Last Night My Pilot Took A Bottle Of Wine From The Galley On His Way Off The Plane

Last night I flew from Washington National to Dallas Fort-Worth on American. There was very little unusual about the flight other than we were delayed on departure by a ground hold for ‘VIP aircraft movements at Andrews’.

We boarded on time. I was flying up front. Flight attendants offered predeparture beverages. Drinks were kept topped up.

As I was deplaining one of the pilots asked a flight attendant whether he could take a bottle of wine from the galley. She said sure, and he asked which galley cart he’d find it in? I scurried off the plane. I didn’t want to linger, appearing to be listening in on their little transaction. Besides I was a little bit in shock.

  • I don’t know if he was terminating in Dallas for the night
  • And I have no idea when his next flight would be

I’m not at all suggesting the pilot was going to drink too much or try to fly too quickly after drinking. In fact I assume he was not. For all I know he planned to (re-)gift the bottle to someone rather than drinking it himself. I didn’t notice on his uniform whether he was the captain or co-pilot.

Two years ago American had to apologize to its pilots over a photo of pilots mixing cocktails in its inflight magazine – the image of pilot drinking is that serious – and that’s even without getting into issues of stealing the bottle from the plane.

American boards Airbus A321 aircraft 35 minutes prior to departure on domestic flights. My connecting flight to Austin began boarding with an announcement for ConciergeKey members 39 minutes prior to departure. No one boarded. First class boarded 38 minutes out. The cabin crew wasn’t expecting us – no one was positioned at the door of the aircraft, they were all congregated in the back galley. One of them declared “I guess they can start boarding whenever they want!” Another night with the world’s largest airline.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Well, it’s good enough for Delta to fire a f/a for taking milk from the galley. Why not a pilot on AA for taking wine?

    It’s optics. It looks bad. Gary saw it, others might as well. Do you want the bus driver for your child stopping at the liquor store in the bus?

  2. Stealing is wrong, guys, no matter how you justify it. And screaming at the person who writes about it really shows a lack of ethics and morality. And now someone blames this on the liberals? What, exactly in this case is being blamed on the liberals?

  3. Well now that AA will find out and investigate two people will get fired for something that was probably harmless. I doubt the flight deck person was not going to drink it between flights. Optics or not, this is really petty,

  4. So What. Get a life, find something else to write about that’s more important. Like the fact that AA treats it’s employees like shit. And that’s why we treat the asshole pompous customers such as YOU like shit. Let the man live who cares if he took a bottle of Damn wine. Im 100% sure he was not going to drink and fly again. You dick

  5. @Diana that is completely false. Liquor laws in play with liquor purchases and one airline is not allowed to get liquor for any less cost than any other airline.

    As for the pilot asking for wine? He isn’t the first, won’t be the last and isn’t the only one. If the airline has a policy it enforces, it will find it in the discrepancies in the amount shown consumed vs. Onboarded. If they choose to make it an issue they will. This blog is nothing more than not having anything interesting or relevant to blog about. It is petty and whiny in most instances. I don’t get how this relates to a reader finding valuable tips in frequent flying.

  6. This is the most annoying thing I’ve read in a while. Sir, mind your business. People like you are the reason they probably drink after work. Also, gate agents are required to alert the flight crew before the boarding actually starts happening. So next time you’re annoyed that the flight attendants aren’t ready, go jog up the jet bridge and take your anger out on the gate agents for not giving the flight attendants a heads up to greet you with all of your pleasantness.

  7. There’s nothing more annoying than a tattletale, especially when it’s a grown ass man. The only thing you should expect from any flight crew is for them to be prepared to save your ass in an emergency. That’s what they’re there for — to save your ass, not kiss it.

  8. Literally who cares? Does it bother you that he got a bottle of wine for flying you home? No need to troll the airline or the pilot for his little “reward”.

  9. The agents should not have boarded you prior to the contractual boarding time. For all you know they could have been having their crew briefing. You should stay in your lane.

  10. You really must have nothing else to write about it if you decided that this was worthy of an article. Sad.

  11. It’s very common for pilots to ask a flight attendant for a bottle of water. Which also starts with W. If you didn’t actually see the pilot take a bottle of wine off the plane you shouldn’t write things like this. It could jeopardize someone’s lifelong career just because you miss heard something.

  12. Seems kind of whiny. I have a cousin who is a flight attendant whom I live with and know that they work 12 hour days on average, sometimes 14 or 15 and don’t get a lunch break on at all. They are expected to scurry from plane to plane while not getting paid to board and usually take up those 3 extra minutes that your gate agent border early to take a bite, check on family, go through emails etc. A lot of the time they are missing catering items or need some extra sodas so run to the back to get them from that galley and only had a few minutes after putting there things away in the new plane to setup before passengers were boarded. As for the wine, most airlines use screw on caps. Maybe it was already opened and going to be thrown away so he took it home ?

