Avis Weekend Discounts

Through March 31, Avis is offering third weekend day free with a three or more day rental and also 50% off of weekend rentals of two days or more. Both deals were advertised to me while logged into my Yahoo! e-mail account. They’ve gotten very good at targeting ads based on web-surfing behavior, they have..

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FTD 25 United Miles Per Dollar Plus 100 Miles

FTD is offering 25 United miles per dollar plus 100 miles for flower purchases. It’s a campaign tied to Valentine’s Day and the United Visa, but the offer doesn’t appear to require having or using a United Visa for the purchase. Unclear if or when the offer will expire, as most FTD offers stay around quite a long time. I used a temporary targeted 30 miles per dollar offer successfully for years, and as long as the offer details appear at the top of the landing page it should work. This one is incrementally better than the 25 United mile per dollar offer which has been around for years.

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300,000 Miles in Credit Card Signup Bonuses in a Single App-o-Rama

Regular readers of this blog are certainly familiar with credit card signup bonuses (and in many cases, familiar with which credit cards will let you sign up over and over and receive the bonuses each time). I’ve earned many more miles than this from credit card bonuses over time, but Chris Guillebeau chronicles his stab at 300,000 miles from credit card signup bonuses in a single go. Pretty impressive in his own right, and worth reading for folks that haven’t gone down the credit card signup bonus route in the past. (I also highly recommend the credit card section on Gary Steiger’s website as well as archived posts here of course!) Hat tip to Cranky Flier.

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Queens, New York Holiday Inn – Suites Available for Award Redemption

The brand new Long Island City (Queens) Holiday Inn “Manhattan View” appears to be making all of its room types available when booking an award. The “Kind Bed Manhattan View Suite” normally runs $650 a night but is available for 15,000 Priority Club points. I imagine this is a mistake in how they’d loaded the room types associated with award rate plans, this won’t last, but if I had to guess I’d say it will be honored. At least similar award bookings at other properties have generally been honored in the past.

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Up to 2500 Miles for American Airlines E-Mail Signups

American Airlines has 5 separate e-newsletters, and they’re offering a new promotion where they’ll give you 500 miles for each e-mail you’re not currently receiving that you opt into. Sadly, I was already subscribed to all of them. I think I’ve gotten miles for this in the past. The lesson from the old days, when e-mail signup bonuses were commonplace, was to never accept an email subscription without getting miles for doing so. Offers are far fewer these days, so when something like this comes along jump on it. And a spam-collecting address from Yahoo, Hotelmail, etc. is always useful in this regard.

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The Benefits of Just Joining a Hotel Loyalty Program

The Wall Street Journal explains the entry-level perks of some hotel frequent guest programs, which are offered to a member just for joining. The benefits are relatively modest but it is of course better to join a frequent guest program than not to do so. Some hotel chains offer free internet, others won’t charge for late checkout (but don’t guarantee its availability), and perhaps a free newspaper will be included. I usually roll my eyes when TV travel commentators talk about how great it is to be a member of a hotel’s program. And some guests bluster “But I’m an HHonors member!” as though that should grant them the Presidential suite. But for the beginner, it’s worth understanding that it’s worth joining a program, the little things count (attenuate expectations accordingly, membership generally affords some…

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Free Goldpoints Silver Status

Goldpoints Plus is offering free Silver status and fast track to Gold. The offer was sent to customers of Orange. Based on that and the phone number given as an option for how to take advantage of the offer, I assume it’s intended for U.K. members. To take advantage of this offer, contact the Member Service Centre at goldpointsplus@carlson.com or call +44 207 949 0379 and mention the promotional code indicated in your Orange mailing. A promo code is required, and this Flyertalk thread gives it as SWSL06.

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Freddie Awards Voting Has Begun!

Balloting for the Freddie Awards has begun. Polls close February 28th. Expecut much lobbying from frequent flyer and frequent guest programs, incessant emails from programs to their membership. Marriott’s surprising performance last year was, I believe, in large measure due to signfiicant “get out the vote” efforts and I expect other programs to learn from that result and plan accordingly. Such measures can only have an effect at the margin when over half a million people turn out to vote. But since several awards are ultimately decided by numbers closer than Al Franken’s Senate margin, such efforts can make a difference. One pecularity in how the votes are tabulated — which I admit I’m not keen on — is that the number of votes cast for a particular program only determine whether that program crosses…

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