“The Money Tree” Launches Today

Apr 07 2020

Chris Guillebeau’s books are empowering because they’re actionable, for instance The $100 Startup talked about finding the things people as you questions about – where others see you as an expert – and turning that into a business. And most importantly, not waiting until sometime in the future, not putting together a business plan and raising money and someday actually doing it but bootstrapping your way to success.

This time he’s written a narrative, rather than a how-to. It’s a story, rather than a manual, about a man drowning in student debt, with his job in jeopardy and losing his apartment. But he finds his focus and begins with small steps, including a challenge to earn $1000 in a weekend. Chris sent me an advance copy, and it’s a great new take for him on how to take stock and improve your life when you’re starting from a rough place.

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Trip Report: Stocking Up On Supplies During The Pandemic

Apr 06 2020

I had several reports on recent travels started but I’ve put those aside. I’m not sure it adds a lot of value to anyone right now to write about award travel to Bora Bora, or why I love to go to Paris over the winter (contrary to popular wisdom December and January are my favorite months).

Now though my trips to report on revolve around the grocery store, part of an ongoing series on the world’s most extreme staycation. Instead of a city trip report, I can write a home one. And instead of room service, there’s Doordash, Postmates, and UberEats.

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Two Programs Failing Members, Continue To Expire Points During Coronavirus Crisis

alaska airlines plane
Apr 06 2020

Loyalty programs will need their program members again soon. These are the people who can be incentivized to fill seats and rooms. They’re the ones who will either be chased away by a program which treats them poorly during this challenging time, or lured away by a program who treats them well.

So I think it’s especially notable which programs are still expiring their members’ miles.

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American Airlines Employees Can No Longer Sit In Domestic First Class

economy seats
Apr 06 2020

About a week and a half ago I wrote that if you must travel now, you should consider turning down the first class upgrade. There’s not much service or food to speak of, so you really just get a bigger seat. But first class is more full than coach. You’ll be more comfortable – and more socially distanced – by sitting in back and spreading out in your own row.

American Airlines has basically taken this approach and made it mandatory for their employees who as traveling as non-revenue passengers. “Nonrevs” can no longer fly first class on narrowbody aircraft.

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