  13. I’ll take the other side and say I don’t know American’s policy on this but I think it’s pretty immaterial.

    re the last paragraph, this is extremely common on UA… often find boarding first as a gs that the crew is congregated amongst the FC seats. I don’t see the big deal.

  14. Now watch someone looses their job because you had nothing better to post about this holiday season. Why even bother. Your a loser for this. Trying to ruin someone’s career. WOW. Hope you feel great about yourself.

  15. So the agents boarded early which is why the flight attendants were in the back probably doing a briefing or checking equipment. Boarding times are contractual. Taking off the plane is not allowed but with the holidays and stress of being away from family etc I can’t blame the guy. At the end of the day it’s none of your business and reporting things like this isn’t gonna get you brownie points or upgrades. Get a life.

  16. The pilot was probably done for a few days. Airline personnel take enough heat. They don’t need people like you making a big deal out of
    Nothing. Mind your business and find something else to write about.

  17. HOW ABOUT MINDING YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Your speculation could have him fired. What’s the point of this article??

  18. How do you know for sure he was asking for a bottle of water, which is also in a galley cart and starts with a “w”. Your story doesn’t carry much validity since you scurries off and didn’t want to appear to be listening. You didn’t actually see it happen at all, and most every crew member grabs a water for a layover.

  19. I worked in the air line industry for over 40 years, no big deal. I’m sure when he got to his hotel room had a drink. A glass of wine helps in getting a restful sleep.

  20. I have friends who are flight attendants and all of them say if they take one of those small, single drink liquor bottles off the plane (stealing) and are caught they will lose their jobs. So a pilot taking a whole bottle of wine (also stealing) I guess should lose their job too. Stealing is stealing.

  21. Wow I hope the pilot is able to sue you for libel. Writing someone stole the bottle of wine and you didn’t see it or have proof or you misunderstood the conversation makes you a horrible person. I couldn’t imagine working or worse living with you. Please show the proof you have since you think it’s okay to write about. Are you the guy who was touching the lady next to you inappropriate and the guy who was peeing in the sink instead of toilet. I heard about you. I was next to you with my headphones on but I think the lady said quit touching me like that. Not sure cause like you I didn’t want to linger around while she was yelling at you. Beside I was also in shock.

  22. Unless there is clear communication between the agent and the FAs, they will board ON TIME, not early. The FAs were likely checking out something in back like catering or equipment to make sure you had a safe flight. And just so you know the FAs are not paid during boarding either so they do FREE work getting you your predeparture beverage and everything else. The crew is away from their family over the holidays so unappreciative people like you can be with theirs. Some people have real problems in life and the fact that this is something you are obsessing over shows the kind of sorry life you must live. Instead of criticizing these crew members who work long hours away from family for days on end on top of dealing with obsessive people like you, how about you step back and be thankful for what they do and have some empathy. I’d love to see you last one day working as a gate agent, flight attendant, or pilot.

  23. GET A LIFE!! Y’all are so ridiculous and nosey. You clearly have such a low self esteem and utterly nothing better to do that stuff like this. Grow up. It’s not 5th grade. Pathetic

  24. How could you publish this nothing tidbit as an article? It went nowhere. What a waste of time, writing it, and getting us all to read it.

  25. So what? I used to work as a gate agent for them and I can attest that everyone AA has been getting crapped on by Doug since the merger. Employee morale BLOWS, 1.4% profit sharing and lower wages compared to the rest of the majors while DL,WN got better compensation and treatment for doing the same job. I’m glad I left (It was a PT job during college) after being forced to stay against my will for 16 hours with limited breaks dealing with petty pax like you thinking you know our jobs better than anyone.

    The best part of the night was when you met your last inbound and you raided the galley carts to make you feel better from the abuse AA laid on you during the shift. I will NOT miss working for them and dealing with entitled “Gold” “Plats & EPs” /scum bloggers like you and Lucky, newsflash AA doesn’t care about you or what you think, they only care about CKs and putting billions in their pockets at the expense of their beaten down workforce.

    Stupid article.

  26. 1) whether or not a pilot took a bottle of wine now you’ve blackened the names of both the Captain and FO because you’re UNSURE of which might have probably committed the horrid act. Well done, jerkelton.

