Late 90s Hip Hop Star Kicked Out Of First Class Pulls His Celebrity Card “There’s Gonna Be Repercussions!”

Hip Hop star Juvenile (Terius Gray) was kicked out of American Airlines first class. His wife was allowed to stay in the overbooked cabin. However, rather than suffer the indignity of American’s Main Cabin, he got off the aircraft – declaring himself a celebrity and than American was making a mistake denying him the seat.

Juvenile’s 400 Degreez album (1998) hit number nine on the Billboard 200 going quadruple platinum. It included the single “Back That Azz Up” (featuring Mannie Fresh and Lil Wayne) which introduced New Orleans Bounce music to broader audiences.

Here he is making clear that he’s being ‘singled out’ by the airline, and he doesn’t understand why they’re downgrading him and not his wife? (They were only over in the cabin by one.) Once it becomes clear that he’s going to have to give up his seat, he declares

I’m a celebrity, I’m telling you, there’s gonna be repercussions. I’m gonna get off the plane, I’m not gonna let y’all disrespect me like that.

He was arrested in 2001 for a fight outside a Miami nightclub, in 2002 for assaulting his barber, and in 2003 on drug charges. He was arrested in 2010 while recording music in Louisiana when a neighbor called the police reporting a marijuana smell. And he was arrested in 2017 over failure to pay child support totaling $170,000. His behavior here was exemplary, to be honest.

And nobody likes to buy a product and then not receive that product. Juvenile has some not safe for work things to say about it:

The man still carries quite a lot of clout, and a video of him dancing with billionaire Tom Steyer to “Back That Azz Up” was released prior to the 2020 South Carolina Democratic presidential primary. His endorsement of Steyer, who spent over $190 million on his campaign but did not secure any delegates, wasn’t enough clout however.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I know airlines oversell their seats but I was unaware AA would oversell their First Class cabin.

  2. It is pathetic when people are talented (I guess….) and make a lot of money but lose their humility and common sense in how to get along. It’s a sad story that happens too often and if their fame and profits are gone maybe all that is left is advertising junk on late night television. My son is a judge and says that he and others in his profession get a monthly newsletter on those who have abused their positions for personal gain (even small things like trying to get out of traffic tickets). That is a smarter way to get through life.

  3. Hmmm… Well, I don’t care one bit for rap, and I’m inclined to believe that someone who once was a celebrity 25 years ago probably isn’t one now. That said, it would seem that a lot depends on the circumstances of how the First Class Seat was acquired. If he paid for it outright (as opposed to it being a complimentary upgrade), then this is on American Airlines. In that case, they should have been offering Vouchers and/or cash BEFORE boarding. Something just doesn’t seem right about the story.

  4. Who is this guy? No, seriously, who IS this guy? And yes, I take pride in the fact that I have never listened to a song apparently about backing your ass up (???).

    That said, was this an upgrade? If so, bummer dude, that’s life. If he had a paid seat they should have started offering compensation deals to whoever would take it and not just push bump someone back.

  5. BA once downgraded Joan Collins but learnt their lesson : they no longer overbook first class seats

  6. Earlier this summer it was Pepa (the legendary Rap group Salt & Pepa) being disrespected by the folks at Southwest Airlines.

    Now, it’s Juvenile going at it with the folks (American Airlines) who claim black people smell bad.

    Enough is enough.

  7. Rumor has it that Kamala used to listen to this know (along with Tupac and Snoop) while she smoked weed… college… 1986.

  8. Rumor has it that Kamala used to listen to this knob (along with Tupac and Snoop) while she smoked weed… college… 1986.

  9. We don’t know the reason for the forced downgrade. Most likely it has to do with the new contract that the AA pilots union scored, where they can essentially bump pax from first class in certain situations when commuting.

  10. @ CHRIS — OK, and, assuming that is true, WHAT precisely is the problem with that? These are two of the greatest artists of all time, and she smoked weed in college at age 21. BFD.

