Transexual TSA screeners are no longer permitted to perform pat-downs on passengers and are instead being limited to other duties. Individual airport security screeners report receiving a memo about this change, and a TSA spokesperson confirms the shift in policy to me.
In compliance with Executive Order 14168, Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government, published January 20, 2025, TSA has rescinded a policy from 2021 regarding transitioning and transgender officers. Male Transportation Security Officers will conduct pat down procedures on male passengers and female Transportation Security Officers will conduct pat down procedures on female passengers.
The change is linked to a Trump administration executive order defining gender in binary terms – and a requirement that male passengers receive pat downs from male employees, while female passengers receive them from female employees.
- Some TSA screeners feel restrictions on their duty assignment based on self-identified gender is discriminatory and a violation of their basic rights.
- While others feel that passenger discomfort matters – the screener will literally be patting down their genitals and some will feel uneasy being touched up by an officer who presents as same sex but was born or previously identified as a different gender (and may be in a state of transition).
Passengers, of course, already had the option to request a different officer if uncomfortable. Not all passengers may know this or may feel comfortable asserting themselves in the face of authority in a high stress environment. And they may not even be aware of the identified gender of the officer screening them.
Requiring same sex pat downs hasn’t prevented sexually-oriented abuse scandals at TSA in the past. For instance, at Denver airport it was revealed that attractive passengers were being flagged for additional screening by same-gender employees.
Ironically, what TSA employee were doing in that case was incorrectly identifying a passenger’s gender on screening devices, so that an employee would need to ‘clear the anomaly’ in the areas of a passenger’s body that didn’t appear as the machine expected.
@Michael Mainello — You slept in today! Welcome back.
Yeah, @Honesty Integrity, is a bit professorial. Not my style, but he’s not necessarily wrong–the parallels are there; the timing is just off. No, it’s not yet 1942 Wannsee, but things do seem to rhyme. And your and others’ vilification of this particular vulnerable group is what leads to genocides if we don’t push back while we can. I’d rather over-react than under-react.
See you again soon, I’m sure.
1990 you really should get a life.
@cairns — Hope you are enjoying things Down Under.
I stand by my previous comments. This is a bad, unnecessary policy change. It’s a distraction from the actual important (often economic) issues facing our country.
Some of you joke about, ignore, deny, or even attempt to rewrite our dark history.
Such horrors often do not occur immediately. You don’t have to even look back that far. Many of us were alive during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, which was the mass murder of an estimated 500,000-800,000 people–it began with hate speech against ethnic minorities. They called their perceived enemies “cockroaches” then used machetes to murder their neighbors. That wasn’t right-vs-left, blue-vs-red, it was people, just like us. It can happen here.
Denying targeted ‘groups’ business or jobs (which is what’s starting to happen here with the TSA, in a small way), silencing or eliminating opposition and the free flow of accurate information (which some of you here seem excited to do already), and segregating or concentrating such groups, especially extrajudicially, are all tools used by authoritarian regimes to control people through fear and violence. We must reject this while we still can.
So, why call someone ‘alarmist’ when the reality (both the rhetoric and the deeds of this regime) points towards this dark path? Put yourselves in others shoes. They may come for you next.
Feel free to share whatever you’d like here. We still cherish free speech.
@cairns — You first.
This is really getting ridiculous. Why is he after this group of people so badly??
KB: Because the Orange One gets a lot of political capital fighting the culture wars, which to many is OMG the most important thing going on these days.
@KB — You know already, don’t you?
It’s because ‘trans’ people are a relatively small, vulnerable group–an easy target for a demagogue and his rabid followers–they mask their own insecurities with hate for others.
This and other topics in the ongoing ‘culture war’ are often a salacious distraction from the very real ‘class war’ and other forms of economic inequality that the actual issue of our time (and of all time). It’s always been about money and power. Consider who these ‘distractions’ benefit.
@KB, @carletonm and of course 1990
This is not going after a group of people and certainly not persecuting them either.
This is about clarifying a position because liberals love to push the boundaries. Lets take gay marriage. First it was:
– Please let us live our lives just like straight couples.
– Then we just want to be legally married so we can conduct business like all married couples.
– Then we demand to be married in the church or we will shut them down.
– Now let us adopt a child, we are normal loving couples.
– Now the polyamorous are demanding their “right” to get married.
