And from me personally on behalf of Randy, Tommy, Gary and all the members of Milepoint that make such things possible. Randy and I just got done dropping off a $25,000 check from Milepoint for funds raised during the SMD4 seat auction and Frequent Traveler University. LIVESTRONG didn’t know we were bringing the check. Needless to say, they were a bit surprised!

This is just a few months after presenting a $50,000 check to Komen.
Fantastic. Keep up the great work. I enjoyed the Meadowlands FTU and loved the raffle to benefit charity.
Good work. You need friends to be a cancer survivor.
Awesome that you guys are doing good work and raising great funds for charities. Really really unfortunate that most of the money donated to Livestrong isn’t effectively used and doesn’t get far in funding cancer research and treatment.