This frightens me. will sell you personalized luggage.
Choose a 20″ or 24″ bag, add images, a background, and text.
Here are examples:

I could see someone plastering on the side:
I Paid My Airline $35 And All I Got Was This Stupid Bag.
LuggagePros does offer cash back through three of the major shopping portals…
(HT: Joe Brancatelli)
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I think this is an awesome idea actually. Makes it easier to stand out on the carriage belt!
What a fabulous idea. I get so sick of all the blue or black suitcases whirling around the baggage carousel. The website didn’t say much about the luggage itself, though.
I’m going to get one that says “STAND AWAY FROM THE BAGGAGE CAROUSEL UNTIL YOUR BAG ARRIVES” in giant, red letters.
“Kip Hawley Is An Idiot”, anyone? 🙂 (Has it been long enough to laugh at this one yet?)
I like “This is not a Suspicious Package, I’m just in the can, please do not destroy” or “DEA property – do not open” 😉
Personally I would not want my child’s name plastered over their suitcase. Same way I would not plaster my kids names under the stick figures on my car. I may be jaded but there are weirdos out there and giving them more information to target you kids is not a good thing.
Yeah, wonder what kind of filtering they are going to have to do on the sayings put on there. Could definitely think of a lot of ones they shouldn’t allow!
I am waiting for some United fanboy to blow up the ‘Tulip’ and Global Services credentials.