Jessica Chastain Puts JetBlue On Blast For Insulting $15 Credit After Seatback TV Fails [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I probably wouldn’t get the credit because I probably wouldn’t use the seatback entertainment system on any flight that JetBlue makes. I will have to see if I use their system when I fly in a few weeks. In other words, I find it much ado about nothing.

  2. Ooooooo . An actress couldn’t watch television . What a loss .

    Hopefully she was seated next to a voluble person who explained the structure of a leaf for 6 hours .

  3. As an economist, the question I ask is how much would passengers be willing to pay for seatback entertainment if it were not offered. An alternative question, but not an equivalent one is by how much would the ticket price have to be reduced to make you indifferent between having no seatback entertainment. The answer to the second question is partially answered by the prices of the low cost carriers.

    Ultimately, the airline should calculate these amounts, find their midpoint, add 10% as a goodwill gesture, and make that their offer. I don’t know, maybe $15 is correct; I don’t have the data.

  4. @Raphael … “As an economist” , the question you might ask is : Why would anyone wish to fill their mind with horrible junk , free or not ?

    Newton Minnow said it best when he termed television : “A vast wasteland” .

  5. Too bad, I guess she wanted to use the entertainment system to watch a movie she’s never seen or hear of such as Interstellar, Molly’s game, etc

  6. TV screen didn’t work.

    “She appears to have deleted the tweet.” Good move. Nobody’s perfect and we all say something dumb once in a while. May we move on now?

  7. TV screen didn’t work. (Jeremy Clarkson meme “Oh no! Anyway…”)

    “She appears to have deleted the tweet.” Good move. Nobody’s perfect and we all say something dumb once in a while. May we move on now?

  8. I, for one, stand with Ms. Chastain and applaud her effort to shame airlines for their paltry compensation for equipment and service failures! She should reinstate her post! All the haters can take a hike.

  9. I say good on Jessican Chastain for calling Jetblue airbus out on their faulty stuff. They deserve this to happen

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