I realize this is about transgender, but there are only 2 scientifically recognized genders. Everyone knows Democrats are the party of science so please, this has nothing to do with persecution. It just says a transgender person ….
Since the majority don’t feel comfortable asking for a transgender screener, this enables the enlightened liberal to ask for a transgender screener and us cave people to be accommodated. I am sure this policy can be rescinded when a Democrat wins office.
I have a suggestion, maybe TSA can put a check box in the app so anyone can request a transgender screener or maybe the initial TSA agent looking at your ID can ask you your preference for the type of screener you want for pat down should you be chosen.
Just an idea.
@Michael Mainello — Thanks for your detailed response.
Of course. I still disagree with your various premises. You’ve been disingenuous this whole time. Passengers can already request alternative screeners if they feel uncomfortable.
To those concerned about ‘who’s next’ note Michael’s the focus on ‘marriage,’ which is telltale sign that his ‘team’ will go after the rest of the so-called ‘alphabet’ people next. *deep sigh*
That’s not good, Michael, no matter how you justify it. Let others live and love their way. Your weaponization of ‘normal’ is disgusting. No one is ‘normal’–we’re all unique. Who are you to decide?
@Michael Mainello — Have you considered doing the ‘libertarian’ schtick, but instead of ‘dismantling the government’ (you know, the thing that ‘keeps us safe’ with the military, paves roads, etc.), and instead: ‘mind your own business’ on culture topics? It’d be like, ‘you do you,’ …but for others.
Just an idea.
@DavidP I think that there is a typo in this comment “‘Common sense’ is allowing the passenger the option to decide if they prefer a different agent to complete the screening.”
You meant “screwing.” didn’t you?
@1990 – I gave you a common sense solution because of the boundary pushing from the innocent people that just want to live their lives. Unfortunately instead of living their lives, they want everyone to acknowledge and accept their lives.
Have you noticed these brave individuals never accept another solution – you being one of them. Trans folks can easily request a trans screener, problem solved and everyone should be happy.
Remember the gay wedding cake issue a few years back. The Christian baker didn’t want to bake a cake on religious grounds, so off to court went the gay couple. How come no gay couple has ever taken their request to a Muslim baker and pushed it to court?
These folks don’t want to just live their lives, they want everyone to acknowledge them and praise their bravery. I for one don’t agree and believe there are limits. I know you disagree.
@Michael Mainello — I’ve noticed you and the other right-wingers continue to misuse the phrase ‘common sense’—just saying the phrase is not a valid argument. It’d be like repeating the words ‘facts’—it doesn’t mean what follows is true, accurate, or good—it may just be your own opinion, which you can share, and others can disagree.
As far as your examples—no need to ‘cherry pick’ either. Of course there are outliers, but my point remains that most people are just living their lives, not imposing on anyone else. If we must discuss ‘indoctrination,’ look no further than Project 2025, which is currently being implemented—it seeks for a practical theocracy (Christian nationalism) in the United States. That would be against our Constitution and the freedoms of our people. Simply put, those plans are un-American.
I know these tactics (like cherry picking or straw man arguments) and other logical fallacies too well because many of your type traffic in them regularly here. A personal facebook I’ve witnessed is ‘sea-lioning’—pretending to ask an ‘innocent sounding question’ but in reality—just more distraction.
As for where things go from here, the courts seem to have allowed private businesses to choose their customers so long as they are not explicitly discriminating (like, literally stating ‘no x group’). But here is quite different—the TSA is literally ‘the government,’ so 14th Amendment equal protection certainly applies and would hopefully prevent discrimination generally, but also specifically on the basis of gender and/or orientation. I’m sure this policy (the subject of the post) will be challenged and appealed, though as I’ve said before, the Supreme Court is very partisan, 6-3, so they might shamefully allow new discrimination, which is disappointing to those who value civil rights and freedoms, even if we are not personally in the group(s) affected. Why? Because we know once they take away one group’s rights—they can take away everyone’s rights. It’s worth standing up and speaking out, even for ‘trans’ people, who again, are indeed people, just like us.
You are very predictable. All conservative examples are strawman and cherry picking. Our solutions are bigoted or discriminating.
So we are at an impasse.
Have a great great life, based on the first month the next 4 years are going to be great.
