Free Magazines

free magazine subscriptions
May 07 2005

Some free magazine subscriptions available: A six-month subscription to Better Homes & Gardens. Enter promo code KDIH502BH. A one-year subscription to Genre Magazine (for gay men) A free subscription to TechNet Magazine A free subscription to Driving Sports Magazine A two-year subscription to Black Enterprise

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Triple United Dining Miles

May 07 2005

Register to earn triple United miles at the first three iDine restaurants you eat at by June 30, up to 3000 bonus miles. A credit card set up to earn United miles for dining and an online iDine profile are required. (Okay, I can’t stop calling it iDine, I’ll never manage to refer to it as RewardsNetwork. But at least I’ve stopped calling it Transmedia.)Hat tip to Free Frequent Flyer Miles.

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More Intercontinental Hotels with Presidential Suites Available as Awards

May 06 2005

Following on the recent spate of Presidential Suites available for award redemption at Intercontinental hotel properties (using the standard room 30,000 Priority Club points per night rate, see here and here), Flyertalk’s Savage25 surveyed all the Intercontinental hotels to see where this glitch is currently coming up. The report: For kicks, I tried a random date in October for reward nights at all ICs. ICs that are out of the way seem to have great redemption deals. Figures are Best Flexible rates for the respective room types on the date of redemption. Asia ==== IC THE GRAND PALACE SRINAGAR KING PRESIDENTIAL SUITE $1,000 Middle East and Africa ========== INTERCONTINENTAL DOHA 1 KING BED DIPLOMATIC SUITE $563 INTERCONTINENTAL RIYADH 1 KING EXECUTIVE SUITE $933 MASSARAH TAIF INTERCONTINENTAL 1KNG 1QN 2 BEDROOM ROYAL SUITE $1,119 2 KING…

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Completed all my free electronics offers

free electronics
May 06 2005

I’ve completed all my requirements for the free digital camera from Gratis Networks (the free iPod folks). Actually I’ve completed everything for all of their free electronics offers, and am waiting to receive only the digital camera and the Playstation Portable.For those of you who need to complete a marketing offer for one of these promotions, I notice that both eFax Plus and consumerinfo are currently on the offers list. Both offer 30 day free trials. Thirty day trials are the best because you have plenty of time to get credit for the offer and cancel without being under a time gun. Nothing is shipped, so you don’t even have to pay for shipping. I’ve used both of these before and had no problems with cancellation. (eFax offers cancellation via online chat, and I was…

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25 Delta Miles per Dollar at FTD

May 03 2005

While my favorite miles-for-flowers offer is FTD’s ongoing 30 United miles per dollar spent, it’s worth noting that FTD is also offering 25 Delta miles per dollar spent. The Delta offer is a Mother’s Day promotion. The e-mail from Delta announcing the offer says it will expire May 15, but the webpage itself doesn’t seem to mention a deadline — and if experience is any guide, the offer may still work past the stated deadline.

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When First Class is Really Coach

american airlines plane
May 02 2005

I don’t usually fly American. With the exception of an American Eagle flight booked as a Northwest codeshare in late 2004, I haven’t been on American metal in nearly two and a half years. And my review is this — American Airlines’ domestic first class can be summed up with a your choice of two words: either “ghetto” or simply “coach.” One three of four flight segments, no pre-departure beverages were served. No coats were taken. The MD80 seats are incredibly worn and dirty. Pen markings are on display everywhere, and on one flight duct tape was holding the meal tray cover onto my seat. The ‘meals’ they’re serving look like the food that used to be offered in coach. And by used to I’m not harkening back to the long-gone days at the beginning…

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