Why Airlines Had Lounges On Planes In The 60s And 70s, And Why Some Still Do Today

Feb 18 2024

Looking back on the dawn of long haul travel in luxurious jets, many people are shocked to learn that airlines frequently offered onboard lounges. Even grand pianos on board!

How quaint, that seems! Why would an airline ‘waste space’ with places for passengers to congregate? Modern airline executives shove as many seats into a plane as possible, even stealing space from lavatories and galleys wherever they can.

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The Time I Bribed A U.S. Border Officer And Brought Someone Into The Country Legally

passport getting stamped
Feb 18 2024

When I was a junior in high school the state finals of debate were at San Diego State University. My team went down to San Diego the night before, and a group of us – mostly 16 years old at the time – decided we might as well go to Tijuana.

Back then you didn’t have to carry a passport to enter Mexico, or return to the U.S. For a land border crossing a drivers license was sufficient.

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These Are The 13 All-Time Best Movies About Travel

Feb 18 2024

I was debating the best travel movies the other day and tried to build my own list. It’s going to weigh heavily towards planes and airports but I’ve also given some thought to being in an unfamiliar place and growing as a person because of the places you’ve been.

I think each of these films is a classic for a reason, and I try to offer a brief take why. That even holds for some of the ones on the list that may not have been so critically acclaimed.

Up in the Air is best for reasons that should be obvious, Die Hard 2 is awesome even if it’s absurd with more plot holes than the business plan for Washington Dulles’ Independence Air. But was there every really a better air crash investigator than Kris Kristofferson in the broadly panned Millenium?

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Why It Makes Sense To Pay For First Class On Domestic Flights

Feb 17 2024

American has become very aggressive in making upgrade offers, especially on flights that don’t appear to be selling in domestic first class. But it’s not just buy ups where American has gone down market. Looking for a one-way trip from Washington DC to Austin that I need in the coming weeks, the first 9 options all had first class just $100 more than coach.

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