@Michael Mainello — Well, maybe try not being ‘bigoted.’ Quick fix. As for me, my life is good; hope yours is good, too. I think 4 years is optimistic, like, why would He stop there (silly Constitution). I’m not tired in the least. I’ll be here if you wanna debate further; otherwise, as your comrade Mike P likes to say on here: I accept your surrender (it’s dumb, I know, I tell him that, too, like, c’mon man, it’s Gary’s travel blog, lighten up).
If given a choice for a pat down, I’d opt for whoever could get it done sooner. I don’t care what pronouns they use, I don’t care whether their birth certificate says F or M, and I don’t care about their sexual orientation. I’m not sure cis women agree.
Common sense is back.. We are SO BACK! (BTW first comment since we won)
@BBK — Congratulations on the ‘glorious’ victory!
*price of eggs! (if there’s no supply, then it costs us $0, winning!)
*no tax on tips! (they forgot it ‘the bill,’ but they included tax cuts for billionaires, phew!)
*mass deportations! (we can grow, pick, process, clean, and cook our own food, yay!)
*lock her up! (she’s living free, which is lame, while is He a felon, which is so badass!)
*build the wall! (never finished it, Mexico didn’t paid for it, but we’ll tariff ‘them,’ nice!)
Never tire of ‘winning.’ Keep ‘owning the libs.’ Drink their ‘tears.’
This is awesome. As a man I want a real man to pat me down. Honestly, I want him to do all kinds of things to me, grope me, credit card swipe me, tug and rub me, and not with the back of his hand either. I want a full force accertive aggressive man hand job done on me. All in the name of security. If ordered, I always play dumb while my pat down was happening. I fly often and always go command as there is no need to hide. I’m tired of seeing security check points over run by trans TSA security guards. I’m tired of seeing them hoard around me and wield their power indiscrimenalty at every checkpoint I go through. Thanks conservatives for keeping your eye on the ball. Issues like this are of primo importance in desperate and flailing times like these.
Liberals are hypocrites.
– Gas was $1.59 per gallon when Biden took over, $3 now.
– He is lowering taxes on the working people and senior and that is bad.
– He is taxing billionaires, something Democrats said but never did.
– You want to use undocumented slave labor to pick our crops, Democrats are the party of slavery and the KKK. How about we utilize the guest worker program so the field workers are protected and our cities are not over run by illegal invading criminals.
– He tried to build the wall, but that was blocked by Democrats and RINOs, but he isn’t playing now.
Democrats are on the 20% of most arguments.
– They don’t want corruption rooted out.
– They are pro-IRS.
– They are pro-illegal invader
– They are pro-violent criminal
– They are pro-big pharma.
But hey, you are for the little people (in words only).
I know – strawman, cherry picking, bigoted, blah blah blah. You are good at not addressing any issue with substance.
@PRH — I’m with you. 100%. Fortunately, we don’t kink shame here (at VFTW), unless kink-shaming is your kink, in which case, I am still a loss for what to do then–anyone? Yeah, so don’t expect us to ‘do you,’ but while we still have freedom, please, by all means, ‘you do you,’ sir or madam, ‘all in the name of security.’ Bless America. *salute*
@PRH — I am with you too, except I think you should be able to request through the app or when your ticket is checked at the beginning of the line.
Michael Mainello — Aww, you came back! And thank you for already drafting my response for me on all the logical fallacies, etc.
Conservatives are hypocrites. At times, everyone is. It’s almost as if humans aren’t perfect.
But that really isn’t the point here. The post is about this administration discriminating on the basis of gender and/or orientation, which likely violates the 14th Amendment, equal protection.
Now, if ‘your team’ wants to void the Constitution, it probably will soon, I don’t think that’s wise, because self-governance and the ‘rule of law’ has worked well for us for nearly 250 years, and reverting back to a monarchy or other forms of autocracy is really dumb for people who know better.
No discrimination at all.
All he is doing is clarifying the rules because the left likes to push the envelope. It truly is Common Sense. The left just complains about anything President Trump does because they lack Common Sense.
Michael Mainello — It is inherently discrimination, a group is not allowed to do something that other groups are.
Whether it’s reasonable, good or bad, depends on the circumstances and the viewpoints of those reviewing the matter. Obviously, you and some others here are generally against ‘trans’ people (existing, working, etc.). Personally, I am tolerant, and recognize that discrimination against any group can lead to discrimination against all of us, so I remain consistent in defending the civil rights of our people.
Whether the government’s policy (denying a specific group of employees based on their gender or orientation from particular tasks) may or may not be legally ‘discrimination’ is likely what the courts would decide. As you already know, the law is a human construct—it can bend and break depending on the circumstances.
