A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
“Quit Sending Naked Pictures” Southwest Airlines Pilot Threatens To Turn Plane Around
A Southwest Airlines pilot threatened to turn the plane around and return to the gate if Cabo-bound passengers didn’t stop airdropping naked photos to each other, as captured in video posted to social media last week.
The pilot warned “Vacation is going to be ruined.” And – doubling down on his dad vibes threatening to turn the car around, he said “whatever that AirDrop thing is” passengers needed to “quit sending naked pictures, and let’s get yourselves to Cabo.”
American Airlines Stranded Passengers Overnight In The Airport For No Reason, Bermuda Government Says
Monday night I wrote about the American Airlines flight from Miami to London that diverted to Bermuda stranding passengers inside the terminal for 21 hours.
For the first 11 overnight hours of their stay passengers report that they received water and pretzels. American Airlines says this is because of Bermuda’s Covid rules, but the government there says this isn’t true.
American Airlines Passengers Stranded Mere Feet From Paradise, Complaining About Lack Of Food
Throughout the pandemic I’ve been telling people they needed to pay attention to Covid-era entry rules not just for their destination – did they need a test? proof of vaccination? could they visit at all? – but also for any connecting points along the way. You don’t want to get stuck in an airport where you can’t enter the country, in case your flight gets cancelled or you miss your connection.
But there’s not a lot you can do when your plane goes mechanical and you’re not allowed into the country. Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened to American Airlines flight 38 from Miami to London Heathrow on Sunday evening.
Here’s Something Your Collision – And Credit Card Rental Insurance – May Not Cover When You Rent Cars
A reader shared how they got stuck with $1289 in charges after their rental car got hit by someone else, even though they had insurance, the other driver had insurance, and they used a credit card with rental car collision coverage.
Join Me In Using Miles To Make The Last Moments Of Life Meaningful
One of the questions I’m asked most frequently is ‘how can I donate miles to charity?’ And the problem is that you really can’t unless you want to give to one of a handful of pre-selected groups your frequent flyer program endorses, or you want to directly book an award for someone out of your account. But this is not always true and you can make a difference.
British Airways Sees More Companies Adopting Avios As Their Currency [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
Train Service To Dulles Airport Starts Soon, And No One Will Ride It [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
It’s Time to Allow Inflight Gambling: Help Airlines Recover And Improve Passenger Experience
Airlines have gone through unprecedented challenges as a result of the global pandemic. Carriers have taken on enormous levels of debt and have only limited ability to invest in their product again. Delta CEO has even said he expects future bailouts if they’re needed. What if the solution to long-term airline solvency were right in front of us? What if it took just a tweak to one law to make happen? And we might never be stuck doling out subsidies again.
How to Get Rid of Foreign Currency Before You Come Home From an International Trip
What’s your foreign currency routine? How do you buy it, and do you convert it back to your home currency when you leave a country?