Mastercard Will Let You Put a Name on Your Credit Card That Matches Your True Identity

If the legal name on your credit card doesn’t match your gender identity there may be awkward moments at the checkout counter or even denial of service from a clerk who suspects fraud because you appear to be a different gender than the name printed on the front or back of your plastic.

So Mastercard’s solution is the True Name card.

The product will allow for chosen names to appear on the front of the card.. “For many in the LGBTQIA+ community, the name on their credit, debit or prepaid card does not reflect their true identity. As a result, for the transgender and non-binary community, the card in their pocket can serve as a source of sensitivity, misrepresenting their true identity when shopping and going about daily life.”

The company said that..32 percent⁠— of individuals who have shown identification with a gender or name that did not match their presentation reported negative experiences such as being denied services, harassed and/or attacked.

There have been scented credit cards in Dubai and for a long time several banks have let you design your own credit card or debit card with whatever image and slogan you want. This seems an even more logical personalization, although some personalized card images have generated controversy.

It all comes down, I think, to Coming to America. Are we the person we set out to be ourselves, or the person our parents created? That’s the theme of the movie as Eddie Murphy, the Prince of Zamunda, sets out to find his bride in Queens — but it was perfectly captured in the barbershop debating what to call Muhammad Ali, whose son keeps getting detained at airports because of this name.

Airlines are introducing new gender options for when you book a ticket. And by the way Louisville’s airport renamed itself Muhammad Ali International earlier this year.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Ridiculous. More pandering to SJWs and the 0.03% of people with a psychiatric disorder. So my friend who goes by the nickname “Skip” but whose legal name is William, can’t put Skip on his credit card but if he wanted to be called “Wilma” and have that on his credit card, without a legal name change, then he could do so?

    There is no such thing as “non-binary”. Human beings are male or female. And no, people with interesex conditions aren’t non-binary – they are male or female, but have a variety of sometimes painful medical conditions due to a chromosomal abnormality.

    I can tell you from first-hand experience…true gender dysphorics need real psychoanalysis for their underlying conditions and co-morbid disorders – treatment that is no longer happening due to radical trans activists, largely autogynephilic males, with political agendas. The lack of proper treatment is especially harmful to youth and teens with body dysmorphia. This is not something to celebrate any more than cancer is to be celebrated. Shame on MC.

    There isn’t a jurisdiction in this country where it’s more than a minor task to file a legal name change. If someone wishes to change their name, then it’s trivially easy to do so – whatever their reason for it.

  2. It isn’t particularly difficult to change your name legally. Might as well just do that and then everything matches.

  3. I knew this article would bring out the Trump crowd. How in God’s name does someone else’s identity affect you? Why is it you guys freak out so much over something that doesn’t impact you one iota?

    Unless you’re just hating on people different from you, which is almost certainly the reason.

  4. The obvious problem here is the same as when you could change your caller id: fraud and spoofing.

  5. No problem with credit card companies having the freedom to do this but it really doesn’t make sense. Most of the transgendered once they become of legal age can usually get their sex on government documents changed obviously if they are living as the other sex. If the government documents don’t match the credit card name I don’t know how that would be possible because of security and fraud risk.

    Regarding people being looked at funny at the register, of course they will. People born with a genetic abnormality whether it is lgbtq or Down’s syndrome will always get attention. It is nature. A beautiful man or woman or very ugly man or woman will get looks too more than the average person.

  6. Feel free to boycott Mastercard, Ryan. Jesus, weirdoes that get angry about non issues enough to write paragraphs about their trash views on a travel blog. Trump crowd for ya.

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