Passenger Becomes Possessed, Turns To Interpretive Dance After Flight Gets Cancelled

Aug 06 2023

When inner rage hits and there’s just nothing to do with it except let it out, I suppose this is more productive than taking it out on someone else.

A passenger whose flight was cancelled does just that – lets it out – by acting first as though she’s possessed, and then turning to interpretive dance to express herself. We’ve all been there, amiright?

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American Airlines Begins Rebuilding Its New York Strategy

Aug 06 2023

Before the pandemic American basically squatted on slots, flying as little as possible without giving up their New York assets. More domestic short flights and less international long haul from New York could be a move back in that direction. Hopefully not – hopefully they’ve learned an important lesson they’ve articulated over the past two years.

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United Flight Attendant Forces Special Needs Toddler To Walk Up And Down Aisle Of Delhi Flight

Aug 05 2023

A United Airlines flight attendant parent-shamed business class passengers on a delayed Delhi – Newark flight, after their special needs three year old woke up nine hours into the journey. The crewmember chastised the passengers for their lack of parenting when the boy was hungry (United didn’t board his child meal) and the mother had to improvise for food and tend to the kid at the same time.

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How Old Is Your Hotel’s Mattress?

Aug 05 2023

You’re simply not going to get a quality night sleep on a mattress that’s been used every night, by different people, for over ten years. They’ll develop bumps and pockets, and guests will complain – no matter how many times mattresses are flipped and rotated (and cleaned, though this often happens just a couple of times per year). Some hotels even keep using ripped and soiled mattresses, but an upper upscale property should not.

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