasTJ — That is a really good idea. It’s all about managing expectations. If you booked business expecting the new Allegris cabins, but got the older version, either because of a last-minute aircraft swap or this difference in hard product with the 747-8, that’s not gonna go well for most. Then again, maybe most passengers are not as discerning as those of us who frequent aviation/travel blogs. True, the food/beverage is not really the issue here–it’s that new config/seat vs. old.

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