Is there any worse airport in the United States than Denver International Airport? I don’t think anything else even comes close. To start, Denver airport has the worst TSA setup in the country. In fact, this has been a mess for more than a decade. It just never gets better. And they clearly don’t even think through trying to make it better.
Judge Rules American Airlines’ ESG-Focused 401(k) Plan Violated Federal Law
Federal district court judge Judge Reed C. O’Connor ruled on Friday that American Airlines violated its fiduciary obligation to employee retirement funds by investing in so-called ESG funds, rather than seeking the greatest possible returns for employees.
‘Our Hearts Go Out’: Delta Air Lines President Says Disasters Boost Demand, Good For Business
Destruction may not benefit the economy, but Delta Air Lines President Glenn Hauenstein said during the carrier’s fourth quarter earnings call that it benefits Delta.
Revolutionary AI Hotel In Las Vegas Will Create A Virtual Version Of You [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
From Fresh-Baked Cookies To Cheap Pretzels: How American Airlines’ Cost-Cutting Backfired, Killing Its Premium Edge
The biggest problem with American Airlines management is that they focus on costs instead of revenue. They think on-time performance is all they need to accomplish in order to succeed, and that might be true with commodity products but we’re less and less in a commodity product airline world. Products are differentiated, customers now choose on more than schedule, price and reliability, and American Airlines as a high cost airline needs to earn a revenue premium in order to be profitable.
‘Meals Stored In Faulty Equipment’: American Airlines Catering Scandal Raises Food Safety Fears
American Airlines flight 203 from Amsterdam to Philadelphia took off after loading up on catering for the flight – only the frozen pasta wasn’t going to stay frozen, because it was stored in a device marked as inoperative and that it should be removed from service. That’s where they stored the pasta.
Airline Name Change Arbitrage: How A Loophole Lets Travelers Resell Unused Tickets
There’s an online marketplace that lets passengers sell their airline tickets, called OffFly. They arbitrage airline ticket name change rules to match passengers who want to fly with those who already have tickets, and whose names are close enough.
Delta Passengers Flee Via Slides as Aborted Takeoff in Atlanta Injures Four
Four passengers were injured evacuating Delta Air Lines flight 2668 in Atlanta this morning as the Boeing 757-300 to Minneapolis aborted takeoff shortly after 9 a.m. due to an engine issue. Passengers were instructed to exit via emergency slides.
After Two Bottles Of Liquor, American Airlines Passenger Assaults Flight Attendant: “Kind Gesture To Say, Thanks, Man”
A retired firefighter traveling on American Airlines flight 167 from New York to Tokyo Haneda forced a diversion to Alaska on January 5 after the business class passenger struggled with a lavatory door, began banging it from inside, and got confused about how the handle worked.
When the man finally made it out, he’s alleged to have grabbed a flight attendant by the lapels, which the crewmember considered aggressive and he called a “kind gesture.”
Unreal Scene: British Airways 777 Parked in Dense Delhi Fog Becomes a Global Sensation [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.