US Border Patrol Says They Can Create Central Repository Of Traveler Emails, Keep Them For 75 Years

Aug 17 2020

The U.S. government has taken the opportunity during the global pandemic, when people aren’t traveling out of the country much, to roll out a new platform for storing information they believe they are entitled to take from people crossing the border. A new filing reveals how the U.S. Border Patrol will store data from traveler devices centrally, keeping it backed up and searchable for up to 75 years.

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Joe Biden’s Campaign Will Go Without A Plane (Since The Candidate Won’t Leave His Basement)

Aug 17 2020

Presidential campaigns traditionally have planes. But this year Joe Biden is going without one since he won’t leave his basement won’t be traveling much for in-person events during the pandemic.

Biden will be saying Trump events are “gambling with American lives for his own political gain.” Yet he hasn’t actually ruled out getting a plane and doing events later “if individual states change their guidelines.”

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The Math On Another Round Of Airline Payroll Bailouts Is Insane. Has Nobody Done The Math?

woman using ATM
Aug 16 2020

Airlines and their unions have asked for a ‘clean extension’ of the payroll support money, another $25 billion. However if that’s to save 75,000 jobs through March 31, 2021 that amounts to $333,333 per job and come April 1 we’ll see job losses again (when it’s not election season).

Seriously, has anybody actually done the math here?

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American’s Threat To Cut Service From 30 Cities Isn’t a Ruse, Just A Convenient $6 Billion Smash And Grab

man speaking on microphone
Aug 16 2020

A ‘clean extension’ of the CARES Act means another $5.8 billion for American, a lot more money than they’d save with furloughs, and then we’ll be back to laying off employees again April 1 when it’s no longer election season.

Matthew Klint asks if American’s plan to drop ‘up to 30 cities’ without CARES Act money is ‘just a ruse’. It’s not, though the timing of leaking the story to Leslie Josephs was clearly designed as a tactic to push for a second government bailout.

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