Miami – Newark Passenger Demands A Cocktail, Threatens Crew, Assaults Cockpit Door And Takes On Disabled Minor And Jewish Passengers

On Sunday, a 27-year old man flying Miami to Newark began harassing passengers and crew including threats of physical violence aimed at a disabled minor and antisemitic comments directed at a group of Jewish passengers.

Once beverage service ended, Luis A. Vaquero of Passaic, New Jersey demanded a cocktail. A flight attendant refused, and the man reportedly said “You better watch out, sh**’s gonna happen to you.”

While annoying, the situation didn’t get worse and the plane continued to its destination. On arrival, everyone was asked to remain seated while law enforcement boarded the aircraft. The man surged forward and began pounding on the cockpit door, demanding, “I need the pilot to come outside!” A flight attendant attempted to intervene, and the man began yelling “I will really break your f****** jaw,”
accompanied by racist epithets.

Later, when the captain emerged from the cockpit, came within six inches of him shouting “I wanna see that f****** captain! Come outside you bitch ass n****!” Naturally, Vaquero was arrested and he has been charged with interference with flight crew members and attendants by assault or intimidation and faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and $250,000 fine.

United, American and Spirit all fly Newark – Miami and authorities haven’t released which airline this occurred on. I’d guess Spirit, American and United in that order of likelihood.

@dripnewstruecrime Absolute chaos mid-flight ✈️ Passenger Luis Vaquero terrorizes the plane, threatening everyone onboard before trying to break into the cockpit. Now he's facing serious charges! #LuisVaquero #AirlineChaos #FlightDisruptions #CockpitThreat #AirlineSecurity #PlaneDrama #FlightNightmare #JusticeForPassengers #InFlightIncident #TerrorInTheSky #AirlineSafety #20YearsInPrison #TurbulentTimes #UnrulyPassenger ♬ original sound – dripnewstruecrime

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. When Luis A. Vaquero requests a cocktail, you get it for him. He must get parched from all the screaming, yelling and anti-Semitic rhetoric. The cocktail recipe should include 4-5 sleeping pills and a handful of Prozac.

  2. If it was AAL they will drop charges before he gets sentenced… they don’t want to lose a customer for 20 years…it’s better to lose an employee to a customer in their mind.

  3. @Alex — Can you ‘point on the doll’ where AA hurt you? I’m all for the crews and the passengers over corporate greed, but I think your ‘outrage’ is misplaced–the perp is the problem here.

  4. @1990 please don’t tell us your fantasies. Beyond that. Seen it a few times. And , feel free to inquire, the policy is the corporation will never press charges on a paying customer. It is up to the employee involved , if they want to, and the Co. Will ” facilitate” by giving the employee the needed time to appear in court.

  5. Why did you sensor n*****. Based on his name, I assume he said it without a hard “r” so you don’t need to sensor that.

  6. @Alex — Nice semantics you got there. Since you’re the ‘expert,’ glad you could clarify for us. If so, hopefully the employee will be given a chance and a choice as to whether to ‘press charges.’ Otherwise, no need to defame airlines or crews–once again, it was the prep who misbehaved.

  7. 1. Arrest 2. Take to jail 3. Set very high bail 4. If convicted (in this case the evidence is overwhelming) throw in prison for a few year 5. Put on permanent no fly list

    Result? We’d see incidents go back to 1970s level. Treat wild animals like wild animals.

  8. @Hal — Gary is a class act. Such profanity should be ‘bleeped.’ Or, maybe you think bigotry is now acceptable? I don’t. Many of us don’t. In fact, the bigots are still out-numbered. Don’t forget.

  9. Gary you’re deleting posts again. Why did you guess what airline he was on in that order? What purpose does it serve besides showing your bias/shilling?

  10. @Stop – why would I delete that?

    Crazy incidents seem to disproportionately happen on Spirit (and certain relative to passenger volume) and much more often on American than United.

  11. Geez, if he was that bad soberish, how bad would he have been after he’d gotten a cocktail or two in him?

  12. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
    1. 49 US Code Part 46504 should be revised to include Mandatory 6 months in jail and $5,000 fine
    2. Lifetime no fly list
    3. Lifetime ban from being on premises at any commercial airport
    4. Violation of either 2 or 3 results in results in the maximum sentence of life in prison.

    That, boys and girls, will go a long ways toward cleaning up this constant problem.

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