Man Arrested For Crime Spree Across Hotels: Setting Fire, Stealing Scooter, Showering In Woman’s Room

They say that most crimes are committed by a very small number of people. Crack down on the super-offenders and you make an outsized difference in quality of life. So this happened.

A man is accused of several crimes in hotels… Police said officers arrived at The Grand Hyatt Hotel after receiving reports of someone stealing and trespassing on the property on Monday night. That’s where they found hotel security detaining 62-year-old Timothy McNichols, police said.

Security told officers McNichols was caught on camera stealing a hotel employee’s scooter from the garage and coming back without it, according to the arrest report. Officers recognized him as the suspect of vandalism and starting fires earlier in the day at the Holiday Inn Express across the street.

The arrest report says a manager at the Holiday Inn Express found McNichols lighting a small fire in a stairwell. He’s also accused of pulling three fire alarms on several floors, breaking a tamper switch on the wall and causing burn marks on the property totaling $1,000 in damages.

Meanwhile a Holiday Inn guest says he broke into her room using a janitors key, ate her food, and was taking a shower with boots on when she walked in. Police “found his wallet, license, shirt and shoes” in the room. So I guess he literally had to change into the boots when getting into the shower.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Drug abuse and/or mental health condition. Address those as a matter of public health and public policy; then, a lot of problems in our society will disappear. Shame that our legislators can’t see this vision through.

  2. Wow, what a read! It’s absolutely baffling what some individuals choose to do with their time and energy. Setting fire, stealing a scooter, and barging into a woman’s room uninvited – this is a stark reminder for all of us to always be cautious and vigilant, even when staying in what we believe to be safe places like reputable hotels. The unpredictability of human behavior can sometimes be downright scary. I’m relieved that no one was seriously injured in this spree and hope that this incident prompts hotels everywhere to reassess and enhance their security measures. Safety first!

  3. People like to blame issues like this on mental health and drugs but at some point in life, each of us have choices and personal responsibility. Pair that with a lack of support services and weak justice standards like no cash bail, etc. and it creates a problem for law-abiding citizens that don’t take personal responsibility and others continue to enable them by giving them a pass and blaming it all on their choices (drugs, theft, alcohol, etc.)

  4. Just found this article. This man is a lifelong friend. Super intelligent, retired from the military after serving over 20 years. None of this is characteristic of him. He has suffered a recent mental breakdown and needs help.

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