  11. Also- extremely poor taste for AA to do this to Juvenile. The guy is a living legend. Lots of hits, but my faves are “U Undastand?” and “I Got That Fire.”

    He shouldn’t have to explain who he is. He has a very distinctive voice- you can hear the dirty south in it. Truth is AA was lucky he chose to fly with them, and they didn’t have the sense to appreciate it. All airlines should have AI or something that alerts them to when a real Big Tymer is flying.

    Scary thing is if AA is willing to do this to Juvenile, just think what they would do to us regular schmucks. That should scare us all.

    Definitely agree that Juvenile handled the situation very professionally. Meanwhile AA just cost itself a lot of future business.

  12. @drrichard, it’s not hard to get out of traffic tickets. In the past 15 years, I have a 100% record of getting out of them (n=3) and not by DYKWIA.

    This man is great because he did not beat his wife when she got the upgrade and he did not. He exceeds the requirements to be president.

  13. “Back your ass up” into coach. The best and worst part of air travel is the utter democracy of it. The computer doesn’t care how many records you’ve sold, or how much you make, or who you are. Not entitled to the seat, sorry back your ass up into coach.

  14. @ Pilot93434 — It does care if you paid for F, which I believe he did. We need more details.

  15. I want my own group of idiots to funnel me money despite my lack of any skill or talent.

  16. It’s tough to be a has-been. That’s why so many child stars have crashed and burned. You get used to a certain level of treatment and can’t understand it when it goes away, and don’t take it well.

  17. @ Billy Bob — Don’t worry, there will soon be a big group of idiots available available after 45 is stomped.

  18. In fairness: I’d be pretty pissed off too.

    You spend a LOT of money to fly in first class, especially if it’s international. If I’m booking it well in advance, checked in, and board. The idea that this could be taken from me is absolutely ludicrous. It’s essentially stealing and fraud. There really needs to be consequences to the airline.

  19. The people posting here not knowing about Juvenile or his reach are hilarious. Just because you never heard of him means everything to you. Juvenile still as popular as ever. Eminem just paid homage on his new record. You don’t think it was a mistake to not only overbook FC, but then pick a guy with over 10 million records sold. You think johnny Johnson sitting in 2B has more reach? His reaction was what everyone would do in his position. Idi@ts on here ha

  20. All these airlines are having that issue, I flew 3 times in the past year and the same issue each time, I paid first class and told that seat sold out or plane overbooked with American, Delta and Spirit.. I demanded my money back and complementary night at the airport hotel with AA and Delta, but spirit was able to work the issue out and I was compensated with drink of choice, flying points etc.

  21. @CHRIS – Once the wacky weed you’ve been smoking wears off, all you have to do is reread the first two….TWO(!!!)….paragraphs to see that the song, and album the song is from, were both released in 1998.

    Get a grip, man!!!!

  22. Trump suppporters for sure, what does his past have to do with it smh, all the negative remarks you wouldn’t say that stuff to his face lol #scaryraciest.

  23. Git yor own private plane bee-atch! Mr bigshot legend in your own mind. Got that homeboy?

  24. Gonna stay out of the politics of 45 and whether this a-hole has any real talent left 26 years after his one-hit wonder and focus on the flight details.

    He had an F seat and AA downgraded him. Those appear to be undisputed facts.

    Just as in being pulled over for an alleged driving infraction, he had two choices, and they are enumerated as:
    1. Take the downgrade and discuss later with AA. (That’s like not arguing with the cop but discussing it calmly in court with the judge later).
    2. Not taking the downgrade and declining to fly. (Not really an option in traffic-infraction analogy-land.)

    What he did is decide to make a Big Stink™ because he is a “celebrity”. Celebrities (definition follows) are people we celebrate. We have long ago stopped celebrating this gem of humanity.

    – You don’t litigate with an FA on the aircraft.
    – Take your new seat. Set an example. Take it up with AA corporate later.

