Man’s First-Ever Flight Ends In Federal Charges: Does Shots, Asks Crew To Join The Mile High Club

Excited, yet nervous, James Finnister turned to alcohol – shots – to calm his nerves over the first airline flight of his life from Detroit to Orlando on Spirit Airlines flight 693.

He drank.. heavily before the flight. Up in the air, his behavior becomes.. questionable. He asks flight attendants to join the mile high club. He reportedly pulled a flight attendant into his seat. And then passes out.

But he’s not done. Back at it with the flight attendants he is curious about the plane and about entering the cockpit. A drunk, belligerent man asking questions about the cockpit just is not going to end well. And it didn’t.

A first-time flier is facing federal charges after allegedly asking two flight attendants if they wanted to join the “mile high club,” yanking one of them into his seat, mid-air, before asking unnerving “questions related to entering the aircraft cockpit,” according to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday.

James Finnister, 37, also “laid down on the floor of the aircraft in front of his seat after being moved for a third time by flight attendants due to his disruptive, intimidating behaviors,” the complaint states.

Spirit Airlines Flight

He’s charged with interfering with flight crew, and free on bond. However he says the charges are “bogus” because he was asleep most of the flight so couldn’t have done anything wrong. He admits to joking about the mile high club, though. Asking someone you’ve never met if they want to join works better when they’re the one who’s drunk, to be honest.

And he says he was really curious about the cockpit, “is this the cockpit up here? I never been on a plane, I wanted to have a look, and so they took me to jail.” Like, the cockpit, what is it? The crewmember should have responded “it’s the little room in the front of the plane where the pilot sits, but that’s not important right now.”

(HT: Paul H)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “Asking someone you’ve never met if they want to join works better when they’re the one who’s drunk, to be honest…”

    Is that from personal experience, Gary?

  2. “Asking someone you’ve never met if they want to join works better when they’re the one who’s drunk, to be honest.”

    Rapi Scary Geff

  3. He was deadheading to the Spirit Airlines Orlando gates to participate in their evening flight club.

  4. Stupid Americans. What’s the deal if he was asking about visiting the cockpit? He didn’t try to enter. Asking the crew to join the high mile club might is probably not too promising when you are drunk, but whatever. It doesn’t do any harm as well…

  5. I agree with Sam Kim. Alluding to taking advantage of someone who’s drunk is very poor taste.

  6. Asking someone you’ve never met if they want to join works better when you’re super attractive.

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