How To Meet And Date Rich At The Airport

A social media life coach offers advice on “how to meet rich men.” Their solution is to go to the airport with plenty of time to kill, and instead of buying snacks buy a day pass for a United Club. The cost of the access can be amortized across free food and drink, and it’s a target-rich environment.

Of course United Clubs, when full, often don’t sell day passes (or accept the passes issued by Chase for credit card customers).

I’ve been married for nearly 20 years, so I missed an entire generation of swiping left and right. My best advice is that marriage is a 50 year conversation, so choose the person you’ll never want to stop talking to.

If your criteria is income-based, you can do worse than meet someone while traveling. Airline passengers skew higher-income. And on the whole passengers with lounge access may be higher income than those without it. They or their employer spend discretionary funds for access, or the traveler has a premium credit card.

Still, airline lounges aren’t the exclusive domain that those without access may think they are. And United Clubs don’t afford the level of exclusivity you might find in their Polaris lounge, in American Airlines Flagship Dining, or in the Qantas First lounge at LAX (which at least requires oneworld emerald status, if not an actual first class ticket).

Ironically, perhaps, I’ve actually seen more proposals and weddings involving Southwest Airlines than other domestic U.S. carriers. So maybe it’s all about LUV, and the serendipity of whom you’re sitting next to (or, more likely, that someone who finds you attractive purposely sits down next to you – a side effect of their open seating for better or worse).

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded” – Yogi Berra

    But there is some truth to the lounge thing being perhaps a more target-rich environment. Just, level-set appropriately. The Sky Club or United Club is not Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous…but it beats hanging out at the gate.

  2. I was at the United Club in Terminal A at Newark last weekend.

    All I can say to someone following this strategy is “Good luck.”

  3. The former trans-Atlantic TWA , presented me with some eligible , intelligent women ‘of means’ , but that was then .

    The current crop one encounters , appear to be mostly morons , ‘having means’ or not .

  4. On the other hand, you are more likely to meet a one night stand when traveling. Or, like George Clooney’s lover in “Up in the Air” only want a relationship when on the road. One might also try flying business or first class. Again. your seat mate is more likely to be well off.

  5. Reminds me of the “It’s Just Lunch” ads in the old airline magazines 🙂

  6. If you do that in exclusive first class international lounges and ensure the guy is not some mope like me, cashing on his miles, you might be onto something.

  7. What about “How to meet rich women”? Surely someone is inspired by John Kerry (whose wife is the Heinz widow heir) or Nayel Nassar (whose wife is Bill Gates’ daughter)?

    Noticed I didn’t mention the Arab husband of Trump’s youngest publicly-recognized daughter? Not an oversight.

  8. @Dan – lol and the matchmaker. Plus the cosmetic dentist in Houston. And those weren’t all that long ago.

  9. The 1k times I’ve been in United Clubs never had a woman even start a conversation with me. Must be the way I dress lol.

  10. The US and European airline lounges used to be heavily skewed toward being primarily male travelers by a large margin. They are now much more diverse than they used to be, and that includes a much higher proportion of female travelers in the lounges.

    The DL lounges at US airports seemed to be a bit more flirty places last year than AA and UA lounges. But in this age of people burying their heads into their phones and more heavily banked flights, I would say the proportion of travelers flirting with “new acquaintances” in the lounges is down compared to 15 years ago.

  11. In four decades of travel I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone in a lounge. If that is your objective the better option is an airport bar or even restaurant. I strike up conversations all the time there. Even better take a flight though that is obviously a more expensive proposition. Or perhaps look for a single FA (I see many of them) at an airport hotel, so you aren’t making them uncomfortable when they are on the airplane.

    LUV is not too good if you are looking for high income. I’ve met a lot of nice folks from flyover country on WN but none that were dating material.

  12. Reminds of when some dating coach, the one the movie “Hitch” was based on, told woman to get dressed up and go hang out at the bar of their local Morton’s Steakhouse. That where they could meet rich single men.
    Great advice if you want to have a one night stand with an out of town married man who is in town on business using an expense account.
    Stupidest thing I ever heard!

  13. Ha! That’s why I always have an empty seat next to me on Southwest flights. Thank you, Gary, for the explanation.

  14. Inquiring minds want to know if Kelly was a Morton’s regular.

    IME, it seemed like not many woman took that Morton’s advice, as the bars seemed rarely busy with unaccompanied women when I used to be a regular at them in DC. Thankfully, I rarely had to wait at the bar to eat at Morton’s.

  15. I would also add to make sure he has Global Entry or PreCheck so that some level of vetting has done on him.

  16. Lol, the airport lounge bar, especially in the US, is the saddest collection of men you will encounter (especially on a weekend)

    Poor saps who have to fly (on OPM) for work drinking away their sorrows calling themselves “road warriors”. So sad.

  17. The concept seems like it has the potential to work.

    @Christian “POTS everywhere – What’s a POT in this context?”

    I also don’t know the meaning of POTS in this context.
    Could it be Potential Sponsor for gold diggers ???

  18. In 20 years, the only time I can remember doing this was Admirals club in ORD 10 years ago. Some girl was doing the weekend Northwestern MBA program and was sitting by the bar. Started talking to her and then exchanged info cause we were flying to the same place. Saw we had some mutual friends, asked them about her.. most responses were not good.
    Apparently, she got around a lot in college, maybe reformed but no one wants sloppies.

  19. Why do I feel like this strategy would lead one to a life with a partner who thinks the Amex Plat is an everyday spend card?

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