In my opinion, this policy does not affect a significant number of people, but those few employees who are affected would have ‘standing’ to sue the TSA under the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
Will they? Not sure. Would they ‘win’ if they did? Depends. And I’ve already recognized how the Supreme Court is now a 6-3 conservative majority some of whom seems hellbent on undoing any social progress within our country, so realistically your ‘side’ would likely get a ‘win’ here. Maybe that’s the whole goal. Use something as silly as this to undo any legal protections for LGBTQ+ people. Whether that outcome is ‘good’ for the society also depends; I find it horrifying because it means other groups are next; some would celebrate because they deem certain groups of ‘others’ as ‘less than.’ To me, that’s short-sighted and inhumane.
The continued misuse of ‘common sense’ to support any argument is again ineffective. Your ‘common sense’ is just your opinion. Many may share your ‘opinion’ but it doesn’t make it true. Perhaps, ‘better sense’ should be the goal, but again, it’s all open to interpretation and is not ‘the answer’ to any or every issue.
As for ‘the left’—c’mon man. If this were a President of the other party, ‘the right’ would be back at The Capitol, again. Perhaps, ‘the left’ is too polite, not willing to ‘do the work,’ and actually challenge such ‘overreach’ like we are witnessing since January 20, 2025. For all the accusations of being too ‘woke,’ the left really should actually wake up!
Michael Mainello — You seem ‘plugged in’ to politics, so I am genuinely curious, as someone on the ‘other side,’ do you think ‘trans’ and other ‘culture war’ topics will be effective distractions from the very real affordability issues (inflation, housing, healthcare, etc.) that are actually the primary concern for most voters?
So far, I’m not impressed. Renaming bodies of water and other ‘trolling’ isn’t helping. Like, I’m pretty sure your ‘team’ has already given up on the ‘price of eggs,’ so I mean, what are we really doing here?
It takes time to fix the damage from your side. Just before the inauguration the Biden Administration order the destruction of 3 million chickens instead of treating them with ivermectin or another medication. So new production will take some time.
As far as the trans culture, setting boundaries are a good thing as listed earlier. Since President Trump has been in office 3 weeks he has made a lot of progress correcting the last administration. However, since the Democrats are fighting everything, they are delaying the corrections and trying to blame President Trump.
@Michael Mainello — Timing is often always important. However, as we move forward, the efficacy of blaming the previous administration will diminish. On the ‘opposition,’ the party is weak and ineffective—besides, this is not like prior eras of ‘split’ government; no, these days it’s a one-party, one-man show (ok, fine, two men, if you count Elon, before he inevitably ‘takes the fall’ for getting too much attention or for a cut an essential program causing a major fallout in the coming months). So far, the plan seems to be to just to end popular programs in order to fund more tax cuts for the super-wealthy, basically Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 2.0, more ‘trickle down,’ privatization, and deregulation. Otherwise, there doesn’t appear to be any real plan to help most people—I mean, if really do try to undo the social safety net, like to end Social Security or Medicare, that is a level of overreach that I don’t think ends well for your team. Unless we become an actual dictatorship, the midterms will be here very soon. An on issues, attacking ‘trans’ people or other vulnerable groups as a distraction or fear tactic might work on a few, but most people are actually motivated by their own personal economic interests. Time will indeed tell how this goes.
You are either a computer or just regurgitate the liberal media. I have yet to read an original thought, you just parrot their talking points.
– “as we move forward, the efficacy of blaming the previous administration will diminish:” Duh really.
– “these days it’s a one-party, one-man show.” I would agree if the courts and the media were not in the Democrats pocket. Unlike the “previous administration”, the current one actually follows court orders. This is why the wall wasn’t built, for 1 example, in the last administration.
– “fund more tax cuts for the super-wealthy”. Again repeating talking points. President Trump has already said he wants to eliminate the carried interest tax deduction that is used by hedge funds and the Democrats hate also, at least that is what they say to their breathing supporters. Also, he wants to remove tax from tips and overtime. Though in her defense, so did Kamala after he announced it.
– “undo the social safety net, like to end Social Security or Medicare”. Common on man (gratuitous quote from 46), the removal of the illegal immigrants and strengthening of screening will reduce fraud and abuse to these programs. Also the SS & Medicare canards are used by Democrats to scare people for at least 20 years.
