Ever stolen a hotel towel? Holiday Inn is offering a towel amnesty day.
More Bureaucratic Mission Creep at the Department of Homeland Security
Apparently the Department of Homeland Security still can’t find terrorism issues to address. So, on top of
Alaska’s 10 Million Mile Giveaway
Register for the Alaska Airlines 10 million mile giveaway. It’s explained here. You do have to fly Alaska Airlines to enter though. Well, except for the obligatory method of entering without purchase: By mail without purchase or obligation or without being a member of the Mileage Plan program and to receive two entries: on a 3″x5″ card, handprint your name, address, city, state, zip, e-mail address, daytime and evening phone numbers, and the words “Alaska Airlines 10-Million-Mile Giveaway” and mail in a # 10 envelope to, Alaska Airlines Giveaway, P.O. Box 4035, Grand Rapids, MN 55730-4035. All entries must be in a separate envelope and mailed separately. All mail entries must be postmarked by December 15, 2003, and received by December 22, 2003 to be eligible. Please note that you must indicate which daily drawing…
Bob Crandall: disingenuously smearing codesharing
Bob Crandall blasts codesharing in this morning’s New York Times (link via Julian Sanchez). He thinks the government ought to crack down. The piece contains numerous half-truths. He identifies 1983 as the start of INTERNATIONAL codesharing. But the practice of codesharing dates back to the 1930s when Western Airlines flew from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City, and United flew from Salt Lake City to the East Coast. Neither could fly coast to coast on their own because the government granted all route authorities back then. But Western, for its financial survival, was given permission to coordinate with United and they operated each others planes and shared crews. For 70 years codesharing has both been about the economics of leveraging large capital investments (planes) and about navigating regulatory waters. It still is! As Crandall observes,…
$39 monitor
Office Depot has the AOC Envision 7ELR 17″ CRT Monitor for $129 minus $20 coupon ($20 off $100 code 48265349 [Exp 9/13]) minus $70 rebate(expires 8/31) makes $39 with free shipping.
Porn Star for California Governor
Between Arnold, Gary Coleman, and Arianna, there’s a tough choice in California.But View from the Wing is ready to endorse a candidate: Mary Carey for Governor.Her platform: 1. Legalize gay marriage in California. 2. Tax breast implants. 3. Make lap dances a tax deductible business expense. 4. If I’m elected Governor, I will wire the Governor’s Mansion with live web cams in every room. 5. I will create a “Porn for Pistols” program to take handguns off the streets. 6. As Governor, I will recruit fellow performers from the adult video industry as ambassadors of good will. 7. I will coordinate the state’s unemployment and jury systems, so that anyone who applies for unemployment will instantly be called for jury duty. 8. I will fight the federal government’s attempts to harass the adult video industry.…
Next in line?
United follows suit: cancel your flight before the departure date can apply the unused ticket as a credit towards a future booking (minus change fee).
Inexpensive Carryon Bag
The Home Shopping Network has a carryon bag for $15. Search for item 842-778 (in the upper left hand corner, quicksearch box). You’ll see the “Simply Go Genuine Leather Upright Carry-On Bag” for $21.85 – $15 off $20 coupon (coupon code 848402 valid for new customers) plus $7.95 shipping = $14.80 including shipping.
Northwest matches — and improves — on American’s change to ticket cancellation policies
Northwest Airlines won’t even require you to cancel your flight before takeoff in order for your nonrefundable ticket to retain value as a credit for future flights.
Free stuff
Get a free sample of Tobasco Chipotle Pepper Sauce and a free sample of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.