New Zealand immigration authorities have begun requiring Israelis seeking to visit the country to disclose extensive information about their military service. All Israeli residents 18 and over, male and female, are subject to a military draft with mandatory service generally 24 to 32 months.
Israelis of conscription or reserve-service age now face a multi-step visa process in which they must specify:
- Dates and durations of their Israel Defense Forces service
- Rank, the units they served in, and the bases where they were stationed
- Any involvement in intelligence services, law enforcement agencies, or organizations that ‘promote violence or human rights abuses’
- Whether they have participated in, or been complicit with, ‘war crimes, crimes against humanity, or other human rights violations’
Israel is a visa-waiver country for short stays, so only those visiting for longer than three months have to apply for tourist visas and fill out detailed questionnaires.
At least one Israeli soldier who served in Gaza was reportedly denied entry after completing these forms, although officials did not publicly confirm the reason for the rejection. New Zealand officials say that combat service in Gaza or elsewhere does not alone disqualify an applicant. Australia has enforced a similar requirement, resulting in at least two Israelis being turned away there.
Meanwhile, Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa has announced a hotline to “track down” Israeli soldiers or reservists vacationing in New Zealand, asking the public to report sightings so they can “inform” these IDF personnel that they are unwelcome. They are also pushing for a comprehensive visa ban on any Israeli with past or current IDF ties. They claim New Zealanders must prevent what they call “rest and recreation from genocide” by Israeli soldiers.
New Zealand has not similarly changed its procedure seeking the same level of details with an equivalent, conflict-specific questionnaire on visitors from Syria, Sudan, or other nations currently embroiled in conflict. Make of that what you will.
(HT: Josh S)
Comment sections are really hitting today.
We have Maga vs DEI on who caused the crash
Now here we go with the age old question: Is it Anti-zionist or anti-semitic!?
Bonus points if someone tells us they’re Palestinian therefore can’t possibly be anti-semitic.
Off we go!
Leave the Kiwis alone. They have pretty much nailed how to live life and provide for their own citizens and communities. Sure there are problems but those guys down there are going to inherit the earth one day, I swear to God.
Do they require the same inormation of any Palestinians or other Muslims? After all, most terrorist attacks in the world are carried out by Muslims.
NZ is a repressive, Nazi paradise with a Maori constituency focussed on racial purity. Adolf Hitler would be right at home.
Are you certain that military service is never addressed when Syrians and Sudanese apply for NZ visas? I was asked about my entire working history including military service when I applied for my working holiday visa in NZ. At age 30 it was fairly extensive.
New Zealand (a wonderful country BTW I have visited in the past and look forward to my next trip) can put in place whatever policy they want. They are a sovereign country. If you don’t like it don’t go – no one has a God given right to travel to a specific country
New Zealand and Israel are not political allies.
I have been to New Zealand while stopping in Auckland on an Air New Zealand itinerary. I have never been to New Zealand as the main destination. Now that New Zealand taxes visitors, I have no plans to visit New Zealand, not even as a stopover.
The same is with the Netherlands. I have never gone to Amsterdam (or Utrecht) just to see the city but have stopped several times while on a KLM itinerary.
This is why taxes can drive out visitors.
Israel requires all its citizens to serve, Sudan and Syria do not. Given that 100% of them are in the military, it’s fair to ask what fighting they’ve been involved with and how many innocent Palestinians they’ve murdered. They should ask this of any Hamas members too obviously
I’ll ask this again: ‘who akbar?’ They’re always shoutin’ that question. Can someone please help the ‘watermelon’ folks find the answer. Is it the fish guy from Star Wars? Maybe. Someone should look into that. Might help.
@AC is correct—international travel is a privilege; in the US Constitution, at least for now, only interstate travel is protected. I suppose once our Emperor, sorry, First Consul, declares martial law and takes ‘emergency powers’ the only ‘vacation’ some of us will get to take is a one-way to the sunny beaches of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
NZ was on my bucket list but is no longer. It sounds like Hitlers offspring landed in NZ after all and has rapidly multiplied. The gestapo is alive and kicking.
no thanks.
Not that surprising given that NZ’s white people are generally to the woke Left of the US Democratic party. But I thought they recently elected the conservatives, who generally wouldn’t do this anti-semitic virtue signal.
New Zealanders are stupid! Firstly they have all the stupid Aotearoa crap and now they will not welcome a country that should be the Kiwi’s close friend. I’m so glad I have departed NZ shores for the last time and can see the wider world perspective!