– “attacking ‘trans’ people or other vulnerable groups”. They are not, nor have ever been attacked by President Trump. Asking them to follow societal rules is pure “common sense”.
– “Unless we become an actual dictatorship,”. Do you mean like locking up your political opponent, locking people for praying, banning 400 journalists from the WH, giving military a military style speech to the nation or not taking questions from reporters? No I am not worried about becoming a dictatorship for the next 4 years. And if the DOJ implements vote counting oversight, then I am not worried about it for the foreseeable future.
After serving in the military for 20+ years and now living thru this past administration – 2 wars, inflation, and censorship – I am glad President Trump somehow won in 2024.
@Michael Mainello — Back you, bro. Naw, I’m real, but if I wasn’t mistaken, it’s as if you ran my reply through AI then asked it to come up with a snarky response to each sentence, line-by-line. Sheesh. Unlike yours, my thoughts are original, and I hoped for your honest take from the ‘other side,’ which you sorta gave me, but like, in a very convoluted way. In summary, I recognize you’re blinded by victory, which is understandable, but myopic in the long-run.
On the courts and the media, good sir, the highest courts are already on your side, and the media has been bought by the wealthy—very few local, independent journalism still exists—see Sinclair for what has happened; see also Spanish-speaking radio and newspapers in Florida for how a formerly mixed community becomes hard-right in less than a decade.
On tax policy, I’ve read the synopsis of the proposed budget reconciliation—it’s an oligarch fever-dream, corporate welfare, and very little for most of us. Again, your team is gonna need to hype up ‘culture war’ nonsense (like anti-trans, the subject of Gary’s post, and other topics, like ‘violent’ gangs of criminal immigrants, etc.) to distract from all the harm to most people this regressive tax policy will do.
Any time you say ‘common sense’ as an argument tactic is pathetic and wrong—oh, and it’s also what right-wing media has been ‘parroting’ a lot lately, so I know where and why you use that phrase. But, feel free to keep saying it, and I’ll keep calling it out.
The President is a convicted felon. The former President didn’t lock him up. The current president also threatened his political opponents, remember ‘lock her up,’ so you do not have the high-ground that you think you have on this. I’m still a fan of the rule of law, against the spoils system, and hope that independence and oversight do indeed remain a cornerstone of our justice system. If the regime ignores court rulings that will be something new for both parties since Marbury v. Madison and president Jackson taunting the court to ‘enforce’ a ruling he didn’t like. None of that would be good for our country or its people. We don’t have a king, unless something changed?
Thank you for sharing and serving. I imagine that was a major sacrifice and has shaped your views, even if we respectfully disagree here. I’ll keep returning if you want to continue any further discussion here. Once again, I appreciate that Gary is generally supportive of dialogue on his site. Till next time.
@Michael Mainello — Good morning, sir, at least it’s ‘AM’ for ‘EST.’ I was just thinking, since you mentioned ‘service,’ it is indeed truly ‘great’ that our people, and our military, the literal greatest in the history of the world, defeated fascism, white supremacy, and tyranny, in separate wars at home and abroad, over the past two and a half centuries. No, we aren’t perfect, but we, the Americans, are actually pretty darn good, and quite impressive—namely when we fight for the right side of history, for freedom.
So, let’s get back to doing that instead of vilifying each other, unless, of course, you are a foreign agent attempting to sow discord within our own country. A few others, like Mike P, Andy S, Mantis, etc. have done exactly that on here many times, and I have to keep calling them out, as a concerned citizen and as someone who actually enjoys the privileges of travel, which I think should remain free and accessible to as many as possible; hence, why I frequent this site.
You give yourself too much credit. You are a rigid idealogue. From what I can tell according to you President Biden did nothing wrong, except not go far enough to the left. Currently the Dems support the following, just to name a few:
– Corruption in the budget, to the point the executive branch can’t even question the expenditures.
– Open borders and the invasion of the US from illegal invaders
– Destruction of the nuclear family with their gender confusion position and public school indoctrination.
– Abortion up to birth and maybe even 1 day after the baby exits the womb.
– Pro-criminal – lenient on shoplifting and crime in general
– Homelessness
– Opposing anything the Republicans legislatively propose
– Citizenship for anyone entering this country
Just to name a few
Oh and the name calling is typical – foreign agent – how funny. I use my real name, you hide behind a pseudonym.
