Major Chinese Tourist Site Exposed As Fraud, Waterfall Actually Fed By Pipes

The Yuntai Waterfall in the Henan province of north central China is supposed to be a majestic natural wonder, “like the Milky Way flying down” according to the park’s website. China’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall features a 1,030-foot drop and is honored with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s highest accolade. It’s a UNESCO Global Geopark. Millions of tourists visit annually. And it’s a fraud.

There’s a pipe supplying water to the falls. The park now admits to making a “small enhancement” during the dry season to ensure the waterfall’s continuous flow and maintain its visual appeal.

In order to enrich your visiting experience and make your visit worthwhile, I made a small enhancement during the dry season, just to meet you in a better posture.

Fraud aside, the crudely-installed pipe even disrupts what’s supposed to be an undisturbed natural environment.

Should you wish to see the pipe waterfall, Nangan Airport has Taiwan flights but generally people fly to Zhengzhou which is a focus city for several Chinese carriers and offers flights to as far away as Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.

The Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou similarly dried out part of the year. Instead of a pipe, they build a dam to ensure water flow. I guess that’s better?

I’ll take Iguazú Falls, myself.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I actually don’t think this is as big of a deal as it seems? Where do people think water comes from during the annual (and predictable) dry season?

    It’s like saying that Maine has the coldest beaches, even when it’s 95 degree heat wave in the middle of July.

  2. Kinda depends on why you’re going to see it. If it’s to take in the wonders of nature, this news is slightly disappointing. If it’s to witness the awesome spectacle of water tumbling down a 1,000 foot cliff, then this news is no big deal. The Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building are both awesome spectacles, and they are entirely man-made.

  3. I presume now, the UNESCO Geopark designation will go away.

    FAKE FRAUD and Ministry of Tourism should be ashamed- there is no such thing as shame in China.

  4. @LAX Tom …During military GIs got some ripe bananas & fruits and put them in and around two MP jeeps . Then GIs released some hungry monkeys . The mob of monkeys ate the bananas & fruits and used the MP jeeps as lavs . A truly spectacular demonstration of nature .

  5. In a reverse situation at Niagara Falls, late at night after the lights have been turned off, water is diverted to holding ponds on both the USA and the Canada side for electricity generation the next day. Supposedly the water going over the Falls at that time is a mere trickle compared to when the tourists see the Falls. The diversion is curtailed around first light. I wonder if the water pipe at the falls in China is turned off at night.

  6. @ Gary — They should rename it after 34 time convicted felon, thrice impeached you-know-who.

  7. Well- certainly not surprising – The PRC & CCP have been a hyper successful false front building supported by wholesale international greed, willful ignorance & extremist / cultist authoritarians, – Manufactured nature has finally had the cloak jerked off of it as well….add it to the pile of fantasy & overt falsehood.

  8. If you told a lot of people to guess which country was faking a record waterfall with a water pipe, the first guess would be China. So not a big surprise. That is why always take any Chinese accomplishment with a grain of salt.

  9. If I were the hiker that exposed this, I’d be concerned about an involuntary visit to a reeducation camp. You know, to educate me on China’s “natural” wonders.

  10. Lie. Cheat. Steal. Welcome to China! There’s nothing new in the world except the history. You don’t know.

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