Flight Attendant Demands To Know Why Passenger Needs The Bathroom, Says Her Answer Is Harassment

Feb 22 2023

Right on the heels of that spicy flight attendant telling people they shouldn’t use the lavatory when they first board a plane, a JetBlue flight attendant confronts a passenger demanding to know why they could possibly need to use the lavatory since they’d spent a three hour delay in the terminal. And the crewmember even went so far as to claim airplane toilets don’t flush while the plane is on the ground.

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Bilt Targets 5x Earning To Lock In Customer Spend With Amazon, Food Delivery, And Cell Phone/Internet

Feb 22 2023

This is highly valuable to me personally. It makes the Bilt Mastercard the most lucrative card for Amazon spend (more valuable than the 5% back Amazon Visa because I value Bilt points at a minimum of 1.7 cents apiece) and the most lucrative for food delivery as well.

But I’m most interested in the strategy because of what these spending categories have in common.

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United Airlines Change Means They Can Ban Customers Who Complain Too Much About Delays

united plane
Feb 21 2023

United Airlines has added language to its Contract of Carriage to say that they will not honor mistake fares, but that if you book one and incur non-refundable costs as a result they will reimburse those costs.

The airline also now says that booking flights likely to be delayed, and then complaining about the delays for compensation, is grounds to be banned from the MileagePlus frequent flyer program.

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How American Airlines Decides Which Flights To Delay And Cancel During Bad Weather

american plane
Feb 21 2023

During a meeting with pilots last week, American Airlines Chief Operating Officer David Seymour reviewed the carrier’s recent performance from the holidays and February storms, noting that “[Dallas – Forth Worth airport] does not deal with ice that well.” DFW is known colloquially as ‘Doesn’t Function Wet.’

Kendall Lock, American’s Vice President for Airline Operations Technology, reviewed how the new HEAT system works to choose which flights to delay in order to end up cancelling fewer trips.

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USELESS: Delta Now Charges Over 500,000 SkyMiles One Way For Some Economy Travel

Feb 20 2023

If you’ve wanted to get value out of SkyMiles you’ve needed to (1) usually fly coach, and (2) luck out with one of their ‘flash sales’ on domestic routes and travel to the Caribbean.

Even coach travel, though, is no longer reasonable even when it’s seats that are likely to go unsold in coach. They’ve started charging over 500,000 miles one way for some economy partner awards to Asia.

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