I agree this should be applied to ALL. Any country has the right to prohibit entry to anyone who has committed war crimes whether they be Israelis, Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Americans, Germans,…etc.
Screw NZ.
“no one has a God given right to travel to a specific country”
Um, yes they do. That’s known as a “Natural Right”.
@Mike P
You’re alive! Please, do tell us again how you have ‘no opinion’ on Putin in a post about Russians shooting down planes (then blame it on ‘economic’ theory or some other red herring).
Good luck with that ‘Natural Right’ argument when you show up without a visa. You sound like one of those ‘Sovereign Citizen’ wackos—just ‘traveling,’ not ‘driving.’ *gets arrested*
This article is misleading, mainly because it uses an Israeli newspaper report as its basis. To provide additional information, head over to the New Zealand Immigration Department’s media centre for their response to this and similar articles. It points out that there has been no change in immigration policy, and the need to provide additional information by some applicants has also been there for some time. The form required asks a lot of additional questions, everything from political employment, family members, travel history, criminal history and your involvement in any war crimes or forced detention. The form has been around since at least 2023. You can read more here:
And, just a further note – here is the status of applications and entrance to NZ as at 14 January 2025:
‘Since 7 October 2023, INZ has received:
944 applications from Israeli nationals across both temporary and residence visa applications. Of those received, 809 have been approved, 37 declined, 69 in progress and the remainder have been withdrawn.
259 applications from Palestinian passport holders across both temporary and residence visa applications. Of those received, 177 have been approved, 53 declined, 21 are in progress and the remainder have been withdrawn.
Of the approved applications 320 Israeli nationals and 58 Palestinians have arrived in New Zealand. These include all visa types.’
You can find additional information here:
New Zealand is officially off my travel list.
More anti-Semitism from another country full of c**7ts.
@Joe – You need a lead pill, you Nazi. And your afterthought comment about Hamas does nothing to hide your evil.
Joe says: .comment-author
Israel requires all its citizens to serve, Sudan and Syria do not. Given that 100% of them are in the military, it’s fair to ask what fighting they’ve been involved with and how many innocent Palestinians they’ve murdered. They should ask this of any Hamas members too obviously
As a semitic non-jew, this is ok with me. We must confront them the way Max Blumenthal and Sam Husseini confronted Tony Blinken and Matt Miller. This Holocaust committed in the name of zionism will never be forgotten.
Hmmm my comment was removed what a shame, I guess the author does not like Bible verses to show that those who bless Israel will be blessed.
Just booked a flight to visit NZ.
I’m a Nazi and evil because I pointed out Israel requires everyone to serve in the military vs other countries?…and therefore it’s very likely any of its citizens have engaged in something combative and therefore fair for a country to ask what they did. Get out of here Donald Thumper…go deal with your buddy Elon’s saluting if you want to chase potential Nazis
Both NZ and Oz are inhabited by woke low – IQ leftards…
Israel does not require all citizens to serve in the military. Female Druze, ultra-orthodox Jewish Haredi women, and Israeli Arabs are just some of the groups not drafted into the IDF.
WTF New Zealand. I bet they don’t ask people from other Middle Eastern countries about their military service.
NZ (and English-speaking Oceania as a whole) has proven itself to be a WEF/Globalist social laboratory ever since the pandemic.
No one can be surprised when they engage in any kind of overreach, be it against its own citizens or others.
Whenever anyone brings up Davos (World Economic Forum, WEF, you know, all *those* ‘bankers’) or uses words like ‘Globalist’ …it sounds like your blaming a certain group for all your problems. Probably just a coincidence…like the *awkward ‘straight-arm’ gesture* And oh, no, that’s just a Bhuddist symbol not a.. And you named your German Shepherd *Blondi*, just because you liked the sound of it. Right.. far right.
From the country that gave the legal status of personhood to a forest, a river, and a mountain.
Good Grief!
I wonder if the Kiwis know what a woman is, unlike a serving SCOTUS justice?
Looking forward to my next visits to New Zealand — and overdue time to do a LOTR tour.
Not currently as enthused about any visits to Tr*mp’s favorite countries: Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Hungary, Turkey, Israel, India, the UAE, and probably Milei’s extra-impoverished Argentina.
Give “1990” a salute, but definitely not with Musk’s Nazi saluteS, Musk’s praise for the Nazi-apologist AFD party in Germany, Musk’s call to forget the Holocaust, and Musk’s making jokes as if the Nazi leaders of the 1930s and during WW2 shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Salute decency, and ground inhumanity — no matter who engages in the inhumanity.
