Layover Turned Lethal: Murder During DFW Airport Connection [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. @Alert, are you referring to the American cultural activity of going on random shooting sprees?
    This trend goes far beyond having a beef with an individual, and where in the third world is this happening?

  2. United is still United in the Jenni Farley incident. Fortunately she handled it good so she didn’t get dragged off of the airplane. She should get the limit for each of the seats she was in (does United still offer up to $10,000 for denied boardings?)

  3. @Alert, read the link, there is more to the story. It seems the young killer was observed at his departure airport in Chattanooga, where he was running around shirtless, sweating, and incoherent. He should never have been allowed to board the flight.

    He then continued on to DFW, where (my guess) is that he left the airport and somehow picked up? bought? a gun – unless he had snuck it through TSA screening in Chatt – and then roamed around DFW in a random search for someone to kill.

    This obvious mental health issue speaks far more about the US gun culture, where it is really easy to purchase a gun (or sneak a gun through TSA) than it does about third world immigration. As a footnote, I’m an advocate for rigorous immigration screening and stronger border policy.

  4. Paris syndrome is first noticed after taking a ANA or Japan Airlines flight to Paris and then getting on the RER with passengers from these flights.

    These passengers mostly younger women dressed impeccable are shocked and awed to the max.

  5. Jenni Farley most likely got on the plane and then canceled her ticket.

    Was a travel hack she picked up from tiktok.

  6. Uhhhh if you read the article, you can see it didn’t happen at DFW airport. Nice clickbait though. I guess I fell for it.

  7. Want to address gun crimes in America? It’s easy. Last FBI statistics I saw showed over 70% of gun crimes were by people who couldn’t legally own a gun. First offense for someone in possession of an illegal firearm, 20 years in prison. Use that that weapon in a crime, 30 years in prison. Injure someone with that weapon, 40 years in prison. No early release. If a juvenile is found in possession of a firearm, locked up in juvenile detention until their 21st birthday. We had a 20 year old felon shot by police that had 2 prior convictions for a felon in possession of a firearm (no telling what his juvenile record looked like). Of course we had all the squalling and protests.

  8. Jenni was so distraught, she took her disabled son off to the local Margaritaville during the wait.

    So sad.


  9. @Alert – 3rd world countries actually have gun control to prevent COMPLETE INSANE people to not have access to weapons

  10. Having been an expat and lived in other countries, I will agree with Alert. Many countries censor any talk or publication of violence in their countries. While the violence is often perpetrated with firearms, many times it’s knives, explosives and violent bodily attacks. Please don’t be so naive to think that gun control in foreign countries prevent violence and mental illness is exclusively American.

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