Kicked Out Of His Seat—Delta Passenger Forced To Move For A Dog [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Ah, Gary’s weekly ‘dogs on a planes’ post, which always brings out the very ‘best’ in folks. Looking forward to the inevitable ‘euthanize that dog so I can get my complimentary upgrade’ comments from the least empathetic among us. Let the hate flow through you, fellas! Good! GOOD!!

  2. JD Vance was right when he called out the childless Kamala cat ladies. The anger these self loathing and bitter old makes spewed showed just how correct he was.

    The feminist movement has made these women reject motherhood in favor of self entitlement. But they can’t deny their natural instincts so we left with this broads that treat their dogs and cats as if they were their children because I’m their minds they literally are. Its both sad and pathetic and it’s not shock most of these crazy cat ladies are the base of the democrat party. The party of instant gratification and grievances.

  3. United Airlines doesn’t allow screencasting on their inflight entertainment systems because corporate customers are afraid their employees will use it with confidential documents

    If you’re trying to do that much (or any, for that matter) computer work on a plane maybe it makes more sense to stay home and meet over Zoom instead.

  4. Obviously a premium dog.

    And does anyone else think that AndyS is an incel who owns more sex toys than has brain cells?

  5. @AndyS

    We were expecting you, sir.

    Speaking of JD (and President Musk, of course), how is the whole ‘they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the pets, of the people that live there’ situation in Ohio these days?

    I presumed that would be fixed by the ‘Dictator on Day 1,’ along with the ‘price of eggs,’ world peace, and ‘not tax on tips.’

    Instead, we only got pardons for insurrectionists, sorry, I mean, ‘patriots,’ who most certainly were not ‘sore losers’ as they violently attacked (not backed) ‘the blue’ at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

    Anyway, since we’re re-writing history here, fine, please do call the Democrats as the party of ‘grievance,’ as your team threatens ‘retribution’ against its perceived foes. Be sure to scapegoat the vulnerable, too. We’re all looking forward to the ‘camps.’

    I imagine @Mantis is still asleep beside you. Give him a nudge so he can add to this, please.

  6. “miles4migrants”

    Didn’t realize something like that existed. I hope someone investigates all the collaborators for human trafficking charges.

  7. @AndyS

    You seem to be intent on living upto the stereotypes of MAGA types as the dumbest people on the planet.

    The dog owner here is a male.

  8. @1990

    Very happy so far with everything. Although Ashley babbits killer still needs to be charged with murder for killing an unarmed female.

  9. @AndyS

    How Christ-like of you to denigrate a charitable organization that facilitated donations and organized transport for people around the world who were fleeing persecution, war, and disaster.

    You may also be disappointed to learn that regular people, as well as airlines, hotels, banks, and other businesses still support other charities that do the same good work for those in need.

    I respect that Gary is a ‘free-speech-absolutist’; as such, he does not moderate these comments, so you can continue to spread your hate, and I will call it out. See you again soon.

  10. @1999 I despise Christians they enable this bleeding heart policies.

    I’ll continue to debunk your flawed word view that you contie to create in that little delusional brain of yours all the while I get to enjoy the show.

  11. @Johhny

    Thank you. Finally, someone gets it.

    (Of course, ‘do your own research’ as ‘murder’ is not ‘great’)

  12. @AndyS

    Surprise! So, the whole ‘religious conservative’ thing was bullshit all along. Wow. No one noticed.

    When your ‘team’ kills off Social Security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts for the oligarchs, boy, that’ll be fun for all the ‘old folks’ that paid into that system. You know, those awful ‘entitlements’ (certainly not a ‘social safety net’). You must hate the New Deal, too, eh? Hey, what’s that hippie commie ‘Green New Deal’ thing–Is that a hoax by the Chinese?

    I’m still hungry. Feed me more.

  13. @1990
    Social security and Medicare only enable people in society who do nothing but leech. do what Canada does and offer euthanasia, it’s cheaper.

    I do hate the new deal. Hope that gets dismantled as well.

  14. A last minute screw you to weddings from a Lake Tahoe Hotel. I hope that the people with contracts are made whole. I wonder why the renovations have to start before the summer. The only thing I can come up with is that it will be after the ski season so maybe getting labor and supplies in for the renovations works out better at that time.

  15. @AndyS

    Wow, you are most unique specimen. You simultaneous support America’s hat, sorry, ‘the 51st state,’ yet Canada is so comparatively liberal to the US. Wild.

    Political scientists and psychologists alike will want to study you for your ‘cognitive dissonance.’

    While I am no expert, I believe the throughline for you is a combination of simple solutions to complex problems often involving violence against perceived enemies.

    Something like: ‘Kill the dogs! Kill the programs! Kill the people!’ Is that about right? Far-right?

  16. Looking forward to the inevitable ‘euthanize that human being so I can get my entitled dog upgrade’ comments from the least empathetic among us.

  17. @BigTee

    Good one. As long as there’s selfish, unnecessary violence, we all agree… *slow clap*

  18. @AndyS
    “I hope someone investigates all the collaborators for human trafficking charges.”

    Really can’t wait for the investigation of Greg “Shake You Down” Abbott and Ron “Florida Man” DeSantis.

    Kings of The Traffickers!
    State Sponsors of Human Trafficking.
    The Abbott & De Santis trafficking cartels.

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