Jack Darby isn’t fussing about the legal status of personhood that SCOTUS has given US corporations? That’s far more of a problem than a non-money-spending mountain.
New Zealand is a beautiful country with wonderful people. Had the chance to tour it a decade ago.
If you’re an LOTR fan, Hobbiton in the North Island is a must (about 2 hours from Auckland, so easily a day-trip from there).
Likewise in the north, the black-sand beach at Piha to the west is also wild. And you’ll recognize Cathedral Cove from MS screensaver—great kayaking there.
However, the real natural beauty is found in the south island—base out of Queenstown (ZQN) for that. Hope you get lucky with a clear view at Milford Sound, Aoraki/Mt. Cook. If you’re also a Flight of the Conchords fan, you’ll thoroughly enjoy all the Kiwi colloquialisms—‘like Scotland, but further!’
I did not have the chance to visit either Wellington or Christchurch, but would love to return someday soon.
I don’t mind the foreign military service background questions asked of foreigners seeking immigration services to visit or whatever, but I definitely dislike it when countries ask for foreigners to disclose religious affiliation when seeking immigration services to visit or whatever.
I do not like it when countries backslide on visa waiver type programs, but the US did this — after Australia — and has since pushed for other countries to follow in the US ESTA method of dismantling visa waiver program type access around the world.
The murder of 1500 people vs the same of 50,000 people ?! The Kiwi’s and any other nation should be able to do what they want. Israel is its own worst enemy!
Thanks for sharing as always, “1990”.
Most of my trips to most countries are very short trips, like 1-2 days or 3 days at most. And most of my visits to New Zealand have been like that so far, but now I am looking at a much longer trip to NZ and have family and friends interested in a LOTR tour of NZ.
No worries there. You can do a lot, even in a short time, though a couple weeks is ideal.
Please, do maintain your anonymity (there are monsters lurking here, after all), but depending on where you are based and what you do for a living (like flight crew), I totally get only having a few days, even in far off places. Otherwise, it is quite luxurious to just jaunt to the other side of the world for a long-weekend (many of us too, for fun, too). Safe travels, always.
100% tariffs now!
Never had a non-rev or industry employee discounted tickets unless we are to count more than my fair share of free government and military flights.
@GUWonder Right on!
@Dave Nice try again with that one-trick pony. We (the American consumers) pay the tariffs, not the other country, you fool. It’s a tax on us!
The rate of denial of entry is greater for Palestine than Israel.
We know both sides are guilty of human right violations.
The issue is not with Israeli people, rather the few in charge or those directly responsible that have disregarded human life.
The New Zealand people are in generally very friendly happy who don’t want any potential human rights violators visiting their country and quite frankly neither do most people who haven’t been indoctrinated by propaganda.
Lighten up. Zip sense of humor. Please, for most of us, it would be delightful if you went away
What is it with the supposed ‘free speech absolutists’ and those that clutch pearls over ‘cancel-culture’ that then want to ‘ban’ anyone they disagree with…so you hit ‘em with the ‘it was just a joke; bro.’ Yeah, no, yeah. I’m still here.
Curious when Dave above will be at an airport terminal doing Elon Musk’s Nazi salutes. “Oh, it’s just a joke.” My foot.
And if a country wants to give the boot to — or ground — war criminals or facilitate prosecution of such crimes, all the more power to such countries.
I assume when asked about military service, Israelis respond “clerk” or “car pool.” And, I further assume that Israel would never share details of their citizens’ service.
And, BTW, I postmodern Dave W., never Dave.
@ 1990
Many wonder where you came from, liberal words but still telling the same unfunny
joke about other people’s religion.
Uh oh, was the joke ‘haram’…?!
Old-school liberals are still in favor of free speech—we exercise that on here every day.
Just a point of reference: “Semite” is not a religious description. It is an ethnic description of the people in the region who natively speak one of the many semitic languages, including but not limited to Hebrew and Arabic. So Palestinians, Jews, and even Saudis are all semites, along with many others.
Winston Peters, New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs
say ; @haaretzcom story is fake news, Senator @TedCruz. We are demanding it be corrected.
Israelis do not need visitor visas to travel to New Zealand, let alone have to declare their military service.
And both New Zealand’s Chief Human Rights Commissioner and I – as Foreign Minister – have made clear that the so-called “genocide hotline” is dangerous, antisemitic nonsense.
New Zealanders are a friendly people – and Israelis are very welcome to visit New Zealand. Many do so under our visitor visa waiver programme.
New Zealand & the United States are long-standing, close partners – and we are looking forward to building that partnership further under the Trump Administration.