Dan Pink repeats

Dan Pink repeats an important factoid from The Economist: In Europe, more people now send and receive short-text messages on their phones than use the Internet. . . . This year, users of mobile phones around the world passed the 1 billion mark. The number of mobile phones is now greater than the number of fixed-line ones.

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Aargh. You know, I spend

Aargh. You know, I spend a few days out of town.. and a couple days out of the country (admittedly on a $150 first class round trip ticket to Puerto Vallarta).. and I miss out on a British Airways fare glitch ($20 round trip). Sorry for letting my dear readers down by not making it available to y’all in time.

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Need to top off that

Need to top off that mileage account? Try falling asleep. A woman who fell asleep on a flight from Newfoundland fell asleep .. and didn’t wake up during landing or during boarding of the planes next flight … and wound up in London. Air Canada flew her home and credited her with the extra miles she flew.

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A new meaning to transubstantiation,

A new meaning to transubstantiation, or the greatest pickup line ever? A priest convinced young girls who were preparing to become nuns that they should engage in sex acts with him — because it would really be having sex with Christ himself. Wish I had thought of that one!

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Last Thursday I said that

Last Thursday I said that United would file by bankrupty by the following Thursday. It took only until Monday. I flew the airline this morning, and the pilot sought to reassure passengers that the crew would not be distracted. Now begins the flurry of activity — also known as business as usual — to restructure the airlines. Most of the news stories report on pro-forma activity, such as this piece from Crain’s Chicago Business which describes United’s request for the bankruptcy court to approve agreements with legal counsel, financial advisors, auditors, and public relations advisors.

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