    2) the FAs were likely trying to grab a quick bite to eat before boarding. They’re not paid to board your ignorant, over-privileged ass, and on “quick turns” on some airlines dont even allow FAs off the plane. As a Captain I detest agents who try to board early, it’s wrong. We’ll get off the gate on-time barring maintenance, ATC or weather.

    3) you’re certainly one of those “status” customers who crews heartily dislike. You know everything, absolutely require your butt kissed from boarding to bag claim and beyond.

    Well done on probably ruining the holidays for at least two pilots and probably a few FAs who will likely get investigated. Every airline follows your itineraries, it wont be hard to figure out who to screw with over the next few weeks.

    Happy holidays, jerk.

  27. How did this directly affect you? Were you harmed? Did you witness them breaking a FAR?

    This is ridiculous and you’re going to be responsible for their loss of employment. Good job jackass.

  28. Theft is theft people – the pilot and steward should both be fired and charged. This type of behaviour is what causes ticket prices to rise or airlines to go broke.

  29. I’ve got an old USAF bud that’s a 20+ year DL pilot, he’s told me Delta is generally incredibly forgiving of employees making missteps, HOWEVER the two major exceptions that will typically get you fired are lying and stealing.

  30. Oh please. I’ll bet he asked for a bottle of water, like pilots always do. Why do you think the flight attendant didn’t care? But that’s right, you didn’t stick around to find out – so you have no idea. Pathetic “journalism” here.

  31. Truly unfortunate that you think this type of “story” is important. It’s not even clear what you saw—water or wine or why he was taking it. You sound like a five year old running to tattle on someone or a hysterical drama queen (“I was in shock”).

  32. Gary Leff, Why don’t you just give up writing your blog and find something better to do with your life and stop wasting everbody’s time in the process. Seriously. It’s time to quit.

  33. Get a fucking life. Keep your nose out of other people’s business. This post is nothing but click bait and bullshit. You “scurried off” so you have ZERO proof of what actually happened. You should be ashamed.

  34. Gary YOU ARE THE WORST. And trust me now every flight crew will be on the look out for your name. I’m sure they will treat you wonderfully

  35. Slow news day huh? Go fart into a wine glass and sniff it, then tell me what vintage it is. Mind ya’ business!!!

  36. I have a major conspiracy theory idea for you to write about. Play this out I’m a captain for a major airline. Last week I bought two bottles of liquor at duty free. Think it was dufry they put my bottles of liquor in this fancy fabric bag. Heck they even gave me a 20% discount! I then paraded right through a group of 190 passengers showing off my inflight adventure and put it right in the cockpit next to my flight bag. I know you probably think this is impossible based on your useless article but those bottles made it the next three days on my trip packed safely away in my bag and sit to this day unopened in my kitchen.

    My point? That crew sitting in the front of that aircraft have more integrity, training, professionalism, and skill than your useless self serving entitled and baseless article.

    Maybe you would have a little respect for your crews and in this case yourself for publishing such self serving garbage if you saw the sacrifices crews make to cart your low budget blogger ass around.

    Honestly you should be ashamed of yourself for publishing such garbage.

  37. Dumbest article ever. You admittedly have no specific details to the story other than you saw a pilot ask for a bottle of wine as he was leaving the aircraft. For all you know, it was something he purchased earlier as a gift and stored it there. Now on his wedding anniversary your story wants to get him fired because of the “optics.” Your optics also caused me to click the 3 dots and block all stories from

  38. @Stuart
    Different companies have different policies, genius. Optics? Only for Karens like Gary does this matter. I’m surprised he didn’t want to talk with the manager.

    And the school bus example is literally nothing like this. Well done. You must be another Karen.

    So he stole it? Really? You got any evidence for it? You’re accusing the pilot of theft, better prove it or it falls under libel and slander. Falsely accusing someone of a crime is a crime itself.

    But ethics! And morality!

    Oh shut up Karen.

    As for the “issue” at hand?

    So Gary even admits he knows nothing about what’s going on, but he complains about it anyway. Yep, that’s the sign of a typical Karen.

    Nobody likes Karens.

  39. You must really hate airline employees. Your whole blog is nothing but a rant against them. Crew are allowed to bring a bottle of water from the plane for their layover. Are you sure that wasn’t what he was getting? I find it hard to believe a pilot, knowing he was in full view of passengers, was grabbing wine.

    Keep on hating.

  40. OMG what if Gary Leff is a terrorist ?!?!

    OMG what if Gary Leff is a child molester ?!?!

    OMG what if Gary Leff LISTENS TO DISCO?!?!!

    Seriously, unless you have some reason to suspect the pilot was going to fly under the influence it is VERY wrong for you to be asking these sorts of questions.

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