Just 1000 Of Your Miles Can Help Ensure No One Dies Alone

Have a few spare United Airlines miles? They could make a difference in the last moments of someone’s life. The miles sitting in your account can bring someone comfort, and bring family together with their loved ones before it’s too late.

I joined the board of Give A Mile which uses donated miles for trips of compassion. They are currently raising United Airlines MileagePlus miles to provide flights to people to spend the last days with a loved one. And if you’ll chip in a few miles, I’ll match them. I’ve already donated to this campaign. I’ll do more, and I’d appreciate your help.

  • Match amount: Up to 100,000 miles. My United balance is a bit light right now.

  • Duration: 5 days starting today.

  • Goal: Give A Mile has 3 weeks left to raise a million miles in this campaign. We’re on our way but really need help to get there.

This hobby has done so much for me, and for many of you too. We’re very fortunate and have an opportunity to give back. There aren’t enough things we can do where a small charity with little overhead connects directly with people in need, where our miles can directly make a difference.

Give A Mile doesn’t ‘convert miles into money at a low rate’ like some charities. The group literally accepts donations of miles and redeems them for flights of compassion, bringing together people with their loved ones as they’re about to pass away, for last moments holding each other and looking into each others’ eyes – the kinds of life moments that cannot ever be recaptured, and an opportunity to ensure that people do not die alone.

You can donate as few as 1,000 miles or as many as half a million miles. If you’re in a position to help, I’d appreciate it, and the impact of your miles will be doubled.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I donated; then received a note from United saying that if the goal (1 million?) was not reached the miles would be returned. It seems there are only 5 days to reach the goal – ouch!

  2. I just donated- Interesting did not realize they have to reach a goal to receive the Miles
    Hi Leonard,

    Thank you for donating 10000 miles to GIVE A MILE’s campaign. Once the campaign reaches its goal, the organization will receive the miles you donated. If they don’t reach their goal, we’ll return your miles to your account no more than 5 business days after the campaign closes.

  3. Thank you, Gary. This is a great way to give back to those in need.
    I just wonder if United will make award flights available without jacking up the award price?

  4. Minimum is 1,000 miles, so my 845 miles don’t work as the web site does not factor in your match. Poor design.

  5. Sorry, maybe I’m a bit dense, but when I click through to donate, should I see some indication that there’s a Gary match to whatever I give? (I’ll give regardless but wanted to make sure I’m not missing something.)

  6. love reading your articles. I’m Canadian so don’t have many United miles. Could only give 2000 miles.

  7. Tara here, US board chair of Give A Mile. I wanted to clarify United changed their policy and will not refund the miles if the goal isn’t reached. We are working with United to update the donation message. Thank you to everyone supporting this! We raised 1.5 million miles from the last campaign and are now down to less than 16k miles. The miles from this campaign will replenish our balance and reunite many families for a final goodbye just in time for the holidays. This campaign goal is 1 million miles. A huge thanks to Gary for his generous match up to 100k miles, which will help us get there fast!

  8. Let me get this straight: You want people to die with someone else? You want the person dying to take someone with them?

  9. Great Cause, thank you for taking it on – So enjoy your blog – read everyday –
    Cheers Kerry

  10. this is a good time to donate your Ex girlfriend Ex boyfriend Ex Spouse’s miles that you still control

    Charity is the best Revenge

  11. Don’t really do any award travel, so I had a pretty decent size cache of miles available. Gave 5K for a worthy cause.

  12. I do not have much UA mileages. But Christmas is coming, and people needs their loved ones. I donated 5k.
    People needs people; and I can share something I have.

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