    Do I know of what I speak? My FF DL flight this AM (yes 2024082201320z) had a crew that decided there would be no service. No snacks. No food. No drinks. No water. No service. The outbound leg of that same flight we took two weeks ago had water, snacks, and drinks.

    Did I pitch a fit? Full-fare-first blah blah blah? No. I was polite to the crew who showed for an 0620 flight and were professional. I’ll be taking it up with DL. The same should have been done by Mr. Celebrity here.

    In case you want to check up on my facts, it was DL3943 YVR->SEA. I’ll be discussing with DL long before I post a review, and I won’t be talking about “celebrity” or my “rights” because “I paid for full-fare first class.”

    Sometimes (mostly) if you don’t get what you thought you should, sit down, shut up, and button the make-things-worse-hole.

  25. Why are they overbooking flights? If I’ve been a customer since the 90’s…and I’m flying first class with my wife, and you decide to randomly pull the black dude out of first class because you don’t know who he is…it’s not a good look.

  26. I was much younger in the 90s and I have no idea, nor would I care, who this person is. Sounds like someone better suited for Frontier Airlines.

  27. Low class assclown. Ghetto morons like this are why we cannot have nice things.

    Also, Kamala Harris totally blew Willie Brown for political patronage.

  28. Celebrity in the modern world last minutes. Who is this guy? Never heard of him. Welcome back to earth, dude. Enjoy life like the rest of us.

  29. So, let me get this straight. If you have a criminal record, that should govern the customer’s treatment, even if they paid their full first class fare?

    “Approximately 25-30% of Americans have been convicted of a crime at some point in their lifetime. This includes both felony and misdemeanor convictions.”

  30. It’s clear that the people in this comment section are old and don’t realize that he’s still just as much a celebrity and we will forever back that azz up to his music. And a boomer 100% wrote the headline

  31. I have no idea who this guy is, but apparently he was familiar to a lot of people who were into Public Enemy before Public Enemy ever popped up on any TV program (beside maybe some local public access TV).

  32. First, let me say, to me, he was living up to his name. Second, this “story” does not give any details. We go from he was downgraded to his prior arrest record. Why is that always the case for black men. List their previous convictions. In this instance, they have nothing to do with them downgrading him. Why did the airlines downgrade. That part of the story is left out. Since the article had no substance, they just put his record in to fill the void.

  33. It is quite interesting ti read all the racial comments from the same individuals who will argue America does not have a race or cultural issue. You have a right to express your disgust with how this individual articulated himself, but how you do shows more about your character. Anyone who paid for a ticket, checked in, and was seated would be obviously upset. Especially when he had a contractual obligation and separated from their significant other in the process. This is not a left or right issue. This is an issue of the corporation taking advantage of the people. American Airlines should be held responsible. You know the number of seats and therefore you are aware of the number of seats for sale. Once he checks in and is seated, the individual who were also sold the ticket should be compensated. However, that should not affect the customer who is currently being serviced. This is basic knowledge.

  34. Just cause you don’t know who he is, doesn’t mean he is not huge globally. The title of this article also sucks. I’m glad he spoke out because the level of professionalism has gone down significantly with all the airlines these days. It’s practically like taking greyhound in the sky all over this country.

  35. Kuck is throwing stones from glass houses. He/she/they is low class and ghetto, as evidenced by his/her/their foul reference to the US Vice President running to be US President by defeating the vulgar con man from NY who relocated to Florida to be closer to the playground of his late sex predator buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

  36. In his defense he is actually a massively famous celebrity who PAID for 1st class and CHOSE to fly AA instead of private. It’s beyond stupid of AA if they had to bump just one first class passenger they would chose to bump the celebrity, which would inevitably result in more bad publicity for the airline (the consequences he referred to) than any of the other passengers.

  37. I read elsewhere there was a change in aircraft. I’m guessing the normal 738 on the flight was replaced by a 319 or 320, going from 16 F to 12. AA claimed the rapper was selected by their algorithm. Flight time 103 minutes.

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