Guests Are Stealing Insane Things From Hotels – Even Mattresses Are Heading Out The Door

Nov 20 2022

Forty nine hotels reported mattresses being stolen in a two year period. Not towels. Actual mattresses, and I imagine many hotels don’t admit the thefts so the real number is higher. How does a guest even do this without getting caught? (Most reports are that it happens in the middle of the night.)

What do you take from hotels, and what seems like crossing the line?

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Flavor Flav Scores Spirit Airlines Gold Status After Airport Incident

Nov 20 2022

Yeah, boyeeeeee! Flavor Flav lost it at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday night after missing his Spirit Airlines flight to Detroit.

Sixty three year old William Drayton, Jr. became a public enemy of Spirit Airlines after the doors were closed before he could get onto the aircraft. And he was captured on video unloading on the gate agent with some salty language.

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The Strange Story of How Baltimore’s Friendship Airport Became BWI

bwi ad
Nov 20 2022

Baltimore/Washington International airport is named for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. But that’s not the interesting part of its name.

It was once known as Friendship International airport and its airport code was a logical BAL for Baltimore. Before Washington Dulles opened jets that were too large for National airport went to Baltimore.

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What You Need To Know About Europe’s New Entry Rules For Americans

Nov 19 2022

The U.S. doesn’t require most Europeans to get a visa to come here. They do, however, have to register online in advance and get an approved “ESTA.” Which is like an electronic visa! It’s just that the process we put people through to get something we actually call a visa is much, much worse.

Europe is responding in kind and creating their own online registration system that residents of much of the world will have to use before being allowed to enter. It’s called ETIAS, for the European Travel Information and Authorization System.

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How (And When) To Change Your Name On An Airline Ticket

airline ticket
Nov 19 2022

As a general rule airlines don’t let you change the name on a ticket. If you could swap names, you could resell tickets, and that would undermine airline pricing strategies that try to charge more for the kind of last minute travel usually purchased by business travelers.

That’s also why airlines started insisting on ID’ing travelers, to make sure their tickets weren’t being resold.

However name corrections are often possible. Here’s what to do.

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