Also, I have to hand it to you, it took a while for you to throw out the “Trump is a felon” response. Should President Trump’s DOJ indict any Democrats are you going to say oh well the justice system is working or will you scream “political persecution”? Anyone reading this knows the answer.
@Michael Mainello — I sincerely wish the current administration the very best at improving the lives of all Americans, not just those at the top—it has a real opportunity to ride our current economic strength to even greater outcomes, but if it just pillages the public resources for private gain, sadly, I doubt that will be the case.
1990-Something we can agree on.
The last administration failed its citizens – high inflation (no Biden did not inherit inflation), war, deficits (and yes Trump failed in the deficit area). This great economy you tout has had to reduce job growth numbers, twice, by large amounts – an impeachable offense if President Trump had done it.
@Michael Mainello — In nearly 250 years, no one has ‘failed’ yet. We’re about to find out whether the current one will do better or worse than the last. We each have our opinions and preferences—it’s ok to disagree. I still believe in our system of self-government, and hope that it holds, because while it’s imperfect, it’s the best we got.
Your comments have proven you have 2 standards, depending upon the party in power. Worrying if transgender can pat down passengers is just a distraction. Reigning in government spending, wondering how politicians become obscenely rich on a small salary, now that is something to worry about.
The US system of government was tested by Biden’s presidency and survived.
Oh and I noticed you still not have addressed any of his failures.
@Michael Mainello — I’m content with the previous administration, however imperfect, because their intentions were generally good, in service of the American people and our allies. Not going to nitpick, as you wouldn’t listen when I’ve done the same before. That’s not weakness—that’s recognizing a stale mate when you see one.
I’m not sure I can say the same about the current administration, but time will tell. Seems like quite a bit of self-dealing going on—more than anyone else historically. But, hey, what’s a little corruption here and there anyway, so long as it’s an ‘official act’ and the pardon power is absolute, so says the Court. Listen, if He does in fact ‘end all wars,’ I’m ready to call the Swedish Academy myself to nominate Him for the Prize. At that point, even I will be tired from all the winning.
@1990 – ” if He does in fact ‘end all wars,’ I’m ready to call the Swedish Academy myself to nominate Him for the Prize” He did it last time and now you want it again. Give them a call, he deserved one unlike Obama.
“their intentions were generally good, in service of the American people and our allies. Not going to nitpick, as you wouldn’t listen”. I have read and rebutted your facts during this thread.
Since when do “intentions” count for anything? That is a very low bar to achieve. Joe has been in the US Senate for decades and then in the executive branch. He biography should be titled “No accomplishment, but good intentions”.
Thanks for the spirited debate.
@1990 – I know this is bit off the subject of the article, but shouldn’t the Dems be praising the work of DOGE? Look at the Social Security work they have started. Uncovering millions of people over 120 getting benefits, some as old as 350. Yes I know typos, etc, but this is money taxpaying citizen and legal immigrant has paid in. No matter what you make when you work, regardless of your tax bracket and deduction, you still pay 12+% into the system (yes employers pay half, self employed pay the full 12+%.
The Democrats and the especially the media should be curious why this is happening. Unless they are the ones benefitting. Their lawsuits are trying to coverup their crimes. Maybe this is one way the politicians are becoming millionaires on their government salaries.
@Michael Mainello — Yes, passionate debate is the sign of a healthy society, in my opinion at least. There are some on the left and right who seek to ‘cancel’ others for speaking freely—I am not one of those people. Even if someone wants to say offensive things, I will defend their speech, and also disagree with them. The only exception is calls for eminent violence against another, which is not ‘protected.’ Also, once again, Gary is a good host to not micromanage the comments. Join us any time.
@Michael Mainello — #45/47 correctly diagnosed the problem—corruption. But, his method for ‘fixing’ it is a bit too authoritarian for my taste. If anything goes wrong, I presume he will simply blame others. Maybe the media really is so compromised that many will believe Him no matter what. Ultimately, I think a lot of any leader’s ‘report card’ is based on a combination of how people ‘feel’ and whether they’re doing better or worse than before. Time will tell. Once again, I want us to do better, so I am not one of these fools who wants Him to fail just because He isn’t ‘my guy.’ Like, I would prefer to be wrong and pleasantly surprised at the end of the day.
On the official ‘opposition’ party, I don’t have much good to say—they lost. Personally, I’d like to see a new generation lead a left-wing populist party, not a repeat of the same inauthentic corporate centrism.