Apply For Rewards Credit Cards Soon, They May Become Harder To Get

credit cards
Mar 25 2020

A lot of people are becoming unemployed. To a credit card issuer that means late payments and eventually chargeoffs. The reason banks sometimes reduce credit lights, and tighten lending standards, in a down economy is because there is more repayment risk. This reduces their exposure to bad debt.

I’m still excited for the long term of rewards cards. Thanks to the government’s money printer go brrr right now the cost of credit to banks is unbelievably low.

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Watch: AirAsia Pilots Flee Out Cockpit Window To Avoid COVID-Infected Passengers

Mar 25 2020

Two AirAsia pilots climbed out the window of their plane on Friday when they arrived in Delhi. Video shows one of them taking luggage from the other. They had learned a passenger on board might be infected with the novel coronavirus – or at least was sneezing, which isn’t commonly a symptom of COVID-19. No one on board actually had the virus.

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Delta Reduces Ground Employee Pay 25% Through June, Places 17,000 Employees On Voluntary Leave

delta plane
Mar 25 2020

Delta CEO Ed Bastian sent an internal memo to employees outlining the seriousness of the situation faced by the airline and the steps they’ve taken to date – and informing non-flying personnel that they’ll have their work days refused 20% – 40% through June, resulting “in a 25 percent savings in payroll over the next 90 days.”

Currently 17,000 employees – including 7000 flight attendants – are taking unpaid leave with benefits. This helps scale down the operation by “over 70 percent; parking more than 600 aircraft.”

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American Airlines Suspends Most Food & Beverage Service, And I’m Not Sure It’ll Fully Come Back

airplane food
Mar 24 2020

With load factors in the 20s, it makes sense for passengers to spread out and social distance from each other on the plan. And where possible it makes sense to limit interaction between flight attendants and passengers right now, too.

Changes to American Airlines food and beverage service go into effect this Friday, March 27. They aren’t offering anything for sale in coach, to limit credit card swipes. They won’t service meals in first class except on routes long enough where they figure they have to. And there’s more to it than that.

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Air Canada Launches Mileage Sales And Bidding For Upgrades At An Unusual Time

air canada plane tarmac
Mar 24 2020

There’s not a lot of use bidding for upgrades today for most folks, though remaining Air Canada flights if you’re traveling may have seats available. In the future this will be a more useful feature.

Selling miles makes a ton of sense and it’s really strange that it wasn’t something Aeroplan had done. It doesn’t make any sense buying at regular price. What Air Canada – and every other airline – should be doing now is offering miles for sale at a deep discount.

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Qatar Airways Introduces An Offer Better Than Sticking It To Customers On Refunds

Mar 24 2020

Airlines are worried about surviving. They have your cash. It may not be legal to keep it when flights are cancelled, but most customers will take what they are offered (future travel credit) and very few will complain to authorities.

Qatar Airways though has a better approach. They, too, want your cash. They want your future travel purchases when travel is again in the cards. They are honoring refunds but if you’ll take a credit instead they’ll give you a 10% bonus for taking a voucher. That’s creative and honors the customer.

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