New Status Match Offer From LATAM

plane on tarmac
Apr 12 2022

As travel returns, airlines have been looking to juice their elite ranks. One way they do that is by poaching customers from competitors. It’s hard to attract a customer used to elite treatment and asking them to start with your business at the bottom. So giving them an easy path to switch makes sense.

Now another airline has entered the fray. LATAM will match the status of customers with any other frequent flyer program of an airline operating in the region.

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Women In Swimsuits Check In For American Airlines Flight, Agents Are Like ‘No Big Deal’

Apr 12 2022

Earlier this year American Airlines told a former Miss Universe that her athleisure wear wouldn’t fly.

Yet at its hub in Miami, dress codes are interpreted differently. The best part of this photo isn’t the women in swimsuits checking in with American Airlines, it’s the ‘no big deal’ expressions on the faces of American’s agents. Click the tweet for full photo.

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Is The Air Travel Mask Mandate About To Get Extended Again?

Apr 11 2022

We’re a week away from the expiration of the transportation mask mandate, and masks are generally required only on planes, trains, buses and automobiles (and in certain backward parts of the country, preschools). However Philadelphia just imposed an indoor mask mandate and that potentially makes it more difficult for the Biden administration to take a more permissive (albeit purely symbolic) stance. However we’re no longer in a place where public mandates are needed.

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New American Airlines Business Class Is Coming With Bigger Cabin, Seats With Doors

Apr 11 2022

We’re not just looking at a new seat, but also more premium seats. I wrote last fall that American Airlines is planning to put more business class seats on planes. That’s true both for their widebodies and also their Airbus A319s.

We’re getting some sense now just what this means from two separate recent reports that I’ve confirmed.

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Insiders Say Hotels Must Stop The Covid Cuts Now – It’s Immoral (And Bad For Business)

Apr 11 2022

Jeff Bezos says the biggest mistake businesses make is not focusing most on what customers want. However Marriott’s CEO – who says workers make too much money and guests need to have more sympathy for hotel ownership groupssays his chain needs to modify brand standards to “consider franchisee feedback and..focus on reducing costs.”

Two hoteliers and hospitality consultants are pushing back, making the case that the hotel industry is living a big lie.

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